[Campaign Manager 2008]
Il me manque une carte du deck Obama dans Campaign Manager 2008. Est-ce que quelqu’un pourrait me dire laquelle, sachant que voici celles que j’ai :
!Si se puede!
“Bomb, bomb Iran”
“Change we can believe in”
“Health care for the wounded troops”
“Judgment to lead”
“McCain: Out of touch, out of ideas”
“Reclaiming the american dream”
“The change we need”
“The Iraq war has made us less safe”
“Vote for change”
“We are the change that we seek”
“Welfare to work”
Bring the troops home
Catholics for Obama
Colin Powell
Crank and bank
Economic roundtable
Hillary Clinton
Main street vs. Wall street
McCain = Bush 3rd term
Meet the press
Middle-class tax cut
Neighborhood team leaders
No more politics as usual
Online fundraising
Rick Warren
Rock the vote
Running a clean campaign
Social networking
Special access
Staying on message
The audacity of hope
The fundamentals of our economy
The Washington Post
This week
Visiting the troops
Weekend ad blitz
Wesleyan commencement
Women for Obama