Booster Pack

Ticket to Ride Booster Pack
Posted on Aug. 26, 2004 by Rick Thornquist
Days of Wonder has announced a new booster pack for their Spiel des Jahres winning game Ticket to Ride.

Because the European version of the game won't be out until next year, they wanted to give something to fans of the game in the meantime. That something will be a booster pack of 8 to 10 new cards. These cards will all modify the game somewhat. There will be two new tickets that both will be for very short routes - like Vancouver to Portland. These tickets will be great for people who like to claim these short routes to screw up other people's tickets. There will also be a bonus card, similar to the one for the longest route, which gives ten points to the player who has connected to the most cities at the end of the game. They are keeping mum on the rest of the cards, so you will have some nice surprises when you pick them up.

And how will you be able to pick them up, you ask? Well, initially they will be available free from retailers at the Essen game fair in October. Don't fret if you aren't going to be at Essen, though, the cards will most likely be bundled with the December 2004 issue of Game Trade Magazine. If you can't get that either, they should be making some available to distributors as well as retails stores. The booster cards will also be available one more way - on the Days of Wonder website for just the cost of shipping.

Source: Mark Kaufman / Days of Wonder



issue de

Very well.


Voilà qui devrait permettre de réequilibrer un peu le jeu en donnant un p'tit coup de pouce à ceux qui font des petites liaisons pour relier des villes Nord-Sud, en leur donnant le bonus de 10 points!

Mais je ne vais pas à Essen..... :cry: