Voici la version Annversary d’un jeu apparemment très connu, sorti en 2014, SOLD-OUT depuis un bon moment. Perso, je ne connais pas du tout… Attention, campagne courte !
Lien Kickstarter
Le jeu est à $29, mais y’a $16 de fdp. Soit plus de 40 euros pour ce jeu.
Ca pique un peu.
Cette version Anniversaire vient avec :
- des dés gravés (au lieu des stickers),
- 26 pièces métal (KS Exclusif),
- du matériel et des règles pour 4 joueurs (auparavant, c’était un jeu 2 joueurs),
- des plateaux joueurs double-layer,
- un effet doré sur les lettres de la couverture
- les deux extensions du jeu : Ramparts (24 nouveaux forts, bâtiments et bateaux) et Coquina (nouvelle ressource et forts plus costauds)
Island Siege is a card game of colonization in the West Indies. Players build forts using stones from their supply, then move colonists to forts to populate them. Colonists in turn construct buildings and ships, which then house the colonists. Buildings provide players with special abilities, while ships are sent to lay siege to the opponent’s forts.
The goal is for players to get all of their colonists into play on their forts, buildings and ships. Be careful, though, whenever a fort is destroyed by an opponent’s fleet all of the colonists on that fort and its buildings are returned to the player’s imperial board to start again! Alternately, players may win by earning 20 gold from constructing buildings and ships. Winning requires a keen balance of building and laying an Island Siege!