Game Play Overview The game begins: thrown overboard for a life of wretchedness, you wash ashore a hostile island ruins. Through advanced resource management, area control tactics, and freeform action selection, you’ll add companions to your party, acquire bizarre relics, attain potent character traits, and defeat a host of unusual monsters in the ultimate goal of mastering heroic attributes — and regaining honor. You perform 3 actions on each turn in the order you feel is most advantageous that turn: activate a companion, travel to a new location, and interact with a map tile—taking advantage of a few free actions along the way. Many actions require the the use of your influence to gain attributes in a one-of-a-kind heroic attribute alchemy system, which is leveraged to gain the game’s most powerful rewards. For example, you can meditate at a spire to gain inspiration. You can train at a fort to gain strength. But then you can combine your inspiration and strength to gain courage (inspired strength) which allows you to defeat monsters. As you exert your influence to attain heroic attributes, build your party, and embark on your adventure, you’ll find over 100 unique card abilities that can be merged in unusual ways to create potent combinations…only some of which will come out each game. The map is revealed fog-of-war style through tile placement, so it’s different every game.
bonjour, le Kickstarter d’Epoch se finit dans quelques heures, le jeu à l’air très prometteur, le materiel de grande qualité, les stretch goal tombent comme des petits pains …
Jeu reçu hier… par contre je ne sais pas où je peux trouver les règles en Vf à télécharger… curieux puisque dans l update 34 de juillet 2018, il indique que la traduction est terminée
Sur la page kickstarter du jeu (vers le début) tu cliques sur download beta visual guide et tu trouves les règles en français. La traduction n’est pas parfaite et il y a quelques erreurs mais c’est pas si mal. En cas de doute ou contradictions réfère toi aux règles en VO. Qualité de matériel incroyable en tout cas. jeu reçu hier. Hâte de le tester au plus vite !