Doomtown était (1999-2001) l’adaptation du jeu de rôles de western fantastique “Deadlands” en CCG (cartes à jouer et à collectionner donc). Le principe est assez similaire aux jeux classiques à la Magic, avec toutefois une originalité notable : chaque carte comporte une valeur de carte à jouer traditionnelle (Valet, Dame, Roi…) et les actions se résolvent à la manière d’une partie de poker. Un deck: 52 cartes + 2 Jokers, cartes en 4 exemplaires maximum. Entre chaque combat, les joueurs essaient de développer leur influence sur la partie de la ville qu’ils contrôlent. 2 à 6 joueurs peuvent participer à une partie. AEG a annoncé hier (18 mars 2014) la sortie d’une version remaniée et pas à collectionner pour août 2014:
La boite de base se suffira à elle même pour jouer et contiendra : . 286 Cartes . Des Pions / Tokens . Un plateau de jeu représentant la ville de Gomorra . Livret d’apprentissage du jeu . Livret de règles (disponible en ligne début avril) Doomtown Reloaded sera donc un Expandable Card Game (ECG), pareil qu’un LCG (JCE en français) mais LCG est un terme appartenant à FFG: . Equivalents aux Data Packs, des “Saddlebags” seront disponibles quelques mois après le base set, 2 Saddlebags par trimestre, 21 cartes en x 4. . L’équivalent des Deluxes, les “Pine Boxes” auront un contenu non encore fixé. Le site officiel du jeu:
Le créateur du jeu sur FB a donné des détails avec notamment la dispo d’une version Collector de la boite de base (boite en bois, jetons de poker, pièces en métal): … 270066181/
Doomtown: Reloaded has been in the works for quite a while now. It’s a single-box game, no more collectible cards. You buy it, you get all the base set, including four faction outfits for building decks. Very shortly after the release we’ll have our first saddlebag expansion which feature a selection of new cards. We’re going to have organized play events, the Badge Series (which we’ll tell more about in June leading up to the release) and more. We are releasing at GenCon and will have an inaugural tournament for the game there this year as well. So come ready to play! Now, we figure you have a lot of questions, so I’m going to answer what i can here, and if I didn’t cover it, assume I probably can’t talk about it yet. We do have a plan for the release of information since we are 5 months away. 1. Is this a continuation of Doomtown or a new game? - Well kinda both. It continues Doomtown in the sense that it’s Gomorra, but a while later. A few faces you remember are around, but much of the town is new citizens. You could in theory play the new game with old cards, but it would require sleeves (hint, the backs have changed). While that’s totally cool for casual play, for official events it’s Reloaded only. 2. Will there be a story? - Yes there will be. It won’t be as deep and involved as the L5R story but there is a plotline and there will be LIMITED chances for players to have an impact. 3. Hrm… what’s this about streamlining? - We have done all we can to make the game inviting and accessible to new players, while still being Doomtown. Mostly this is clearing up of some effects, making cards more straightforward, eliminating other rules that were extraneous, etc. You’ll be able to learn all about it when the rulebook is made public in a month or so. 4. What’s this about a deluxe box? - We will have the basic box that will be the intro set, then we’ll also have a deluxe box that has the same cards but comes in a wood case, with real clay poker chips, metal ghost rock coins, and wooden outfit cards. Really swanky. There will be a limited number of these available. 5. Is that Wendy on the cover? - Why yes, yes it is. 6. So what’s with the factions this time? Where’s my Collegium? - With the big shift in Gomorra, some factions have simply uprooted and left town, or were wiped out. In the newly rebuilding town, we have: - The Law Dogs, still around, still trying to hold it together. - The Sloane Gang, a dirty bunch that’s all about causing trouble. - The Morgan Cattle Company - who have set up some ranches outside of town for testing new breeding and feeding programs with their R&D department. - The Fourth Ring, a really cool circus that I swear has been here a while but it seems like they just got here yesterday… but i know i saw that poster on the barber shop a month ago… hey you wanna go to that new circus tonight? 7. Are any other factions going to come back? - Perhaps in the future, but not for a while. This is the new town. 8. What about hexes, gadgets, blessings, abominations? - All that will be revealed in the next few months. So that’s all I can really get into now. I will say that we really hope you all will join us in this new endeavor. We will be going aggressively after new customers, as that’s what every new launch has to do, so most of our marketing may not exactly be speaking to you as much. That said, we really hope you’ll be the focal point of new communities of players at your local stores and hangouts. Our big focus is going to be on building communities of players in the early months, and you all will be vital to that.
Vu que L5R n’est plus traduit en français, la VF de DR semble assez compromise, de mon point de vue. J’en profite pour reposter les images de BGG que tu as proposé: Député Xiong “Wendy” Cheng:
Pas sur que Iello soit intéressé après le succès très mitigé de Nightfall. Et puis Iello fait de moins en moins de jeux “core gamer”, j’ai l’impression.
Et ba voilà un jeux qui m’attire fortement malheureusement trop de texte reste plus qu’à prier pour un vf. (Je croise les doigt su fort que sa fait mal )
J’ai lu les règles hier, ça a l’air vraiment sympa. Et je connais une personne qui a fait parti des testeurs et qui m’a confirmé que c’était “une tuerie”. J’attends avec impatience la sortie. Pour une vf, c’est à voir. Je crois que ce serait possible…