Hi guys,
sorry but I don’t speak French, so apologize me if I write in english. I hope this is the right forum for this post
I’m working on new 2.0 Rules of Medievalia Card Game, and maybe someone can help me with some suggestion/critic after some playtest on the new Advanced Game.
In the new release i configured the game in three ways:
Basic Game (Medievalia One). The simplied version of the game. It’s equal to actual game version (at the start of the game each player takes 8 cards).
Intermediate Game (Medievalia Two). The normal version of the game. It’s equal to the actual advanced game version: at the beginning of the game you have to separe the cards in three decks (one with territories, one with civilian characters, and one with military characters including priests and bowmen). At the start of the game each player starts with zero cards. So, each player chooses the 8 cards from the three different little decks (take a card, look at it, after another card from a differe deck maybe, look at it, and after another, and so on). The same happens when you have to take 1 card at the beginning of round.
Advanced Game (Medievalia Three). This variant starts with the Medievalia Two configuration (cards separed in three decks) and introduces different new rules:
Territory limitation. Player Fiefs have 5 slots for territories. The intermediate fiefs have 2 slots. A player can play the city and up to 4 different territories (a mine, two fields, and forest for example) and not more. If the player wants, he can remove a territory and free a slot; for that he need to use a workforce.
A player can settle also a intermediate Fief (two slots available there). He need to move a character (workforce producing) in the intermediate Fief and in the following turn use this character to produce a workforce and so put there a territory. In the next turns to use this territory you need always to have on it a character producing a workforce and you will produce only the territory resource. For example, if you have a peon on a field in the intermediate Fief, you will turn both together and you will produce 1 grain.
If some opponent troops come in the intermediary Fief a battle can happens as the normal rules. If both players have troops free in the intermediate Fief, first you have to solve the battle between troops with normal rules. In you have only a territory (guarded or not) and troops, the player with troops can decide to destroy it or not, and if it’s guarded to engage battle or not. He can ignore it, if he wants.
Character limitation. You have to substain your characters. It’s depending on the number of grain resource you have on the table. Every 1 grain you can substain 2 characters (you don’t have to turn the territory to produce the resources to substain them, you need only to have them on the table). For example, if I have on the table 3 grains (1 from a building, 2 from two fields) i can have at max 6 characters on the table (isn’t important where the charaters are: in my Fief, in the opponent Fief, or in the intermediate Fief it’s the same). This rule works with the card you have on the table and NOT with the resource production. So is useless for example use the artist character to double the production of a field, you will NOT double the number of character you can substain.
Building purchase. With Medievalia 3 rules you can purchase also a building you already have, and obtain for example two stables, but the second one will not give you the victory point at the game end.
Some precisations about Advanced Game (Medievalia 3):
Subsistance. The subsistence is istantaneous. You have always to check it. So if you have too much characters you have to discard one before play in game another card (remember that you cannot discard a used character).
Combat. In the intermediate Fief when battle happens all free characters have to combat. The guarded territory can be ignored in combat and the attacker can also move through the territory without attack it.
Intermediate Fief Settling. This is the sequence:
1) First round. You have to move 1 character producing workforce in the intermediate Fief.
2) Second round. You have to play 1 territory card from your hand and to put it in the intermediate fief. The cost of the card will be paid by the character workforce-producing already in the intermediate fief. At this moment the territory is yours, and you can count it for subsistence.
Remember that if you leave the territory unguarded the territory will come a free territory, not yours and not usable for subsistence.
If you let the territory without a character workforce-producing but another one (for example a soldier) this territory will be yours, but it will not produce resource and will not count for subsistence.
That’s all