Exposition de Jeux à Paris, Besoin d'aide


My name is William Robinson, I am game scholar at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec. I am currently in the middle of curating a portion of an exhibit called Joue le Jeu at La Gaité Lyrique. My job is to have appropriate board games set up and put on display.

I was hoping that I could get some local help with this project. Essentially, I would like to find a store that might be interested in donating or loaning games (2 de Mayo, Villa Paletti, 3D Blokus, Torres, Vers le Haut (The Climbers), Metropolys). What is more, I would want that store to have someone come once a week to show people how to play the games on display. In exchange, their store would have its name prominently displayed in the exhibit, not to mention the opportunity to market their store to patrons of the museum.


If anyone has any suggestions or contacts, I would greatly appreciate it.

I have also posted this on BGG http://boardgamegeek.com/article/8986455#8986455



i have just see the website, and i just want to say a big


i m just a player with my family but you will find me at your exhibit

topkewl not from paris, but who want to discover this !!

je traduit pour les trictraciens ou c est bon ? :-p

Ask OYA for your demand (Rue de la reine Blanche, Paris XIII)…