[Sub Terra 2]
Salut à tous!!!
j’attends avec impatience la sortie de subterra 2… Prévu initialement en mars 2021. Mais impossible à trouver… où est il???
Quelq’un serait où trouver ce jeux.
J’ai en ma possession le sub terra 1 avec toutes ses extensions et j’adore ce jeux c’est mon top1.
bisous a tous et à l’équipe trictrac que je suis sur Youtube.
Bcp de retard du a la pandémie
Je l ai kickstarte toujours rien reçu mais ça approche selon les dernières nouvelles.
Il faudra patienter un peu plus longtmeps pour la sortie physique
Hello, Explorers!
We’re happy to say that production keeps moving forward! Almost all changes to the Sub Terra II range and their various components have been made and approved by the factory - which is pretty amazing!
Some of you keen-eyed explorers noticed some stretch goals missing in the initial pictures we shared last month - don’t worry, these are all sorted! One was missed by the factory because they were going off the original quote which didn’t include it, but most were just not produced with the sample because they take too long to produce - we’ve now gotten and approved digital samples for (almost) all of these!
Donc Q1 2022 au mieux…