[First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet]
Après quatre premiers scénarios pour First Martians ,je mets à disposition des fans l’outil que j’ai utilisé pour créer ces 4 scénarios.
Un scénario c’est une feuille de mission et une série d’évènements.
L’outil permet de créer une série d’évènements sous forme de fichier .reg (uniquement pour l’application en version PC).
First Martians Events Generator
L’outil lancé sans commande donne les éléments pour l’utiliser , le texte est repris ci-dessus; pour l’instant il n’est qu’en anglais…par contre le zip contient un fichier Open Office Calc avec les évènements , un pour chaque langue fr/us.
fm_free_ride> ver 0.90 March 31st 2021
fm_free_ride CARDS_FR
fm_free_ride CARDS_US
fm_free_ride [players] [difficulty level] [event_file_name]
[players] syntax is [b|B m|M g|G E|e]
with b: biologist, m : medic, g : geologist, e : engineer, there must be one upper case letter for defining the first player
[difficulty level] syntax is [E|M|H] with E: Easy , M:Medium: H:Hard
[event_file_name] is an ascii text filename containing a list of event id or card categories
there is one item per line, the number of line represents the number of turns (limited to 90)
mixing category name and event_id in the same file is allowed
Cards categories: fan (17 cards)
hardcore (12 cards)
health (8 cards)
malfunction (11 cards)
morale (16 cards)
obstruction (9 cards)
map (14 cards)
research (7 cards)
weather (2 cards)
removal_tut (6 cards)
random (96 cards)(specific cards not used (2 campaigns or specific scenarios like removal)
fm_free_ride Emg E filename.txt
3 players(engineer (first player), medic, geologist) random event category for each step
difficulty mode set to Easy (E parameter)
example of filename.txt:
this will generate a 9 turns events file with 1st event random, 2nd event fixed event and others from defined categories
A First Martians tutorial or scenario is a pdf mission sheet linked to a list of events
A tutorial is a set of fixed events, a scenario is a set of random events related to fixed categories
The scenarios (or better said tutorials) name OPEN WORLD 0x in the boardgamegeek section Files of First Martians were created by this tool
The starting point was to give the ability to extend existing scenario or too create new ones
Of course, this tools create the events set, not the mission sheet
As starting point to create a set of events is to know the events managed by the application
if you run fm_free_ride with the CARDS_FR or the CARDS_US option, you will obtain as output all the event id with their actions in easy mode
Here are the three first events:
fm_free_ride > ver 1.x Month Date Year
Affichage des cartes US
379, “Fertilizers needed!”, “health”,“Decrease supply of [food_supply] by 2. If not possible, increase Stress by 5.”,
421, “Darkness In The East”, “undefined”," - 1[morale]",
994, “A Word Of Warning”, “undefined”, "Put this token on the[next] space of the Garage Hall : [danger] ",
Note: you will sometimes see events with category undefined, this is related to campaign specific events
Example event id 421 has two tags in the application, PRECONSTRUCTED and C1M2, this tool is not managing these categories
Therefore you can use event id in an event file as a number because it will not be drawn through the random category.
Note: the event id action are the easy mode action, i only use that output to make my open world scenarios
Changing the level generally increases the difficulty but the event action is almost the same
You can redirect the output to a text fileand open that text with a software like Open Office Calc to get a spreasheet
I use a blank worksheet from that spreadsheet to create my ordered desired events list
Export that list to a text file
Example 1:
test_tutorial_01.txt with a list of valid event id
with as many lines as sol turns
Example 2:
test_scenario_01.txt with a list of valid categories
with as many lines as sol turns
Generate the reg file with the events list you created :
example :fm_free_ride Bge E test_tutorial_01.txt
If successfull, the fm_bG_E_test_tutorial_01.txt.reg file will be generated
Once created, you can double click on the .reg file while in the windows files explorer
The file will be loaded in the registry at the location used by the current scenario saved game.
You can then launch the application, you must have the RESUME GAME option, it will launch the set of events created in the reg file
IF you do not have the resume game, it means there was an issue to write the saved game slot. In that case create a new game ,
Walk through the game startup until you can exit; the game will be saved at sol 1, creating the saved game slot
Exit the application, the reapply the .reg file to the registry. At relaunch of the application, the Resume game must be usable