[Financé, Terminé] Oathsworn: Heroes of the Dwarfs (KS)

Le WIP des 2 prochains add-ons : la prêtresse et le gardien des traditions.

Bon… Ils risquent de ne pas me servir à grand chose, mais je les veux quand même…

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Non non, inutile de me remercier, ça me fait plaisir :mrgreen:

Les 3 derniers add-ons sont postés en première page.
Au total, 16 nains disponibles (dont 6 dames).

Il vous reste une petite 20aine d’heure pour pledger ! :mrgreen:

Financé et Terminé (483%).

Pour ceux qui ne s’y intéresseraient que maintenant, il y a peut-être encore un moyen d’acheter les nains. Jetez un oeil ici :

Petite mise à jour, le sculpteur habitant à 30 minutes du mouleur, voici quelques photos sur la création des masters :
Les greens empaquetés partent chez le mouleur

Les premiers masters :

La centrifugeuse :

L’étagère de moules :

Et on devrait recevoir les sondages demain pour choisir quels nains on souhaite.

Complément pour ceux qui ont raté le KS : vous pouvez encore participer ici : http://oathsworn.net/

Mise à jour du sculpteur :

Project Update #22: The first Master Mould is made!
Posted by Oathsworn Miniatures Like
I got up this morning, and found an email from the mouldmaker in my Inbox…
‘The first mould is all done, and I’ve attached some pics of it:
Pic 1 - This was as soon as it came out of the mould press, so the sculpts are still embedded in the rubber.

Pic 2 - Once the feeds had been cut in.

Pic 3 - This was a quick spin I did once the mould had cooled.

Pic 4 - With the sculpts lined up next to the castings.

Pic 5 - A few of the first castings. This first spin was done on a cold mould, so there are a couple of miscasts you can see on it, like the scroll isn’t a full casting, a small hole on the midriff of the crossbow chap, etc. These will all be fine once we get the mould warmed up, and we might have to pop a small feed into the bottom of the scroll to fill the bottom of it. We’re away down to Sheffield for Triples on Friday, but we’ll try and get the second mould done before we go.’

I’m a happy man today! As soon as I get news about the second Master Mould, I’ll let you all know…

Et toujours pour ceux qui ont raté le KS, il n’est pas trop tard (cliquez sur l’image) :

And the second Master Mould is made...
Update #23 · May 17, 2013 · 2 comments
Hi everyone - I've had another email from the mouldmaker!
'Just to update, the second mould was done tonight, so once we get back from Triples I can start spinning off the master castings for the production moulds. I've attached some pics again:
Pic 1 - Fresh out of the mould press, after having the vents cut in.

Pic 2 - First spin off the mould.

Pic 3 - With the sculpts lined up next to the castings.

Pic 4 - Some of the castings. As with the first mould, these have come out great for a first spin, they really look fantastic. Looking at them all, I can't see there being any problems going forward to production moulding.'

....so things are going well! No disasters at the master moulding stage, so none of the figures need to be re-sculpted, and that's definitely a good thing.
This weekend the mouldmaker is at the Triples wargame show in Sheffield, so next week they'll begin casting master figures. Once we've got 6 of each figure, I'll start doing any cleaning that needs to be done. Then they'll be put into production moulds; we are going to do 8 moulds, with two different sculpts per mould (12 figures total per mould).
After that, it's onto production casting...I'll keep you posted!

C'est bô

Figurines reçues !
Je fais un petit open ze box au plus vite.

Open Ze Box ici !

Une petite news en passant, notre ami prépare un autre KS !
Au programme, des Halflings, quelques Nains, un peu de Monstres, et d’autres choses… :wink:
Un p’tit teaser ?

Oathsworn lance un mini-KS sur le thème Dieux & Déesses. On en parle ici. :-)

Dans une semaine, le nouveau KS du monsieur : Le Clan McFiggin