[KS terminé 18/07/2016 - financé 500%] Whelps to Wyrms

Un projet qui existait en mode discussion et qui vient d’être lancé:

Vous jouez un dragon qui va devoir grandir depuis l’oeuf, explorer et devoir amasser le plus gros trésor.

Il y a un PnP:

5 CAD ($ canadiens) le PnP, 59 CAD soit 41 euros pour le jeu de base, 79 CAD soit 55 euros le jeu “Deluxe” (pièces métalliques et box sleeve).
Port gratuit en France.

Je ne sais pas quoi en penser, mais ça va permettre d’en discuter.

KS du 24/06/2016 au 18/07.
Au 27/06 c’est financé, ils en sont à presque 110% des 15000 CAD voulus.
Au 18/07, 878 contributeurs ont financé 76827 CAD.

L’image étant tronquée chez moi je me permets de la remettre.

A préciser que pour la France, c’est fdp inclus (ou alors j’ai mal compris)

J’ai trouvé comment faire pour l’image (en manuel).

Effectivement, port inclus en France.

Ça semble sympa sur le papier. Faudrait se faire le pnp pour avoir une idée plus précise du gameplay et de le durée surtout. Je n’aurais sans doute pas le temps avant la fin de la campagne :disappointed:

Le rythme effréné des sorties et financements n’aide pas. Dans ce contexte, il vaut mieux prendre le risque d’en louper un bon qu’en pledger une série de mauvais à l’aveugle… même si je n’en sais rien pour celui là.

Le jeu me tente bien et je suis surpris du peu de gens intéressés.

Une question aux habitués de KS: qu’est ce qui fait selon vous que le jeu ne suscite pas plus d’engoument? Trop cher? jeu mauvais? autre chose?

Pour le prix on a vu pire donc je ne pense pas que l’explication soit là.
Les vacances n’aident sans doute pas mais là encore je ne pense pas que ça explique tout.

Par contre, il n’y a pas eu le truc et la masse critique qui fait que ça prend, que ça discute, que ça moubourre… et ce n’est pas franco français: avec 650 backers, je n’ai pas l’impression que c’est un carton.

Faut dire que ce n’est pas une campagne débridée.

Ca va finir autour de $50k (US) et 750 backers… c’est quand meme un gros succès pour un jeu de cette gamme sans “trop de promo”! Et coté nombre de backers l’auteur est en progression constante…

On tout cas il n’y a rien qui me donne envie.  C’est peut être un jeu génial mais la mollesse de la campagne ne me décidera pas.

lemming dit :On tout cas il n'y a rien qui me donne envie.  C'est peut être un jeu génial mais la mollesse de la campagne ne me décidera pas.

Je te rassures, tout pareil pour moi... mais bon c'est pas la cata non plus du point de vue résultat, juste ce que je voulais pointer ;) 

Il aura finalement fait mieux avec un peu plus de 76000 CAD.

J’ai pris le pnp histoire de voir.

Dernier update un peu flippant sur la solvabilité du porteur de projet…

Hi folks!

I know it’s been a quiet few weeks, I should be keeping you in the loop but I’ve had a rough couple of weeks and have been trying to come up with a solution on my own. It’s been a challenge all along working with US CAD dollar transfers and trying to work from Canada while most of the board game world is elsewhere.

When I started this project I really felt like this game would be greatly enhanced by miniatures, so, I worked out costs for sculpting and molding ahead of time, and did my budgeting accordingly. Along the way it’s a constant fight with the dollar exchange as I had to run my campaign in Canadian Dollars, and the board game industry runs off of US dollars. I tried to take the exchange rate into account, and for the most part it has been ok. My first game, Space Junk cost me about 20% more than budgeted because when I did my budget the dollars were on par, and when I finished printing the game the Canadian Dollar was 30% lower.

Anyways, enough of that. The big risk with this game was the miniatures, but I knew this, and budgeted for it… or so I thought. Until I got an email the other day from the manufacturer that I was planning on using that stated my “new” mold cost was now $22,000 USD instead of the $8700 USD that they had quoted me, and I had budgeted for. For those of you who like math it adds up to about $17,500 CAD more than I had anticipated. Also, I pay some money each time I exchange from USD to CAD so it’s actually more in reality. 

The bottom line is:
I don’t have enough money to make the game.
It’s as simple as that, although I’m not willing to fail without trying every possible idea first. Because you all have a vested interest in this project I would like to ask for some advice, or suggestions from you. I have a few ideas that I’ll put forward for feedback, while inviting your suggestions as well. Because things have already been costing more than anticipated, I had expected to have to invest some more of my own money into getting this one out to you. I’m not a rich man by any means, so the extra $25,000-$30,000 is just not doable.

As a side note, everything is done that needs to be to make the game. All of the sculpts, graphics, rules, punchboards ect are done, and ready to go to print. There is enough money in the coffers to produce the game without miniatures and ship them out.

1. We have been working on a game for a while that is a legacy rpg/war/town building game. Since we started Whelps to Wyrms I have been working on building the game into the world of Whelps to Wyrms, with the intention of using many of the same characters, and therefore miniatures, from Whelps. I have been trying to figure out a way to use this as a way to fund the remaining cost of Whelps, but I’m not convinced it’s a good route unless there is an angle I’m not seeing.

2. Produce the game without miniatures? I would hate this because the sculpts are done and most of you have paid extra to get the minis. Maybe we could make the miniatures after the fact? 

3. Find a company to partner with to complete the game. This would mean turning over control of Lamp Light Games to someone else, which I would be ok with if it meant getting you guys this game. If there is any chance that we could continue on as a design team instead of dealing with the printing and distribution logistics, that would be a dream come true. We have a great design team, and several really awesome games in the works. They have just stalled out because of dealing with all of the cross border logistics, it has almost killed my creative side…