[Storm of Swords] Boîte du jeu

[A Game of Thrones - JdS : A Storm of Swords]

Bonsoir tout le monde,

Une photo toute fraiche pour l’extension SoS :

En full size ici :

Petit rappel des faits :

As noted, there will be two parts to the Asos expansion, a new “game” that covers central Westeros (from Kings Landing in the lower right corner, to the Iron Isles in the upper left corner – with a few “off map” locations planned as well). This four player game, using the same rules and many of the same components from the base game, will take the game experience to a more operational level (wheras AGOT is more grand strategic) with some new special features, and the interesting new core concept that involves the careful balance of control over some minor and major houses (Frey, Arryn, and Tyrrell, specifically, and perhaps a few others). Some of the mechanics that will be introduced in the Asos game will be able to be ported over into normal AGot play in the same way that the options from AcoK did.
Unfortunately, serious design work on this has not started until recently – so the expansion is now looking like a February/March 2006 release. There is nobody else to blame but me, and perhaps the guy who limited the day to 24 hours!
I will try to give you more updates as this thing enters final testing!
Best Wishes,


Alléchant, très alléchant ! Surtout que je suis justement en train de finir de lire ‘A feast for crow’.

Avez vous des nouvelles de la sortie ne francais de la précédente extension ? (a clash of kings - la bataille des rois , il me semble).
Je l’attends pour surement acheter le jeu de base et cette extension … mais en francais ;-)

merci d’avance de vos infos !

napophil dit:Avez vous des nouvelles de la sortie ne francais de la précédente extension ? (a clash of kings - la bataille des rois , il me semble).
Je l'attends pour surement acheter le jeu de base et cette extension ... mais en francais ;-)
merci d'avance de vos infos !

Sur le site de Reixou, il est toujours indiqué "Décembre 2005".

Et pas plus d'infos sur le site d'UBIK, d'une pauvreté affligeante soit dit en passant :)
