bekymy dit:je viens de faire une partie en mode "hard", l'IA tient la route.
Mworf. A mon sens, l'IA, même en mode hard, joue vraiment très mal.
En fait, la seule différence que je perçois entre le mode normal et le mode hard, c'est que l'IA triche en plaçant un croiseur sur son monde de départ, ce qui lui permet d'aller plus vite coloniser les mondes défendus par des anciens, et améliore quelque peu son développement.
Sinon, cette IA est complètement nulle dans la gestion des tuiles découvertes, dans la recherche des technos et encore plus dans la gestion des améliorations sur les vaisseaux. En gros, on voit que les développeurs, passé les doubles coques, ont mis le paquet sur la recherche des missiles dès qu'ils sont disponibles, avec si possible un ordinateur.... l'IA manque systématiquement de flexibilité, suit un pattern de développement des technos/amés prédéfini et super prévisible une fois que l'on a joué deux-trois parties... Du coup, elle n'offre plus le moindre challenge.
Bref, une IA qui convient pour découvrir le jeu et faire quelques parties d'initiation, mais qui montre très vite ses limites. [Ceci dit, je n'imagine que difficilement une IA vraiment performante dans un jeu de stratégie/gestion tel qu'Eclipse, ou l'important, c'est avant tout d'adapter sa stratégie en fonction de celles adoptés par ses adversaires].
Par ailleurs, j'attends le correctif des inombrables bugs avec impatience !
Voici (extrait du site des développeurs), en anglais, le listing des bugs identifiés :
Bug to be fixed:
■Game crashes after selecting the cheapest tech Discovery and tapping accept without dragging the tech (temporary workaround: drag the tech before accepting)
■After upgrading ships with one Ancient part and another standard part, the Ancient part gets doubled and added in the standard part’s place
■AI is unable to continue after all of its sectors have been taken
■It is (sometimes?) possible to assign shots, which should not be able to hit, to ships with shields, if one player also has other ships without shields which can be hit
■Main Action Bar sometimes disappears after using the bottom left panel to see other players’ stats
■Sliding the invitation slider to the off position does not work (tapping works fine)
■Exploring from hex with only ships in it (not influenced, some ships have to not be pinned) causes the game to crash
■If the Planta explore but are unable to draw a second hex (because all the valid hex locations are filled), the game crashes
■Players do receive Reputation Token for taking part in combat, even though they retreated
■Fleet movement algorithm does not prefer routes through nonally’s sectors
■Invalid number of Ring III sectors in 2-5 player games
■It is possible to colonize planets in the cleanup phase in sectors with enemy ships in it
■When AI finishes its turn, the message should read ‘X has finished their turn.’ instead of ‘X has passed.’
■Uninfluencing sectors producing Money when going bankrupt does not cause Money income to drop instantly, it does drop at the beginning of the next turn (AKA The Cyprus Bug )
■It is impossible to influence a sector with player’s ships in it, not adjacent to other sectors influenced by this player
■It is possible to influence one sector, then another adjacent only to the first on, and then remove the influence from the first one, leaving the other one still influenced
■Game crashes after influencing sectors adjacent to the sectors with player’s ships in it and not adjacent to other sectors controlled by this player
■Initiative on Ancient Cruisers should be 2, instead of 1
■Wrong number of techs available for research, first three columns should be 5 techs each, next two 4 techs each, last three 3 tech each
■After accepting diplomatic pack offered by AI (possibly not only AI) and then tapping X instead of selecting resource, and again tapping X to decline the pact, the game crashes
■After starting a battle with already damaged ships, AI should assign any new damage to this ship, but it assigns it to other, undamaged ship
■Duel victories against AI appear as achievements in the application but not in GameCenter
■Tapping on a Technology should give the full information: original cost, discounted cost, minimum cost
■Wrong Reputation Tile count
■Orion Dreadnought blueprint should have 3 power, not 2
■Achievements do not register at all if iPad was offline, it is impossible to regain an achievement
■Automatic reputation/diplomacy handling doesn’t handle diplomacy-only slots properly
■Resolving bankruptcy forces you to choose resources first