Il y a eu quelques news mais réservé au backers. Notamment des wallpaper. Ça serai possible de les avoir ainsi que le contenu des updates ? Je poste ici plutôt qu’en MP juste au cas ou ça intéresse les autres .
takumi dit:Il y a eu quelques news mais réservé au backers. Notamment des wallpaper. Ça serai possible de les avoir ainsi que le contenu des updates ? Je poste ici plutôt qu'en MP juste au cas ou ça intéresse les autres .
+1 !
takumi dit:Il y a eu quelques news mais réservé au backers. Notamment des wallpaper. Ça serai possible de les avoir ainsi que le contenu des updates ? Je poste ici plutôt qu'en MP juste au cas ou ça intéresse les autres .
Certains liens doivent rester "secret", enfin juste pour nous backers Je vous les enverrai!
Print n' Play status
The Print n' Play is certainly well on its way! We are updating our art files (even more than we originally anticipated) and we've got a number of additional excellent images coming in. We will include all of our backer representative images as well, so please expect an exciting and colorful Print n' Play version to be available soon.
We anticipate Print n' Play completion by 5/18.
Voici quelques images
Vous avez aussi leur page facebook :
Beaucoup d'info comme la dernière nouvelle:
Update for our backers and everyone who's preordered the game- the manufacturer is under contract and the art is 99.2% complete. So far we are still on track and can't wait to get these finished copies of Castle Assault in our hands and yours.
And links to the Digital Squire and Digital Standard Bearer rewards have been sent out already, so let us know if you didn't get those for some reason.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone!
Merci pour les photos Holum, très hâte de le recevoir celui-là, les illus sont magnifiques. Avec Runecast c’est vraiment le genre de dessins que j’adore.
takumi dit:Merci pour les photos Holum, très hâte de le recevoir celui-là, les illus sont magnifiques. Avec Runecast c'est vraiment le genre de dessins que j'adore.
D'ailleurs certaines des illus me font beaucoup penser à Magic! (bon en même temps, Magic brasse énormément d'artiste différent, donc on a de tous les styles... C'est comme ci j'avais dis "Wow ces illus me font penser à DeviantArt! )
Très beau, merci de m’avoir débauché sur ce PG Holum
val2partajeux dit:Très beau, merci de m'avoir débauché sur ce PG Holum
Mais c'est avec un plaisir (égoïste et malsain )! D'ailleurs c'est pas fini!
Nouvel update:
Executive Summary:
Castle Assault - right on schedule
-Printer selected and paid
-100% of all backer representative images complete
-90% of all artwork and files for product realization uploaded to the printer
-Convention attendance including Origins Game Fair 6/4/2015 (Columbus, OH)
-And again an enormous THANK YOU!
We have got some serious updates here from the Castle Assault team!
May 5th (Cinco de Mayo) we officially partnered with our printer and began all the associated formalities to ensure we get Castle Assault to you with the quality you expect and on-time. I know I do not have to remind you, but there is no way any of this would have happened without you! If you're reading this, you're one of the reasons the game is on its way. Thank you!!
With the completion of your backer representative images, and our last minor artistic updates based on your feedback we have 100% of the artwork complete and uploaded to our printer's server.
Our last remaining item before our responsibilities end on the Pre-production stage is the Rule Booklet. We've hired an editor to ensure the Rule Booklet is editorially correct, and we've been circulating copies with our playtesting groups, to ask questions, be critical, and allow us to create the most clear and concise Rule Booklet possible. With about 90% of the content locked-in we are nearly ready to wholly hand off Castle Assault to the printer.
Backer Representative Images
Wanna check these out?
Pre-Production action!
We will continue to work and neutralize issues on our side of the Pre-Production process. Once we kick-off production and Castle Assault enters the printers hands of expertise, we will send you an update and finalize completion of the print and play.
Conventions & Demos
-Origins Game Fair (Columbus, OH) Booth #840
-Gen-Con (Indianapolis, IN) Booth #2931
-T2C2 (Elmira, NY)
-Boardgame Geek Convention (BGG.Con - Dallas, TX)
We will continue our convention and demoing circuit. If you would like to come and personally 'show us how Castle Assault is played' we will be at Origins this upcoming June 4th and also taking Castle Assault pre-orders there as well.
We respect your e-mail address and do not wish to lose the significance of our updates, so we will update you every time Castle Assault crosses another major milestone. It is our intent to have our portion of the Pre-Production process complete before we head to Origins, so please expect another note before then! That's all the news I have for now. I'll reach out to you all again in a couple of weeks!
Warmest Regards,
TJ Dunbar
Executive Summary:
-100% of all artwork and files for product realization uploaded to the printer
-Lunar Hunt updates
-Origins Game Fair Thursday - Sunday in Columbus, OH
-Would you like to be part of our Demo team?
Pre-Production underway
All files have been submitted and approved by our printer 5/27. This was an amazing milestone to meet and I excites me to think were Castle Assault is headed! The prototype/proof/mock-up/sample game is currently being manufactured, and when we see it with our own eyes we cannot wait to share it with you. There will of course be corrections and edits, but these 'should' be minor as the vast majority of work is now complete.
The Lunar Hunt (Werewolves)
One half of the 1st Expansion "Unheralded Omens" we included with your Castle Assault pledge is the Lunar Hunt. We really buckled down and compiled a number (>10) great pieces of art for our Werewolves, and I hope you enjoy them below!
Origins Booth #840 (Columbus, OH)
Please stop by and play us! We will always be at the booth (and after the show join us for some LARPing)
Demo Road Team
We've had a few offers from some of our backers that once they receive Castle Assault they would like to hit the road and show Castle Assault to their local communities. We would LOVE THAT! In fact, if you do share Castle Assault with others, snap a few photographs of you and your friends playing, and we would love to send you some promotional Castle Assault love.
Convention Road Team
We have also had a few requests from backers if they could join us at one of our conventions, share Castle Assault with attendees of the convention and then pick up some Castle Assault promotional items.
YES - we can do that for you!
I personally LOVE playing Castle Assault with others, and I love to see folks excited about a project we all worked so hard on to bring to reality. So without question, if you would like to help us out at one of our upcoming conventions we will certainly provide you with some promotional items such as Castle Assault T-shirts, promotional cards, and certainly weigh your input on the upcoming 6 Culture expansions and our Single Player expansion deck we are developing.
-Gen-Con (Indianapolis, IN) Booth #2931
-T2C2 (Elmira, NY)
-Boardgame Geek Convention (BGG.Con - Dallas, TX)
Please e-mail me ( if you would be interested in either the Demo or Convention Road Team.
Warmest Regards,
TJ Dunbar
Dis donc ça va me donner envie de ressortir mes figs de confrontation pour faire du proxy tout ça
J’ai vu que les boites étaient produites, l’auteur est sympa, il a posté les photos sur FB, on devrait plus tarder à le recevoir j’imagine.
J’ai tellement de jeux qui devraient plus tarder à arriver que je me demande si ils vont arriver un jour
Production & Shipping Underway
Our printer has provided us with an update that Castle Assault will arrive at our shores 9/30. This is a major milestone as on that date Castle Assault will begin its long journey across the sea to our facility. If you've backed a board game on Kickstarter before, you may be familiar with the process: transit time from the factory to the port of departure, then it takes about a month for the ship to cross the Pacific, docking delays due to port congestion and strikes, delays due to customs inspections, then transit time from the destination port to the warehouse, all of which can add time to our schedule. As I mentioned we have allotted time in schedule for all of these risks and once we receive Castle Assault I anticipate a 3 to 4 day turn around time in Shipping Castle Assault to you our wonderful backers.
So I must emphasize again: while things are still looking good there are still plenty of things that can delay shipment, none of which are under our direct control. I personally will be sure to keep you updated if there are any delays and the impact to schedule.
Backers in the EU and Australia should expect a mildly slower shipping schedule only because once copies arrive in the United States we then have to ship in bulk to the EU and all those associated fees and potential delivery issues with that distribution chain.
En gros pas avant fin octobre pour nous si on grossi le trait
Hello les loulous !
J’ai la possibilité de faire profiter à un 7eme un exemplaire supplémentaire pour 32.24€!
Est ce que ça en intéresse un ? Il fait me dire très rapidement !
Voilou !
Ha pour info, le PM est en cours !
Alors ça avance un peu ce projet ? Quelqu’un est sur la trad des règles ?
J’ai vu que le container arrivait aux US là.
Petit UP, vu que ça ne devrait plus tarder à débouler chez Holum !
Coucou à tous !
Déjà désolé pour les messages privés non répondus, c’est impossible de mon téléphone (au boulot TT est bloqué… et en ce moment pas d’ordinateur à ma maison…).
Alors pour le PG, je suis toujours en attente de réception du colis mais effectivement ça devrait pas tarder !
D’ailleurs pour faire la peau à la section message privée toute pourrie, pouvez-vous m’envoyer votre adresse e-mail, comme l’a fait un de vous déjà. (par MP si possible, oui je sais c’est contradictoire, mais je reçois sur ma boîte mail une notification avec le message du MP, ça d’ailleurs c’est cool cette nouveauté !)
Merci !
EDIT: C’est arrivé! Youkii! =) Bon, j’ai chopé un ordinateur, je vais pouvoir envoyer les MP a chacun!
Bon, du coup, est-ce que quelqu’un s’est (ou va se) penché sur la traduction de la règle ?
Si j’ai le temps que vais m’y atteler mais rien de sûre et surtout pas dans quel délai.
En tous cas, si tu as besoin de relecteur, je suis là !
Jeu reçu et matos vraiment sympa, la boîte est bien remplie, il reste juste à éplucher les règles qui sont un peu touffues.