[D&D Temple of Elemental Evil]

Quelques petites nouveautés sympatoches donc, dommage qu’ils mettent un point d’honneur à sortir de telles cartes dignes des années 80 (et encore…). Avec toute leur base d’illustrations D&D, pourquoi ce parti-pris aussi naze ???

The_Kerf dit:Quelques petites nouveautés sympatoches donc, dommage qu'ils mettent un point d'honneur à sortir de telles cartes dignes des années 80 (et encore...). Avec toute leur base d'illustrations D&D, pourquoi ce parti-pris aussi naze ???

pour rester cohérent avec la gamme :lol:
sinon je ne sais pas....quand on voit les cartes illustrées sur d&d dice masters a coté... :(

Sinon j'attends quand même la boite,j'aime bien la nouvelle methode utilisée pour les pièges,et le petit coté campagne ,même si ultra basique.

La suite du journal du designer :
https://boardgamegeek.com/blogpost/4117 … crafting-s

Règles et campagne

j’aime bien tout ce que je lis et je vois,pas mal de nouvelles petites choses (certaines tuiles avec deux monstres,des cartes avancées a integrer au fur et a mesure de la campagne-sans doute pour gerer la puissance des monstres/event-,le fait de changer de niveau qu’en depensant des sous a la ville,etc),mais un truc m’étonne: si on perd une mission en campagne,on peut la reprendre en gardant les trésors…
du coup on ne meurt jamais en fait?

Super je l’attend avec impatience !
Merci pour tous ces spoils !! :^:

Par contre la qualité des minis m’a l’air sacrément en baisse par rapport aux autres boites,j’espère me tromper,mais les photos font peur :(

A priori vu que ça doit venir de wizkids les figs devraient êtres pas mal non ?
Sinon personne veut spoil un livre d’aventure ? :^:
Avec mes remerciements et mes compliments !

Pour le livre d’aventures,on sait qu’il y a 3 quêtes qui se passent dans la ville. :)
pour les figurines,je sais pas j’ai l’impression de voir plus de lignes de moulage qu’avant et un plastique plus cheap:
mais c’est j’ai pas les figurines de Wrath sous la main pour comparer…

Hadoken_ dit:Pour le livre d'aventures,on sait qu'il y a 3 quêtes qui se passent dans la ville. :)
pour les figurines,je sais pas j'ai l'impression de voir plus de lignes de moulage qu'avant et un plastique plus cheap:

mais c'est j'ai pas les figurines de Wrath sous la main pour comparer...


-32 illustrated, interlocking dungeon tiles
-42 plastic heroes and monsters, including the large black dragon
-Rulebook (well friggin’ DUH!)
-Adventure book
-200 Encounter, Monster, and Treasure cards (and all the other cards of course)
-280 markers and tokens (never counted the other games, WOW!) (P.S. not shown in the picture)
-20-sides die (black)
Stones not included (because the promo pic shows the game components on some flat rocks and the lawyers really expected someone to complain about not getting 20lbs of rocks in their box?)
Didn’t get a chance to open it up until later that night (with the kidlet) and all we really got a chance to do was ogle the figs. But first was looking at the rule and adventure books, and all the other loose papers. Oddly enough, they were all pre-packed in a great big baggie. That’s different from before. There is a sheet showing all the figs in their pre-painted versions with an explanation that some of the names might be different on the figs and the cards, but this is what all the figs are called. I think it’s a push to get anyone interested in collecting the pre-paints to start a list of what they need. However, my opinions on the blind packs are in a whole 'nother thread and I shan’t go into that here.
Interestingly, the figs all came packaged in a buncha baggies, sorta grounping them together. I immediately dumped 'em all out, 'cause who’s got time for that???
-The Black Dragon, Velathidros (can we get a pronunciation guide with these names or something, sheesh!) comes with a separate base and plastic rod. This is a GOOD thing because otherwise it’s just gonna snap right off. Fortunately it stores in the little cubby under the dungeon tiles. He’s (she’s? I don’t think there’s enough detail on the mini to tell) not nearly as big as Ashardalon or Ertu but it’s got BIG spread wings and is still plenty scary enough and takes up a lot of room in the box.
-Swerglemergle the Ettin - BIG and purple! There’s some GOOD detail on this guy!
-Fire Elemental - large and purple.
-Air Elemental - large and translucent blue.
-Earth Elemental - slightly larger than medium and purple.
-Water Elemental - slightly larger than medium and translucent blue.
-Arkashic Thunn, Salamander - slightly larger than medium and purple.
-5 Heroes in regular heroic dark blue: Alabros - Male Human Fighter, Talon - Female Human Ranger, Barrowin - Female Gold Dwarf Cleric, Ratshadow - Male Lightfoot Halfling Rogue, Nymmestra - Female Sun Elf Wizard. Unfortunately the store didn’t have the D&D Icons pre-paints in or I SO woulda gotten that with the game!
(The rest of the figs are all green.)
-3 Firebats, all bases intact! (so far …)
-3 Gnoll Archers (fighters) that are BIG and have lots of loverly details.
-3 Bugbears, also big-ish and with good detail.
-3 Hobgoblin fighters, armed with swords.
-3 Troglodytes, skinny guys, with very thin spears.
-3 Doppelgangers, looking kinda Golum-like, actually. Can’t wait to see the mechanic for these guys!
-3 Air Cultists, with capes and crossbows.
-3 Earth Cultists, with heavy armour and clubs.
-3 Fire cultists, with heavy armour and flaming spears.
-4 Water Cultists, with very light armour, a shield, and a “sword” made up like a sawfish blade (or rostrum (had to look that one up)). Counting all the figs, it would appear that having 4 of these is an anomaly.
So, a few thoughts on the figs, other than AWESOME!!! When I looked on the back of the box, the blue and purple figs were MUCH lighter in colour than what’s actually IN the box. The blues and purples are REALLY dark and in fact, unless there’s STRONG light, pretty much look the same, so what’s the point of that? The green is a very un-inspiring colour. HOWEVER, I gotta say, without having a clue about how to actually MAKE coloured plastic figs, I think they really screwed up here. This is a game about ELEMENTALS for crying out loud! Elementals have COLOURS associated with them, SO USE THEM! The earth and fire elementals are PURPLE??? Who the … picked THAT??? I guess maybe it would cost more to run more colours, but really, how much more, considering how much more the game is priced at? The big boss elementals are a BIG deal so would it’ve killed 'em to make the fire elemental translucent red/orange, the air elemental translucent clear/grey/white, and the earth elemental brownish? The salamander should be red, not purple. And while we’re at it, all those cultists, those bland, GREEN cultists, all looking the same, 'cause they’re all male humans, how about making THEM the proper elemental colours as well so that we can pick 'em out without having to squint REAL HARD at the tiny letters under the bases? They don’t have to be translucent if that’s a problem, but light blue for water, red for fire, brown/tan for earth and grey/white for air would make it a LOT easier to grab the right guy outta the box. The black dragon is fantastic, the purple ettin is cool, and the other monsters are okay as green (except the firebats, make them translucent red/orange too, like the prepaint), and the heroes are blue in all the other games so they should be blue here as well.
The next day I sat down to punch out the sheets. There’s 13, like in the other games so there’s a LOT to punch out. Oddly, I noticed that they weren’t labeled 1/13 … 13/13 like I expected. The tiles are beautiful, dark and foreboding, marked with LOTS of traps, 0-3 monster symbols (a dragon symbol, NOT something that’s part of the floor like previous games) and an elemental symbol. I don’t know what they mean but they have different colours so eventually I’ll figure them out. There’s 23 “regular” tiles and 9 special ones:
Fire Altar
Water Altar
Earth Altar
Air Altar
Furnace Room
Guard Room
Massacre Site
Pool of Olhydra
Since I haven’t read the Rulebook or Adventure book yet, I have no idea if these have any significance in the game. It’s possible. Certainly the Altars gotta be special.
The Start tile is double-wide (not double-long) and every exit off of it is a trap. This place is DEADLY! Then there’s 4 other double-big tiles, each of them a different Elemental Air/Fire/Water/Earth Node. The good news is there’s no traps on them. The bad news is that whatever they do have, it’s probably worse! The really EXCITING thing is that on the BACK of the five double-size tiles are the TOWN tiles! The Start Tile is the Town Square and I guess the town is randomly built up from there? There’s also people-markers on 9 of the buildings. No idea how that plays yet.
Each of the big bosses has their own tile: Earth+Air Elementals, Fire+Water Elementals, Arkashic Thunn, Salamander + SwergleMergle, Ettin. Velathidros the BLack Dragon has his own double-sized, double-sided Villain tile. There’s not actually much need for it to be double-sided as most of it is taken up by a picture of the fig, however, one side is for when the village is attacked and the other side is when at home in the Water Node, so that’s cool.
Each of the five heroes of course have their own board, with the flip side being 2nd level. One thing I’ve already done is put each hero board in a sandwich baggie, along with the power cards, the correct number of hit-point tokens, and one Advantage and Disadvantage markers. That way it’s EASY to grab a hero and start playing, and we should be able to keep gold and upgrades in the baggies as well.
One thing to note here is that once all the bits were removed from the sheets, it’s REALLY hard to get things to fit back into the box. I haven’t thrown out all the sheet leftovers yet, because I like to use 'em to push the box insert closer to the top of the box to keep things from falling about, but the divider between the two dungeon tile pockets is too high to stack the double-sided tiles in, which is a big pain.
As noted there’s a LOT of tokens. I haven’t counted them but I’ve got 'em stored in snack baggies (or I coulda used the baggies the figs came in) and there’s a LOT here!
Traps. LOTS of traps. I love how the “empty” ones are different (empty, dud!, clear, bare, safe) that’s really cool. Watch out for the Fire Trap as it does 4 points of damage! As a note, I suspect that these are one of those things where you’re supposed to put all the trap tiles face down, mix 'em up, then place them as needed. I HATE that in games. That ends up being 90% of the damned setup time flipping 'em all over and gently nudging them about to “shuffle” them. Why couldn’t they provide a buncha “LOOKOUT! TRAP HERE!” markers that you remove when you trigger a trap and then just draw a proper trap out of a cup or something? I’ll probably use pennies as trap markers and do this.
Gold. Oh my! SO MUCH GOLD! Big 1000gp coins, medium 500gp coins, and small 100gp coins. Looks like there’s a need for LOTS of gold in the game, and that’s a GOOD thing for playing a campaign!
Hit point markers. These have “1 HP” on one side and a red splash on the other. I’m still partial to Ravenloft’s black on the “not in use” side, but these are different enough I guess. WoA ones were harder to tell which side was which, but maybe they are like these ones? I can’t remember. Question: Does ANYONE ever use the 5HP markers? They are completely useless as far as I can tell. It’s so much of a pain to “colour-up” when you need to take one point of damage and need to “make change” that I only ever use singles for the heroes. I’ve got all the HP markers for the heroes, including the 2 extra for level 2 and there’s still LOTS of singles left, and all the 5HP ones. Maybe when dealing with monsters they can be used? Honestly I’d rather they not bother wasting space printing these and print extra tokens that can be used to ENHANCE the game afterwards.
Villagers. There’s 9 people-spots in the village and 9 villagers: Amber, Borivik, Calabra, Drusilia, Eldon, Fodel, Gorstag, Heian, and Ivy. But WHY are there TWO of each villager? I haven’t read the booklets yet so maybe there’s a reason, but I’m confused about why you’d want a duplicate person. Maybe finding a duplicate means a doppelganger attack? But does that then mean that if you are looking for someone in particular, they might not show up if you’ve only got 9 out of the 18 tokens? I’m confused here.
Game tokens. Lots of these. Monster HP/wound tokens, including some 2HP ones so the monsters here are gonna be tough! Monster “Stunned” tokens, although they seem shaped more for the larger sized monster bases? I’m a little unclear on why we need 10 of those though. Eight time tokens for adventures where you don’t have nearly the amount of time you’re gonna need to get the job done. Four water tokens (I think) but only for water, not any of the other elements. Five Rage of Imix (discussed in one of the Designer Blogs). A Devastation Orb, a Fleeing Cultist, and Mychasi, which is a metallic dragon character? Again, I haven’t read anything so I have no idea what these are all for.
Healing Surges (5) and all the character “bonuses”. These are BIG green markers with prices from 700gp to 1200gp and I think these are really gonna make the campaign system really shine!
The cards each came in a re-closable baggie instead of being shrink-wrapped. But the cards are REALLY thin. I haven’t compared stacks against the other games, but these don’t feel like regular playing cards, they feel like a Print’n’Play on standard card-stock. If anythings gonna fail in this game (after the plastic rods for the dragon and firebats) it’s gonna be cards getting ripped, and worse, bent from being mis-shuffled. I guess I’ll just have to be careful. Quickly looking through the cards, the monsters are all 1-2 HP so they’re not as tough as I feared. But some of those Encounters are nasty! There’s lots of Fortunes (mostly 100gp pouches of copper). Some of the items are only 300gp to buy? That’s not so bad. There’s special adventure cards, including allies, the fleeing cultist, Mychasi the Brass Wormling (I think I have a figure I can use for that one!) and even special items. Here’s a nasty event: “Your Hero takes damage equal to the number of monsters you control”! Some of the events aren’t too terrible: “Your Hero gains 200gp. Draw another Encounter card.” Ah! Here’s the big ones. Empowered Earth Cultist has 4 HP! I heard that as the campaign goes on, you add more cards to the decks. That’s a good way to re-use the figs. I LIKE it!
I haven’t looked through all the hero cards (it’s getting late here!) but one thing that stands out is the fighter’s required to have his Battle Axe as one of his At-Will powers. That thing is +6/1 damage to adjacent monsters but you can then move two squares after the attack. BUT, he’s also got a dagger that’s +10/1 damage to adjacent monsters. I think the +4 chance to hit a monster means I’d be using that dagger almost all of the time.
So, yeah, it lives up to my expectations, component-wise. Still need to read everything and actually PLAY THE GAME, but that shouldn’t be a problem. However, there’s a few thoughts that crossed my mind as I was looking at things:
Part of me wonders what could happen if this were a Kickstarter project. For one thing, there SHOULD be a stretch-goal to upgrade the cards to something more reasonable. And another stretch-goal to add more colours to the figs. And maybe illustrations to the cards. And maybe extra sheets of tokens and things? And another set of campaign adventures? And what I’d REALLY love are add-ons for things like a complete set of figs from the pre-paint line, or extra tiles, or additional hero packs (board, fig, and power cards), or additional monsters (especially elemental-related ones). And maybe they’d listen to some feedback about how the backs of the tiles and cards are marked with the D&D logo? I’ve seen how awesome games can become when there’s enough support. I wonder how much MORE awesome ToEE coulda been?
There’s a LOT of goodness packed into those board sheets, but there’s also a couple of them (the ones with the hero and boss boards) which looked rather sparse. Why couldn’t they have squeezed things up a bit on those boards and been able to give the designers a chance at adding a few more bonus tokens so that we could make up our OWN campaigns?
The Villager tokens are okay being round, but maybe they should experiment with other shapes. Make them octagonal or something just so that it’s easier to tell which tokens are which? They don’t ALL have to be round or square. Mix it up!

vidéo des mécanismes d’une partie : https://boardgamegeek.com/video/69208/d … s-temple-e

Si jamais une âme charitable a un pdf du livre d’aventure ça serait vraiment top !! :^:

vidéo de la 1ère aventure ( Escape ) : Ranger and Fighter => Intro and Set up

1ère aventure : Escape => Turn One

1ère aventure : Escape => Turn two

Excellent, j’aime beaucoup cette série.
Savez vous à partir de quand on pourra trouver le jeu en France ?
Au cas ou, j’ai mélangé et réarrangé le contenu des boîtes précédentes à ma façon pour faire des aventures à thème, seul les tuiles me posait souci, avez vous des idées et/ou conseils pour leur stockage.

En voila une bonne question, je l’ai précommandé il y a un moment sur Ludikbazar mais je n’ai pas de nouvelles et je ne trouve plus le jeu sur leur site… :|

1ère aventure : Escape => Turn three
