[Mint delivery] KS terminé financé 1 500%

L’auteur du jeu a répondu sur le lien reddit linké plus haut : il n’y est pour rien et est en contact avec M. B Games pour voir ce qu’il en est.

Je rejoins Znokiss, voici le message en question :

Hello everyone. Justin Blaske here. I’m just now seeing this thanks to /u/3minuteboardgames for the heads up!
I’m quite surprised to hear about this whole thing. As has been puzzled out by op and the others, Mr B Games was indeed our partner for fulfillment on the Mint Delivery campaign.
As such I did have to give them information for the purpose if handling the fulfillment of rewards. That would be how they got your info.
I’m sorry that this has caused concern for you, in the form of worrying about a potential data leak or worse someone selling your info.
I’ve been contacted many times as a successful crowdfunder to share the backer data from my campaigns and have reported the requester every time so they can’t ask other creators that might not realize the implications of “sharing backer lists with each other”
I’ll be talking with Mr B Games about this and let them know that this reflects poorly on me and what I’m trying to do in the community. Hopefully that will put an end to this going forward.
/u/cardboard-kasino thanks for pointing this out, it will definitely make me reconsider who I work with in the future on other projects.

Ok, ils se sont associés avec un autre éditeur pour faire la distribution des pledges, et c’est comme ça que maintenant il utilise les adresses emails à d’autres fins. C’est pas banal comme situation.

Curieusement je n’ai rien reçu… Mais c’est possible que j’aie déjà eu des mails non sollicités de mr b games plus tôt et que j’aie demandé à me faire rayer de leurs listes.