[Conquest of Speros]
Bonjour, voila en fouillant sur le net, je suis tombé sur ce jeu ; Conquest of Speros

Voici le résumé ( en anglais, j’aurais bien traduit mais y en a toujours pour se plaindre d’une traduction approximative
“Conquest of Speros is a fun and fast card game where you take control of an army trying to secure land and resources for your race”
“Conquest of Speros is a card-driven area control game for 2-4 players. Each player takes on the role of a General, set on the task of expanding the influence of her faction by gaining control of territories and undermining the deployments of her opponents. It is produced by Grey Fox Games and plays out in about 30 minutes, promising a gameplay experience commiserate with its portable box size.”

“Conquest of Speros is a fun and fast card game where you take control of an army trying to secure land and resources for your race”
“Conquest of Speros is a card-driven area control game for 2-4 players. Each player takes on the role of a General, set on the task of expanding the influence of her faction by gaining control of territories and undermining the deployments of her opponents. It is produced by Grey Fox Games and plays out in about 30 minutes, promising a gameplay experience commiserate with its portable box size.”
-Qui a eu la chance de tester ce jeu ?
-Une VF prévu ?
-Quelqu’un serait-il pret a faire la traduction des règles ? ( j’ai peur que mon anglais ne soit pas suffisant

Ha oui pour ce qui est du prix, il est à une vingtaine d’€