Macron l'ère de rencontre cosmique va commencer en France?

Dans Cosmic Encounter, les Macron est un peuple dont chaque pion vaut 4 lors d’un combat.

MACRON Launch & Alliance/Novice

Each Ship Is Worth Four

You have the power of Mass. When you are the offense, use this power before launching ships in an encounter. When you are the defense or an ally, use this power after allies are invited. If you are the offense or an ally, you may only send one ship into the encounter. each of your ships adds 4 to your side’s total in the encounter instead of 1. When collecting compensation or rewards, each of your ships is worth two ships.

HISTORY: Beginning life on a gargantuan planet, the Macrons accustomed themselves to tremendous atmospheric and gravitational forces. Power comes so naturally to them that they scoff at the fragile intelligences they crush on their way to universal dominance.


Wild: As a main player or ally, after you reveal an attack card in an encounter, you may add 1 to your side’s total for each ship you have in the encounter.

Super: As the offense or an ally, you may launch up to four ships in the cone.

Apparemment çà marche aussi en politique.

Mais est ce que dans 15 jours, on enseignera Cosmic Encounter (ou la VF Rencontres Cosmiques) dans toutes les écoles en France?

Est ce que le jeu de société deviendrait le sport national, avec des parties en direct à la télé…
Qui sait?cool

Jolie trouvaille !
Tiens, ça me donne envie de ressortir mon Rencontre Cosmique :wink:

Tu veux dire ton Rotonde cosmique.

Déjà annoncé ici.