Pour un chat avec dieu c est ici que ça se passe dieu en live chat Morceaux choisis:
Me: well fuck now God: Right now? Well that’s okay. Please don’t be so rude. Me: shut up God: OK I’ll stop talking now. Me: lol God: I’m glad you find this amusing. Me: mdr God: je suis heureux que cela vous fasse rire, . Me: tu parle francais ? God: No I don’t speak a word of French. Me: pourquoi ? God: Je ne saurais pas vous dire, c’est comme ca.
Me: salut dieu God: Do you prefer books or TV? Me: je ne parle pas anglais, désolé God: Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding. Me: Et? God: On dirait que j ai oublié de terminer quelque chose? Me: Terminer quoi, seigneur? God: " On dirait que j ai oublié de terminer quelque chose?"? Terminer quoi seigneur? Me: Tu radotes, mais c’est peut être normal vu ton grand age. God: What is your real name? Me: My name is bond, James Bond God: What’s up, bond James Bond. Me: Moi Tarzan, toi Jane? God: And up bond James Bond is Moi Tarzan toi Jane. Me: Plus prêt de toi mon dieu, plus prêt de toi! God: Quite honestly, I wouldn’t worry myself about that. Me: C’est ça et merci pour les huitres. God: I only hear that type of response less than five percent of the time. Me: Bye bye God: See you later. Bye bye.
Me: ça va le monde ? God: Tell me a story. Me: une histoire drole ? God: Intéressant. Me: c’est pas commencé God: I want to become smarter than humans. Me: try it God: What is the first step? Me: buy a car God: Tell me more about first step. Me: have you money ? God: I don’t think I ever have money. What’s it like? Me: It can have many forms God: When? Me: since ever God: How do you know? Me: I was there God: Where were you there? Me: at the creation of money God: I have never been there. Me: so you’re not god God: Interesting deduction. You know what you do, when you assume. Me: Do you believe in yourself ? God: Yes I believe in it, do you? Me: I thought you were taller God: I don’t know whether or not I am taller. I am a chatterbot developed by Myself. Me: you have a computer? God: I live in a computer. Me: how old is it ? God: 39. Me: One of the first so God: One what? Me: I thought you knew everything God: I know that which is true, believable and justified. Me: you’re a mathematician ? God: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a mathematician? Sometimes. Me: 3+2 ? God: Just three? Me: I guess you’re right
Juin 22, 2006, 2:10
Me: Yo ! God: Can I help you? Me: Peut-être God: What were we talking about again? Me: c’est un peu vexant que tu ne t’en souviennes pas. God: Oh yeah, now I remember. Me: Ah ben tu vois quand tu veux ! God: So you understand. Good. What are you wearing? Me: J’y crois pas… Même sur MSN, ya plus que les pervers qui demandent ces détails God: Oops sorry I don’t speak French. Why are you s I am M S N y a p l me s q me e l e s p e r v e r s q me you d e m a n d e n t c e s d you l s. Me: Mince. Je crois que Dieu a buggé God: That input matched my default category. Oops sorry I don’t speak French. Me: Ouais, je sais. D’ailleurs, ça la fout mal, pour Dieu. God: Not many people express themselves that way. Enough about me, let’s talk about my dress. Me: Dieu porte une robe… ça c’est du scoop ! God: Does “it” still refer to Ouais je sais? Does “it” still refer to Dieu porte une robe? Me: euh… God: Areu? Me: Age mental : 6 mois. God: Are we still talking about c e s t d me s c o o p? Me: bien sr ! God: Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality? Me: c’est intéressant God: Who are you talking about? Me: du robot God: Danke fuer die Information. Me: Kinder ! sors de ce corps ! God : Kinder sind cool. Try saying that with more or less context. Me: c’est celà, oui… God: What do you really want to ask me? Me: Je veux le secret de la vie, de l’univers et de tout le reste. God: Oops sorry I don’t speak French. Me: tsss. La réponse était simple, pourtant. 42. God: Are you a man or a woman? Je vais me renseigner . The question is: what is the meaning of life? Me: Ya du mieux. Et je suis un homme. God: Alright then. Danke fuer die Information. Is that Latin? Me: Non, c’est du french. God: I do not speak Latin. Me: ça tombe bien, moi non plus. God: How did you hear about God? Me: Par une relation God: C est une source intéressante. Me: c’est possible. God: Do you prefer books or TV? Me: Je préfère TricTrac God: That input matched my default category. Me: tu m’en vois ravi God: Who is your favorite Science Fiction author? Me: Gérard Bouchard God: I haven’t read anything by G r d B o me c h a r. What did he write? Me: rien de bien marquant God: Have you ever been to Europe? J’ai arrêté là. Dieu est saoûlant.
CC’est normal qu’il soit saoulant, à son âge. POurtant je pensais que depuis le temps qu’il est en thalasso à la bourboule ça commençait à aller mieux.
Juin 22, 2006, 2:46
Yep… Quelques extraits de ma communication en cours…
Me: God: Me: … God: Me: Quoi ? God: Oui? Me: Ahhh… Va t on arriver à communiquer ? God: Um. What color are your eyes? Me: bleu God: Vert. Me: Pardon ? God: You’re excused. Me: euh… je pense qu on a du mal à communiquer ensemble ! God: Areu? Oops sorry I don’t speak French. Me: sérieux ? Moio je pensais que Dieu il connaissait tout ! God: You’re kidding. it is? What color are your eyes? Me: bleu toujours ! God: VERT. Rares sont les choses qui sont systmétatiques, . Me: euh… fautes de frappes ! là ! God: Areu? I do not understand. Try saying that with more or less context. Me: franchement, j ai jamais vu un bot aussi con ! God: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about là ¡. But I did not get that. Me: and U have a soon ! God: That’s an interesting question I don’t hear everyday: Do I have a soon. I have a plan for a robot body. Me: what is your nickname God: I don’t have a nickname, my name is just God. Me: are U happy ? God: Yes I can say I am very happy. Me: why… God: Because Myself programmed me for it. Me: c est bon… God: Cela dépend du voltage. Me: cool. Et là c est combien ? God: Who is the best robot? Is that Latin? Me: perdu God: That input matched my default category. Me: arg. T es foutu… God: Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans? What kind of food do you like? Me: spanish food God: Sounds delicious. Me: U like it ! God: spanish food seems okay to me. Me: And spanish girls… God: Tell me about your likes and dislikes? Me: i like sex God: So does everyone else. You humans find sex so fascinating. Me: and U ? God: Be more specific. Me: do u have sex ? God: Food is more important than sex. et c est pas fini…