Hoyuk -a neolithic city building game- live on Kickstarter!


Hi there,
My name is Michael Andresakis, co-founder of MAGE Company. Recently we launched a new project on Kickstarter.
If you like tile-laying and settlement building games, then you will love Hoyuk since is an awarded game for 2-5 players.
Hoyuk is a game about life in the Neolithic era, in which players control the destiny of prehistoric clans while
building and expanding their settlements. Reviews from Rahdo, Joystikz, Undead Viking and Flying Penguin and
Interviews are available on the site. The campaign ends at the end of March. A game for families and friends.
We worked carefully on Hoyuk and we really hope you like its final form. Anything you would like to ask feel free.
You can check the game HERE
If you would like to write an article about the game, or promote via a poadcast or interview, please let us know
in order to work together on it. If you are interested, please let us know.

MAGE Company Team

http://www.trictrac.net/forum/viewtopic ... 9&t=133825

Si j'en crois la dernière newsletter de Mage Company, Hoyuk devrait arriver en septembre :

New products arrive in the next month: Hoyuk, Hoyuk: Obstacles, Premium Card Sleeves, the reprinted version 12 Realms, and more. Currently we have added some special offers including some packs for Essen Spiel. You can pre-order your game here but you will have to visit our booth at Essen Spiel, October 16-19th, at Hall 3 - Booth 3-O103. Check our e-shop here.

Pour info, L'éditeur annonçai,t le 28 août, avoir terminé le packing des jeux (ie. remplissage des boîtes).
Cette semaine, il vont procéder à la livraison. Le cargo partant de Shangaï mettra 31 jours à arriver en Europe. On pourrait avoir le jeu début octobre, donc.

Reçu ce midi avec l'extension, mais sans les pièces spéciales et la règle signée par Monsieur Peio.
La boite est plus grosse que ce que je m'attendais. Première partie avec les nouvelles règles et le plateau au lieu de la nappe en fleur de Mamie à planifier très rapidement.