Fortress: Ameritrash - Le nouveau site

Les rumeurs ont commencé à fleurir il y a une semaine sur le renouveau des dissidents nord-américains et de leur Fortress: Ameritrash.

Les rumeurs sont enfin confirmés : le blog s'arrête et laisse place à un site plus complet où les interventions vont gagner en intérêt et les contributions de la masse sera plus facile.

Une seule adresse :


J'aime beaucoup le pourquoi du site : extrait du "about"

Enough we say! Too hell with these themeless and non-confrontational 45 minute time wasters. It’s time to take gaming back to the land of fun and hot naked chicks riding motorbikes.

Je suis completement d'accord.


J'adhère particulièrement a leur vision des choses, telle que décrite dans le dernier post de leur ancien blog :

We don’t think games are an art form. We don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying we don’t like a game because it’s hard work. We don’t care if other people think that sci-fi and fantasy games, books and films are for children. We don’t care about being judged just because we go all weak-kneed over a box full of brightly coloured plastic toys. We don’t care if games involve pretending to be violent, or pretending to be immoral or pretending to be treacherous and backstabbing your friends because we know that it’s just pretending. We don’t care if people think that we’re being rude, disrespectful, sexist or divisive because we like to swear or speak our minds about things or people. We don’t care because in spite of the inordinate amount of time we lavish on our favourite games and our favourite themes we know that in the grand scheme of things they don’t matter a rats’ arse. They’re for having fun, not for taking seriously and so no amount of insults or rude words traded over them should be remembered or taken to heart. We can be serious adults if we want to or need to. After all, there are many, many things in the world which need serious consideration and serious solutions. But games aren’t one of them, and they never will be.

Hop, en signature.


This blog’s not so secret origins lay in the fact that my fellow FATies and I got tired of hearing the trumpeting of the BGG ‘masses’ about the Euro revolution, the new enlightenment in gaming spreading like the word of Christ from Germany that was set to change the world of cardboard forever. Plastic trembled in its spurs as African rainforests were felled en masse in order to create the new messiah of gaming – the meeple.

:pouicbravo: :pouicbravo: :pouicok:

BananeDC dit: :pouicbravo: :pouicbravo: :pouicok:

Sauvez une forêt, achetez des jeux avec figurines ! :mrgreen:

Don Lopertuis