un petit ctrl V : ça donne quoi chez vous la tout de suite ?

; April, Year 12
#atlantis 17 "XXXXXXXX"
unit 6494
unit 7216
unit 929
unit 2043
unit 3699
unit 5829
unit 6294
attack 11411
[y'en a des différents, mais c'est top secret, donc je mets pas ça ici]
unit 2131
unit 3466

Comprenne qui pourra :D

@datedeb smalldatetime

set @datedeb='01/06/2005' -- date d'installation de la plateforme (utilisé aussi dans le script de re-creation des mouv/transfert)

drop table #TA
drop table #AR

select *
into #TA
from fimouv v
and typemouv='TA'
and numag<>(select reserve from fiparam)
and sens='E'
and marligne not in (
select marligne from fitrans
where dateheuretrans=v.dateheuremouv
and magar=v.numag and magdep=(select reserve from fiparam)
and typetrans='A'and numtrans in (select numtrans from stocks_histo)
select *
into #AR
from fimouv
and typemouv='AR'
and numag<>(select reserve from fiparam)
and sens='S'

from #ta
from #ta a ,#ar b
and a.numag=b.numag
and a.qte=b.qte
and b.dateheuremouv >= a.dateheuremouv

select year(dateheuremouv)as annee,month(dateheuremouv) as mois,count(1)as 'mouvement sans transferts'
from #ta
group by year(dateheuremouv),month(dateheuremouv)

select year(dateheuretrans)as annee,month(dateheuretrans)as mois,count(1)as 'transfert sans mouvements'
from fitrans v
and typetrans='A'
and magdep=(select reserve from fiparam)
and numtrans in (select numtrans from stocks_histo)
and marligne not in ( select marligne from fimouv
where dateheuremouv=v.dateheuretrans
and numag=v.magar
and typemouv='TA' and sens='E'
group by year(dateheuretrans),month(dateheuretrans)

extern struct Library * PrepareAROSSupportBase (void);
extern ULONG SoftIntDispatch();
extern void Exec_SerialRawIOInit();
extern void Exec_SerialRawPutChar(UBYTE chr);

extern void Exec_Switch_FPU();
extern void Exec_PrepareContext_FPU();
extern void Exec_Dispatch_FPU();

extern ULONG Exec_MakeFunctions(APTR, APTR, APTR, APTR);

AROS_UFP5S(void, IntServer,
AROS_UFPA(ULONG, intMask, D0),
AROS_UFPA(struct Custom , custom, A0),
AROS_UFPA(struct List *, intList, A1),
AROS_UFPA(APTR, intCode, A5),
AROS_UFPA(struct ExecBase *, SysBase, A6));

#undef memcpy
#define memcpy(_d, _s, _len) <br />{ <br /> int len = _len; <br /> while (len) <br /> { <br /> ((char *)_d)[len-1] = ((char *)_s)[len-1];<br /> len--; <br /> } <br />}

Temporary information /

#if 1

void clr();
void scr_RawPutChars(char *, int);

char tab[127];

#ifdef rkprintf
# undef rkprintf
#define rkprintf(x...)scr_RawPutChars(tab, snprintf(tab,126, x))


#define clr() /
eps /
#define rkprintf(x...) /
eps /



* it :)

asm( ".globl aros_intern
".globl SysBase
".set aros_intern,0
".set SysBase,4 ");


#define MB_MAGIC 0x1BADB002 /* Magic value /
#define MB_FLAGS 0x00000003 /
Need 4KB alignment for modules /

const struct
ULONG magic;
ULONG flags;
ULONG chksum;
} multiboot_header __text =


asm( ".globl kernel_startup
".type kernel_startup,@function
"kernel_startup: jmp exec_init");

const char exec_core[] __text = "Native/CORE v2.0.1";


const char exec_name[] __text = "exec.library";

const char exec_idstring[] __text = "$VER: exec 41.11 (16.12.2000)

const short exec_Version __text = 41;
const short exec_Revision __text = 11;


const struct Resident Exec_resident __text=
Magic value used to find resident /
&Exec_resident, /
Points to Resident itself /
Where could we find next Resident? /
0, /
There are no flags!! /
41, /
Version /
Type /
126, /
Very high startup priority. /
(char *)exec_name, /
Pointer to name string /
(char *)exec_idstring, /
Ditto /
exec_init /

struct view { unsigned char sign; unsigned char attr; };


* We have to use asm creature because there is no stack at the moment
"movl $0x93000,%esp
" /
temporary stack /
"pushl %ebx
" /
info pointer /
"pushl %eax
" /
cookie /
"pushl $0x0
" /*call */

" /
" /
"movb $-1,%al
" /
don't /
"outb %al,$0x21
" /
yet. */
"outb %al,$0xa1

"<br /><br /> "jmp exec_cinit"); /* Jump to C function <img src="/images/emoji/twitter/smiley.png?v=9" class="emoji" width="20" heigth="20" style="aspect-ratio: 20/20;" alt=":)" title="Sourire" />)) */<br /><br />/*<br /><br /> * to R,G,B values passed here<br /> */<br />void exec_SetColors(char r, char g, char b)<br />{<br /> int i;<br /> short reg = 0x3c8; /* IO reg to control PEL */<br /><br /> asm("movb $0,%%al
" /* Start with color 0 */<br /> "outb %%al,%w0
"<br /> : /* no output */<br /> : "Nd"(reg));<br /><br /> reg++; /* Here we have to put R, G, B */<br /><br /> for (i=0; i<256; i++) /* Set whole palette */<br /> {<br /> asm("outb %b0,%w1"::"a"(r),"Nd"(reg));<br /> asm("outb %b0,%w1"::"a"(g),"Nd"(reg));<br /> asm("outb %b0,%w1"::"a"(b),"Nd"(reg));<br /> asm("nop 
"<br /> "nop 
"<br /> "nop 
"<br /> "nop");<br /> }<br />}<br /><br />/*<br /><br /> */<br /><br />asm(".globl TSS
" /* <br /> ".globl SSP
" /* <br /> ".globl EIP
"<br /> ".set TSS, 0x00000040
" /* file */<br /> ".set SSP, 0x00000044
"<br /> ".set EIP, 0x00000060");<br /><br /><br /> */<br /><br />asm(".globl cached_irq_mask
"<br /> ".globl io_apic_irqs
"<br /> ".globl softblock
"<br /> ".globl irq_desc
"<br /> ".set cached_irq_mask, 0x000000a8
"<br /> ".set io_apic_irqs, 0x000000ac
"<br /> ".set softblock, 0x00000940
"<br /> ".set irq_desc, 0x00000a00");<br /><br />/*<br /><br /> */<br />struct _tss {<br /> ULONG link, /* link to previous task - UNUSED */<br /> ssp, /* Supervisor Stack Pointer */<br /> ssp_seg, /* SSP descriptor */<br /> t0,t1, /* Stack for CPL1 code - USE IN FUTURE */<br /> t2,t3, /* Stack for CPL2 code - UNUSED */<br /> cr3, /* used in paging */<br /> eip, /* Instruction pointer */<br /> eflags, /* Flags for given task */<br /> r0,r1,r2,r3, /* 8 general purpouse registers */<br /> r4,r5,r6,r7,<br /> es,cs,ss,ds,fs,gs, /* segment descriptors */<br /> ldt; /* LocalDescriptorTable - UNUSED */<br /> UWORD trap,iomap; /* trap flag and iomap pointer */<br />};<br /><br />/*<br /><br /> */<br />#define set_gate(gate_addr,type,dpl,addr) \<br />do { \<br /> int __d0, __d1; \<br /> __asm__ __volatile__ ("movw %%dx,%%ax
" \<br /> "movw %4,%%dx
" \<br /> "movl %%eax,%0
" \<br /> "movl %%edx,%1" \<br /> :"=m" (*((long *) (gate_addr))), \<br /> "=m" (*(1+(long *) (gate_addr))), "=&a" (__d0), "=&d" (__d1) \<br /> :"i" ((short) (0x8000+(dpl<<13)+(type<<8))), \<br /> "3" ((char *) (addr)),"2" (KERNEL_CS << 16)); \<br />} while (0)<br /><br />/* Empty interrupt. Used for short while */<br />void exec_DummyInt();<br />asm("

exec_DummyInt: iret");


const struct {UWORD l1, l2, l3, l4;}
GDT_Table[] __text = {
{ 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 },
{ 0xffff, 0x0000, 0x9a00, 0x00cf },
{ 0xffff, 0x0000, 0x9200, 0x00cf },
{ 0xffff, 0x0000, 0xfa00, 0x00cf },
{ 0xffff, 0x0000, 0xf200, 0x00cf },
{ 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 },
{ 0x0067, 0x0040, 0x8900, 0x0000 },
{ 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }};

UWORD l1 __packed;
ULONG l3 __packed;
GDT_reg __text = {0x3f, 0x900},
IDT_reg __text = {0x7ff, 0x100};

const char exec_chipname[] __text = "Chip Memory";
const char exec_fastname[] __text = "Fast Memory";

struct ExecBase *ExecBase;
struct multiboot *mbinfo;
struct arosmb *arosmb;

ULONG locmem, extmem;

APTR KickMemPtr,

struct _tss *tss = (struct _tss *)0x40; /

long long idt = (long long *)0x100; / Ditto /

int i; /
Whatever? Counter? Erm... /

// exec_SetColors(0x10,0x10,0x10); /

/* Check whether we have .bss block /
if ((int)&_end - (int)&_edata)



arosmb )0x1000;
if (arosmb->magic != MBRAM_VALID)
if (magic == 0x2badb002)
rkprintf("Copying multiboot information into storage
arosmb->magic = MBRAM_VALID;
arosmb->flags = 0L;
mbinfo = (struct multiboot *)addr;
if (mbinfo->flags & MB_FLAGS_MEM)
arosmb->flags |= MB_FLAGS_MEM;
arosmb->mem_lower = mbinfo->mem_lower;
arosmb->mem_upper = mbinfo->mem_upper;
if (mbinfo->flags & MB_FLAGS_LDRNAME)
arosmb->flags |= MB_FLAGS_LDRNAME;
if (mbinfo->flags & MB_FLAGS_CMDLINE)
arosmb->flags |= MB_FLAGS_CMDLINE;
if (mbinfo->flags & MB_FLAGS_MMAP)
arosmb->flags |= MB_FLAGS_MMAP;
arosmb->mmap_addr = (struct mb_mmap *)((ULONG)(0x1000 + sizeof(struct arosmb)));
arosmb->mmap_len = mbinfo->mmap_length;
memcpy((void *)arosmb->mmap_addr,(void *)mbinfo->mmap_addr,mbinfo->mmap_length);
if (mbinfo->flags & MB_FLAGS_DRIVES)
if (mbinfo->drives_length > 0)
arosmb->flags |= MB_FLAGS_DRIVES;
arosmb->drives_addr = ((ULONG)(arosmb->mmap_addr + arosmb->mmap_len));
arosmb->drives_len = mbinfo->drives_length;
memcpy((void *)arosmb->drives_addr,(void *)mbinfo->drives_addr,mbinfo->drives_length);
if (mbinfo->flags & MB_FLAGS_GFX)
arosmb->flags |= MB_FLAGS_GFX;
arosmb->vbe_mode = mbinfo->vbe_mode;
memcpy((void *)&arosmb->vmi,(void *)mbinfo->vbe_mode_info,sizeof(struct vbe_mode));
memcpy((void *)&arosmb->vci,(void *)mbinfo->vbe_control_info,sizeof(struct vbe_controller));

rkprintf("Clearing system area...");


bzero((void *)8, 4096-8);


tss->ssp = 0x00090000; /
tss->ssp_seg = KERNEL_DS; /*
tss->cs = USER_CS;
tss->ds = USER_DS;
tss->es = USER_DS;
tss->ss = USER_DS;
tss->iomap = 104;

/* Restore IDT structure. /
for (i=0; i<256; i++)
Feed all vectors with dummy interrupt /
set_gate(idt + i, 14, 0, exec_DummyInt);


memcpy((void *)0x900, &GDT_Table, 64);


asm("lgdt %0
"lidt %1"

asm("mov %0,%%ds
" "mov %0,%%es
" "mov %0,%%ss
" ES */
"mov %1,%%fs
" "mov %1,%%gs" :

asm("ltr %%ax"::"ax"(0x30));

System restored

ça rentre pas, c'est un tableau Excel :oops:


Le trésor de Sam Dalmas


ps : désolé
édit: ma femme voulais entendre ce pays de l'eurovision 2009

J'ai connu un cas de feu qui a détruit un bâtiment (aux US) provoqué par une batterie lithium-ion de 70 Ah (pour avion), l'équivalent de plusieurs dizaines de batteries de portables. Mais il s'agissait d'une fausse manip qui a consisté à contourner délibérément les sécurités du système


Pour la fin de mes années 30...

Ticoche dit:AZERBAIJAN
ps : désolé
édit: ma femme voulais entendre ce pays de l'eurovision 2009

Pareil ... sauf que j'ai pas de femme
c'est petit comme excuse :mrgreen:

http://www.chambresdhotes.org/links/ima ... etidej.jpg


J'ai publié ça sur facebook

J'étais en train de finaliser les résultats de la TT Cup :


La naissance du christianisme.

Bon, je bosse quoi.

Art. 13 Droit à l’attribution de parts de copropriété
S’il existe dans une succession une part de copropriété sur une entreprise agricole, tout héritier peut prétendre à l’attribution de cette part aux conditions auxquelles il pourrait demander celle de l’entreprise elle-même.



Oui pas très glamours :)


Salarié???Ah oui, c'est parce que je fais un business plan :kingboulet:

Moreover, the capitalization is done based on the deposit... How can you capitalized without knowing the deposit (or transfer) operation. this is also why the tax is not computed (cause the tax is based on capitalization).

Les jeux d’ambiance stratégique
Le simple fait de savoir que je vais passer les quelques heures à venir me mettent dans un état de bonne humeur qui me fera souvent partir dans des délires que parfois, seuls mes proches et copains vont comprendre et apprécier. Cette bonne humeur permet souvent de lier jeu, rires et prise de tête stratégique. Dans la plupart des cas, la bonne humeur est plus engendrée par les joueurs que par le jeu lui-même.

Ah tiens, c'est le premier paragraphe d'un article à lire bientôt sur ludigaume :mrgreen: