Conan le JdR

Balroth dit :hi vous pouvez m'envoyez un mp lorsqu'ils lancent le ks , j'aimerai bien prendre un earlier

Inscris-toi à la mailing list de Modiphius Conan, c'est là que sortira l'info.

Pas de VF pour tout de suite :frowning: Dommage, autant un jeu de société je m’en balance un peu qu’il soit en anglais ou en français autant ce n’est pas le cas avec le jdr, car c’est quand même de gros bouquins remplis de subtilités.

Et SD a énormément de projet pour l’année (les années) à venir, donc…
Une VF pas avant 2017-8 m’est avis :confused:

Info reprise de : le KS est repoussé au 12 février.

Pallantides dit :Info reprise de : le KS est repoussé au 12 février.

Merci Pallantides.

Newsletter de Modiphius à l’instant :

I also wanted to to take this opportunity to give you the official launch date for the Conan roleplaying game Kickstarter: 

Tuesday 16th February 

Merci pour l’info, c’est noté :slight_smile:

Pas sûr que j’y participe, j’attendrai sûrement la VF et puis c’est pas comme si j’avais une pile de bouquins de JdR en attente de partie
Néanmoins, j’irai y jeter un oeil pour voir ce qu’ils proposent et confirmer ou infirmer le côté flan du mix avec le jeu de plateau…

Ouaip pareil pour moi, je suis juste très curieux d’y jeter un oeil, mais j’attendrai la VF a priori. Vraiment très décu que la VF soit pas intégrée dès le début. indecision

Vu la base de fan francophone de Conan JdP + le fait que la France est un des plus gros marché Jdr en dehors des USA, je pense que c’est vraiment dommage pour le lancement de ce JdR aussi … et je comprends pas que les éditeurs de différents pays n’arrivent pas à s’entendre pour faire des KS communs et du coup des projets plus ambitieux …

Recu aujourd’hui :

We’re continuing our preparations for the Conan RPG Kickstarter and thought you would like some more information on what books you can expect. Here’s the first of some previews - today we’re looking at the main releases you can expect such as the core book, GM screen and ‘Conqueror’s edition’.

Robert E. Howard’s Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of - Core Rulebook
The core rulebook for Robert E. Howard’s Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of, this thick volume contains everything you’ll need to adventure in the world of Robert E. Howard’s hero, Conan. It is based entirely on the canonical Conan stories, and uses the 2D20 system developed by Modiphius and used in Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition, Infinity, John Carter, and other fine games. This tome presents character generation, the game’s rules, and a wealth of source material, including cultures, geography, religions, magic, gods, monsters, gamemastering advice, adventure seeds, and much more. This work has been developed by an all-star writing team, with close involvement by respected Robert E. Howard authorities, and is illustrated by world-renowned Conan artists. Full-color hardcover, 368 pages.

Robert E. Howard’s Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of - Deluxe Conqueror’s Edition Core Rulebook
This special, deluxe edition of Robert E. Howard’s Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of Roleplaying Game will be published in a special soft leather binding. Durable and elegant, like your grandmother’s Bible or your father’s sword. Full-color soft leather cover, 368 pages.

Robert E. Howard’s Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of - Deluxe Conqueror’s Collection
This high quality leather and canvas Conqueror’s bag includes the Deluxe Conqueror’s core rulebook, the gamemaster’s screen, a deluxe stone dice set, a leather Stygian Doom Pit to roll your dice, a set of Luck & Doom tokens, a map of the Hyborian world printed on leather, pre-printed character sheets for the archetypes presented in the core rulebook, a pad of blank character sheets, and a reference bookmark. 

Robert E. Howard’s Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of - Quickstart Adventure
This quickstart adventure contains all the rules you need to learn how to play the Conan roleplaying game, with a summary of rules, six pregenerated characters, and an introductory scenario: “To Race the Thunder.” PDF and softcover brochure. We intend to print these in their thousands to distribute on the winds far and wide. The PDF of this will be available at launch. 

Robert E. Howard’s Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of - Player’s Guide
A player-focused version of the core rulebook, this slim volume contains everything players need to create characters and to play the Conan roleplaying game. Full-color hardcover, 112 pages.

Robert E. Howard’s Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of - Gamemaster Screen
This sturdy four-panel screen contains all of the useful tables and charts from the core rulebook, as well as rules summaries for quick reference. Illustrated on the player-facing side with dramatic Conan artwork, this gamemaster screen may also double as a shield from arrows, thrown tankards or ale horns, and even hatchets. Thick cardstock, four portrait-oriented panels with 32-page softcover booklet of 

Next time we’ll look at the first supplements you can expect.

Bon en gros un livre de règle de base, une version d’initiation, une version tronquée pour les joueurs, un écran, et une version de luxe top moumoute qui coutera un bras ou deux.
Je suis plus intéressé pour la suite que pour ces multiples déclinaisons du livre de base a priori …

Avec l’arrivée sur le projet de Simon Bisley, Val Mayerik et Liam Sharp, Modiphius en a profité pour préciser :

“The Kickstarter for Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed will launch on Tuesday 16th February at 12 Noon GMT and anyone wishing to sample the game, will also be able to download a free Quickstart sample from DriveThruRPG at the same time”. 

Now let’s take at look at the books you can expect beyond the illustrious core book and Conqueror’s Edition! These are all beautiful 112 page full colour hardcover books with high quality Arctic White paper content (the same as Mutant: Year Zero if you have seen those books). We’ll be working our way through these in order but we’re also going to be splitting them up with some stunning geomorphic adventure tiles which feature similar movement spaces to Monolith’s Conan boardgame (the Conan RPG does not use grid movement). We’ll also be providing campaigns and short adventures by guest writers - more on those in the next update 

Conan the Thief [Sourcebook] by Mark Finn
This sourcebook covers the countries of Nemedia, Brythunia, Corinthia, and especially Zamora, with a focus on using the City of Thieves as a base of operations for rogue-based campaigns. New thief-oriented character options and lifepaths are provided, and gamemaster advice for a “Way of Thieves” adventures or campaigns. Famous thieves such as Taurus and Shevatas are described, and heroes can rub shoulders with thugs and rogues in the Rat’s Den, the worst tavern in all of Corinthia!

Conan the Barbarian [Sourcebook] by Jason Durall
From the wintry lands of Asgard and Vanaheim, to the rocky peaks of Hyperborea, and finally to the crags and hills of fog-bound Cimmeria, this sourcebook describes life for the barbarians of the Hyborian Age. Barbarian-themed lifepaths and character options are provided, and the terrifying gods of the north are described in all their grim glory. Heroes can drink mead along with Wulfhere or Horsa, and hear wild-eyed Old Gorm tell tales of the time he saw the frost giant’s daughter. 

Conan the Mercenary [Sourcebook] by Chris Lites
The “middle kingdoms” of the Hyborian world-Koth, Ophir, and Shem-are rife with conflict, defending their borders against enemies from within and without. Such conflict requires swords… and the hands to hold them. This sourcebook covers the path of the mercenary, those who would fight for others, in return for coin. Included are mercenary character options, including lifepaths and additional equipment, as well as expanded mass conflict rules.

Conan the Pirate [Sourcebook] by Jeb Boyt, Jesse Scoble and Anne Toole 
Sail the red-dimmed seas as a reaver or explorer, seeking fortune on the farthest horizon. This sourcebook covers Argos and Zingara, the Pictish coastline, and the coasts of Shem, Stygia, Kush, and the Black Kingdoms, as well as the Barachan Islands and the Vilayet Sea. Join the Red Brotherhood or prove your mettle with the Zingaran Freebooters. Character options include pirate-themed lifepaths and options, as well as expanded ship combat rules and guidelines for ocean-going adventure. 

Conan the Brigand [Sourcebook] by Timothy Brown and Chris Lites
In the land between the Hyborian lands and the Vilayet Sea are the minor kingdoms of Khoraja and Khauran, and beyond even those is the ever-expanding Turan, whose armies are the greatest in all the world. This sourcebook covers the life of those who dwell in the wild, brigands such as the kozaki. Presented here are new brigand-themed character lifepaths and options, with gamemaster advice on running campaigns set in these rugged lands. 

Conan of the Mysterious East [Sourcebook] by Timothy Brown
The lure of the East draws many adventurers beyond the Hyborian kingdoms, and this sourcebook provides information on those exotic kingdoms: Iranistan, Ghulistan, Kosala, Vendhya, and far-off Khitai. Haggle for lotus in the grand bazaars, fight alongside desert hillmen, and match wits with the sorcerers of the Black Circle! Provided are expanded options for characters from these lands, including new lifepaths, equipment, and even magic. 

Conan in the Kingdoms of the South [Sourcebook] by Vincent Darlage
To many Hyborians, the kingdoms to the south-Kush, Keshan, Darfar, Punt, Zembabwei, and the Black Kingdoms-are but a myth, while serpent-haunted Stygia is an all-too-real nightmare. This sourcebook covers the lands south of the Styx River, describing their accursed sands, dense jungles, and broad savannahs and veldts. Players can take advantage of new southern and Stygian character options, including new lifepaths, and the darkest of Stygian sorcery! 

Conan the Scout [Sourcebook] by Jeb Boyt and Jason Durall
Hard is the life for those who inhabit the border lands such as the Gunderland, the Westermarck, the Bossonian Marches, and the Border Kingdom, but these brave pioneers and scouts hold the wall between civilization and savagery. These rough lands breed doughty warriors, and this sourcebook covers player options and lifepath for frontier-based characters, providing gamemasters with guidance for scout-based campaigns. 

Conan the King [Sourcebook] by Timothy Brown and Chris Lites
In the midst of the Hyborian continent are the most civilized of kingdoms, the culmination of human achievement in this forgotten age: Aquilonia, Poitain, Nemedia, and Koth. Here, heroes can learn the codes of chivalry, rise to the heights of nobility, and battle the most despicable of conspiracies! Player options for this sourcebook include noble lifepaths and options, and an expanded mass combat system covering king- or queen-level command. 

Pledge levels:
Now let’s look at what you can expect when we launch on Tuesday at 12noon GMT.

For the curious folk you can jump in for just £1 and get the Thieves Whispers updates whilst you decide what you want. Players who just want character creation can grab the Player’s Guide PDF for just £7.50 / $10

You can pick up the Conan RPG Core Book PDF for just £15 / $21.50 or go for the Conan Core RPG Core Book Print & PDF at £30 / $43. We really tried to keep these prices down as we wanted as many people as possible to be able to get at least the core book. The hardcover core book will be between £35-£40 in retail once it launches. You will be getting the PDF’s as soon as they’re ready and we always send out chapters for preview so you can help spot any errors whilst we’re also proof reading. We expect to be delivering quite quickly, but we’re allowing plenty of time due to the big name artists involved so final PDF’s are expected in June and shipments in July. 

Things get interesting at £40 / $57.50 with the PDF Master - this is our classic pledge we have in all our kickstarters and gets you every single book in PDF unlocked in the Kickstarter. These typically run to 2000 or more pages and end up being worth over £150 / $200. 

Want the core book and all the PDFS? Then pick the Print & PDF Master giving you the core book plus all the unlocked PDF’s for just £60 / $86 - this is a hugely popular pledge with our Kickstarters. It also comes with the Blessings of Mitra which will be bonuses we unlock at every £100,000 raised in the Kickstarter and through social goals. 

Generous GM gets you the Print & PDF Master plus 3 copies of the 112 page colour hardcover Player’s Guide (which is content just for players drawn from the core book) for £80 / $115

The PDF Subscription is for those who want everything digital at £100 / $143 - not only does it get you all the books unlocked in PDF in the Kickstarter, it also gives you every PDF release for 2 years from the date we deliver the core book to you. PLUS you get PDF’s of the four planned card decks and four sets of geomorphic adventures tiles as they are released. You’ll be able to pick up an upgrage Add On to get this. 

The Conqueror’s Edition is the gorgeous collector’s edition of the core book I’ve been talking about. Imagine that soft cover fine old bible your grandma kept in the side table. It flops over the palm of your hand as you open it, it will be the same high quality Arctic White paper with a gold edge and reading ribbon. The aged brown leather binding will be heat stamped with the Phoenix on the Sword design (you’ll see that on the Kickstarter page). This comes with all the unlocked books in PDF, the Blessings of Mitra and will be a limited edition print run - £100 / $143. This will also be an Add On. 

The Conqueror’s Collection adds more to the above pledge. A llimited edition leather and canvas travel bag, suitable to carry the severed head of foe to dump at the feet of a king, heat stamped with the Phoenix on the Sword graphic, a limited edition leather Stygian Pit of Doom to roll your dice or keep the GM’s Doom tokens. A set of speciality dice by Q-Workshop (2xd20’s, 1 Hit Location d20, 6 x d6 Combat dice), a set of 36 stone Fortune and Doom Tokens, a 100cm x 70cm map of the Hyborian age printed in full colour on luxurious soft satin, something Conan might have thieved from a princess! All this for £250 / $360. This will also be an Add On. 

If you crave notoriety, then look for the Lotus Dreams of Xuthal (£450 / $575 or the Visions of the Black Lotus (£500 / $720) which gets you a full page in a supplement or the core book respectively - a half page of art by one of our artist based on your concept, background story and NPC stats plus you’ll get your characters as a custom playable character sheet and all the benefits of the Print & PDF Master. These are limited in number - just 10 for the core book at the moment (we may add a few more later on with plenty of notice for everyone), and 30 for the supplements (we’ll open up more later if we fund a lot more books). This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be drawn in to a book alongside the most legendary line up of artists. 

For the true collectors we have the Hoard of Yezdigerd - one of every book unlocked in Print & PDF including the Conqueror’s Editions as well as the core book, and the PDF subscription for £300 / $430. In addition if we announce books in the stretch goals and they’re not unlocked you will also get these in print. If we fund all the planned books it’s worth over £660 at Kickstarter prices and around £800 / $1150 at retail prices

Finally we have the Secrets of Mount Yishma for £600 / $860 - it includes all the unlocked books in print as above, plus all the limited edition and other accessories offered - the contents of the Conqueror’s Collection, card decks, geomorphic tiles, GM Screen, poster maps, dice and much more. The non-book items alone will be worth £360 so it will quickly become a treasure worthy of Conan!

There will be a first main shipment in July (core book, accessories, some core supplements and adventures, followed by two waves of shipping - Christmas (rest of the main supplements) and Spring 2017 (additional books funded) with PDF’s arriving in your inbox as they’re completed. 

Tomorrow we’ll be unveiling an excerpt from a forthcoming documentary on the life of Robert E Howard showing some of the team playing Conan around Howard’s very own dining table plus info on the campaigns and the geomorphic tiles we’ve been creating!

J’ai quand même un gros doute sur la sortie de tout cela en VF: y aura t’il un public suffisant pour supporter la gamme ?

Et aussi :

There will actually be some beautiful geomorphic adventure locations which have similar movement spaces to the Monolith boardgame - we don’t use grid movement in the RPG so it ties in nicely and a great reason to pick up the boardgame or the forthcoming CROM minis


J’espère que oui ! Car le jeu m’intéresse beaucoup mais le prendre en anglais me gêne énormément.
Cependant, si le jeu est vraiment bon et qu’il fait un peu parler de lui ça n’étonnerait que personne ne veuille le traduire.
Bon vivement demain ! Je suivrai la campagne de près même si je ne pledgerai pas, je suis curieux de voir ce qu’ils vont proposer.

C’est lancé !

Je pense que ca va etre un pledge standard à 60£ pour moi, mais uniquement s’ils débloquent une campagne parce que pour l’instant ce ne sont que des suppléments de background heart.

Sans moi, mais je vais suivre le truc de loin et au moins surveiller une éventuelle sortie française, un jour.

khaali dit :Je pense que ca va etre un pledge standard à 60£ pour moi.


HammerHead dit :Sans moi, mais je vais suivre le truc de loin et au moins surveiller une éventuelle sortie française, un jour.

La même chose pour moi^^

pledge full pdf pour moi, tres decu pour les tuiles qui sont pas incluses… faut douiller 250 £ lol