[iPad][L'Île Interdite] Une VF grâce à votre aide

[L’Île interdite]

Ci- dessous une message du développeur de Forbidden Island sur iPad qui souhaiterais adapter l’application en français. Pour ce faire, il demande de l’aide:

Hey everyone,
We’ve just released an update to Forbidden Island that adds German localization to the game. For those who speak German, we hope you enjoy it!
We’d like to localize Forbidden Island into as many languages as possible, including French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, and more! Unfortunately, we don’t have the language skills or close friends that speak these other languages.
We were really touched by the positive reaction that Forbidden Island for iPad received here on BGG when we released it in 2011. So we thought we’d ask you, the board game community: would you like to contribute translations to Forbidden Island?
If you’re interested in providing a translation, you can email us at forbiddenisland@buttonmashgames.com for more details.
As a thank-you to those people whose translations we use, we’ll provide each person with promo codes for 3 free copies of Forbidden Island that you can use or share with your friends. Oh, and we’ll put your name in the game credits too!
Thanks for reading,
- Sean

Petit up sur ce topic pour signaler à ceux fâchés avec la langue de Shakspeare que la dernière update du jeu en date d’hier propose maintenant le français :)