[Dino detektive] recherche trad ou petite explication

[Dino Detektive]

Ramené d’Essen pour mon loustic, je recherche une trad V.F ou une simple explication de la part d’une personne y ayant joué.

Merci d’avance.

j’ai trouvé la règle en anglais sur bgg, les retours de parties ont l’air de confirmer la traduction allemand/anglais



Place board in the middle of the table.

The board is divided into 21 excavation plots. Each plot has five discovery sites that are marked respectively with a colored cross.

• Each player receives a survey card, a set of four movement cards (in their color), as well as the researcher, assistant and dog of the same color.

The researchers are placed on the field with the jeep
the assistants on the field with the tent
the dog on the field with the dog items (blanket/bone)

Return all other unused player pieces and cards to the box

• All dinosaur pieces are mixed and placed face down (bone side up) in several piles next to the board.

• The prestige markers and bonus markers are sorted by value and color and placed next to the board with the dice.

The player who last saw a dinosaur in a museum, receives the start player marker (cross bones).


The game is divided into rounds.

At the beginning of each round, the start player rolls the dice and distributes the dinosaur pieces among the discovery sites matching the color (start in area one and move outward numerically - this really only matters in last round as i believe the intention is to keep most of the late game action in the middle of the board).

The player can then do one of two actions (players take one action, then play continues clockwise):

1) play a movement card and move your pawns up to that many spaces (i.e. - if you play a three you can move one pawn three, two or one spots; two pawns two and one spaces respectively, or both just one space; or you can move all three pawns one space.) only one card can be played per turn, and only the cards left in hand can be played.

* only your researcher can reveal pieces (flip them over) - this happens in the area they end movement in

* the movement card played is left face up in front of you

* you can move through an area with another of your pawns but never end movement in an area with a like color pawn. Movement can never end in the spaces with the jeep, tents, or doggy items, but players can move through them

* it is legal to swap positions - if you played a 2 or three card you can swap areas with adjacent pawns

2) start collecting fossils

* if you start collecting all remaining movement cards are laid face up in front of you ending movement for the round

* when collecting you take one dinosaur bone [must be a revealed token (ones still showing a crossbones are unable to be excavated)] per turn from each area you have
a pawn in. When there are no more pieces for you to take your round is over. It is important to only take one piece a round as timing is important when it comes to getting the bonus points for finished skeletons.

* researchers and assistants can take from any revealed areas.

* dogs can only take pieces from areas with opposing players’ pawns. (i.e. - a dog must be in an area with either a researcher or assistant of another color in order to collect) they can not collect from a space with only other dogs.


the round ends when there are no more possible collections to be made (i.e. - all areas that players’ pawns are in are fully excavated. - it is a possibility that a player’s dog pawn could be in an area with revealed pieces but is unable to collect them due to there not being another pawn of a different color, as it is also possible that an assistant is stuck in an area with no revealed pieces)

A new round begins.

the start player crossbones are passed clockwise, and the dice are rolled. New pieces are then placed on the board as in the first round with a few exceptions:

a) no pieces are placed in areas that pawns are already in.

b) no stacking of dinosaur bones.

c) if there are no possible placements for the dice rolls then plots are filled in numerical order beginning with area one - only one area will be filled per round in this manner.


During the game whenever anyone completes a skeleton they take the corresponding prestige counter in relation to the value on the survey card.

The first skeleton of each type receives the bonus card for that skeleton.

When/if a player completes all five possible skeletons they get a bonus chip of 3. A bonus chip of 3 is rewarded for each complete set.

Game ends on the round when the last tiles are placed on the board.

Players add their score to see who has the most prestige.

no tie breaks - multiple winners.

je me penche bientot sur la trad en français

pakobiblio76 dit:je me penche bientot sur la trad en français

Super :pouicok:


Salut! Je réécris en ce moment les règles de ce jeu en Français. Mais j’ai quelques doutes suites aux différentes traductions…

Si quelqu’un l’a déjà fait, je suis preneur!

Il me reste un doute au moment de la collecte. Elle se fait zone par zone, ou toutes les zones en même temps.