[dwarven dig] quelqu'un connait ?

[Dwarven Dig !]

Quelqu'un connait ce jeu ?

J'y ai joué en février avec Carl-Gustaf Samuelsson de http://globetrotter-games.com

voici son compte-rendu....

Tuesday 24th of February
I started the day with another adventure game called Dwarven Dig. It worked much better than Dungeoneer. Particularly I liked the function where every bad die roll gave you a “grit”, which you may use later to ameliorate your chances on other die rolls. There were a lot of events before we all three reached the treasure chamber nearly simultaneously. I was the first to get the treasure, as I had got two secret passage cards, which made it possible to go through walls without digging. There were some conflicts when they hunted me, which I succeeded to win and finally I just had one of Yves dwarfs against me before I succeeded to win. A bit too luck-driven to be rated more than 6 of 10, but it gave some enjoy anyway.

Le matériel est amusant surtout les petits rochers, ça rappelle fullmetal planet mais c'est vrai qu'au final ce jeu ne vaut pas plus de 6 ou 7 sur 10. En fait, ce jeu fait vraiment vieux jeu...au niveau du look et du système...
2 photos du jeu sont dispos sur son site.