[The Phantom League]
J’ai complètement réécrit le chapitre concernant la résolution des combats, beaucoup trop confuse dans le manuel d’origine. C’est en Anglais, mais validé et corrigé par l’auteur lui-même.
Battle Resolutions
Pre-Battle Step
(This only happens once at the beginning of any battle)
Build your battle deck:
Draw 1 card of any chosen type (either one attack, one defense, or one support card).
Add additional cards regarding your improvement(s) (For each improvement saying so, add one card of the corresponding type to your battle deck)
Finally add 2 cards drawn from the Destiny Deck (as a reminder, the destiny deck has been previously build, mixing together 3 attack, 3 defense, and 3 support cards. If the destiny deck would be emptied this way, immediately rebuild a new one, so each player actually receive 2 cards).
Shuffle all drawn cards together thoroughly; your battle deck’s ready!
Battle Steps
(Each round of battle consists of the following 9 phases)
Phase 1: Improvement(s)
Announce the use of improvement(s) (if able and wanting to): either disposable or consuming fuel (Immediately pay the amount of fuel needed for the chosen improvement(s)). Don’t forget to keep enough fuel for forthcoming attacks requiring so, if wishing to!
Phase 2: Draw cards
Draw 2 to 5 cards from your battle deck into your hand.
Any remaining cards in your deck might be used during the later escape phase and/or any further battle round.
When no cards remain, your deck is exhausted (effects Phase 9).
NB: A battle will end at the end of a battle round, either if one of the players engaged in battle either died or successfully escaped OR both players’ battle decks are exhausted. Note that in orther to participate in a second battle round, you’ll have to keep at least 2 cards left in your battle deck.
Phase 3: Apply support
All players reveal their support cards in hand at first, if any, and apply their effects immediately. (The faster captain resolving his own support cards first)
Phase 4: Revealing hands
All players engaged in battle reveal their remaining cards in hand simultaneously face up.
Phase 5: Block all damages
Apply “block all damage” cards, if any: discard all revealed attack cards made against “block all damage” cards, if any.
Phase 6: Organizing defenses
Each attack card remaining face up is considered as an active action and will be resolved (So if no attack card is being left at this step, there won’t be any single damage applied).
Each player may now try to protect his ship from the incoming opponent’s attack(s): against each single attack card revealed, the opponent has the opportunity to use his revealed defense cards, if any, and combine these any way he might choose. One can choose to use any amount of defense cards against one single attack. Defense against many cards protect against all attacks and they even do stack. So if you have two defense against many and one defense against one, againts only one incoming attack, you can stack all three of your defenses.
Lastly defense is to be considered as a passive action, so the use of a defense card is always facultative. If no defense card is (or can be) used against a single attack, a player’s defense value is defined by its captain, ship and improvement(s) cards alone. However, if a player uses a defense card against an attack, he applies the card’s effects and temporary increases his defense value (as defined by the card).
Phase 7: Attacks resolution
Each attack card is resolved; attacks from the faster ship being played first! (So the faster ship’s attacks occur first. If the faster ship manages to destroy the slower ship, the slower ship’s attacks are not resolved! There’s no tie breaker. If both ships have the same speed, attacks are resolved simultaneously.)
Attack cards with both symbols (such as ‘succesfull attack’) do BOTH types of damages. Attack cards which are clearly identified as energy OR projectile damages are an exception to the basic rule and do only damages of the identified type. The total amount of damages is figured out by matching the symbols on the attack cards played, being either both types of damages, or a single one identified, with those found on your own ship, captain, and improvement(s) cards. To this amount, subtract the opponent’s defense value, which is the sum of his captain, ship, and improvements’ defenses against the corresponding type of attack (either against Projectile, Energy or both types), and any defense card that would have been played.
The difference (between the total attack value and the total defense value) is the amount of damages (hit points) being immediately inflicted.
When a ship takes damage, its Captain chooses whether to apply damage to improvements or to take structural damages, unless the attack card specifies otherwise (With “aimed hits” for instance, the attacker can choose to destroy one improvement instead of inflicting further general damage). If damages are applied to an improvement, turn the selected improvement face down. It’s assumed to be broken and will not be available until it’s repaired in a space station. Deduct the amount of structure points the improvement had from your structure point total. All excess damage is soaked up by the improvement, thus often saving your ship from much more vital damage.
The built-in improvements of Spaceships cannot take hits, as those have been calculated into the structural points values of the Spaceships.
Phase 8: Escape attempt
At the end of the battle round, after first damages, if any, have been inflicted, players may now announce an escape attempt.
Once a player voluntarily makes an attempt, both sides may secretly discard cards from their remaining battle decks in order either to help or hinder the attempt: for every card discarded by the player trying to escape, his escape value is lowered by 1, for every pair of cards discarded by the opponents, the escape value’s raised by 1 (so the opponent(s) has to discard cards by pairs in order to cancel a single card being discarded by the coward; single cards having no effect!). There’s no limitation to the amount of cards the fleeing player may discard. Though players helping or hindering the attempt can’t discard more cards in response than their current support value (which is the amount of support on captain, ship and improvements cards together).
In order to successfully escape, the final escape value calculated for the captain trying to escape, at the end of an attempt, has to be 0 or less. Otherwise, battle continues.
NB: Escaping from battle may be considered as cowardice. For captains whose Recognition score is 4 or more (e.g. they are no longer nobodies), a successful escape from a battle lowers that score by one.
Phase 9: End of the current round
Check Battle Decks to see if all are exhausted (or have less than 2 cards left). If so, battle is over. If one or more players still have 2 or more cards, another round begins. For those with no cards left, good luck, you’re going to need it!
Je mettrai ça dans la règle en français quand je me serai mis à la corriger…
C’est à dire après y avoir joué.
Il vaut quoi le jeu ?
Pas encore testé. C’était tellement n’importe quoi niveau règles (en espérant que l’auteur ne passe pas par ici et ne lise pas le Français ), qu’il m’était impossible de le présenter à mon groupe de joueurs habituels. Depuis une semaine je pose et réponds à des questions sur le geek, ce qui me permet aujourd’hui d’avoir réponse à quasi toutes mes interrogations. Je devrais pouvoir l’essayer cette semaine… J’ai fait une aide de jeu aussi, indispensable à mon sens pour y jouer, ne fusse que pour se rappeler des dizaines d’actions possibles et réalisables dans un même tour de jeu, comme les sources et les pertes de points de reconnaissance. Je vais l’uploader très prochainement. Si je me suis autant investi, c’est parce que j’ai le sentiment que ça en vaut la chandelle.
cool, j’ai tout compris
Tu peux réécrire le reste des règles
bloodyraoul dit:En fait, je comptais le faire après une première partie.
Tu peux réécrire le reste des règles
J'ai rarement autant galéré à traduire des règles (je me disais qu'avec le matos, ce serai plus claire, mais en fait, je n'ai pas l'impression).
Si tu as des questions, tu peux me les poser ici en Français. J’ai accumulé pas mal d’infos sur le jeu.
Mon aide de jeu est dispo et terminée (et assez jolie en fait). Je l’ai uploadée sur BGG, mais ne sera probablement pas validée avant plusieurs jours. Que les plus pressés me contactent en privé, je leur enverrai pas mail.
L’aide reprend: les différentes phases d’un tour de jeu (j’ai volontairement regroupé le mouvement et les “hyperspace jump” en une seule et même phase de mouvement, puisque c’est de ça qu’il s’agit…), toutes les actions possibles en fonction de la localisation du vaisseau (galaxie, station spatiale, planètes. Ici aussi, j’ai volontairement autorisé l’échange de cargos entre deux vaisseaux arrimés à une même station spatiale, ce qu’interdisait entre les lignes la règle originale, mais comme ça n’avait aucun sens… Pour moi 2 vaisseaux arrimés, l’un à l’autre ou ensemble sur une même station spatiale, peuvent échanger leur cargaison!), les différentes icônes du jeu, les fameuses phases de combat, et enfin les différentes manière de gagner ou perdre des points de reconnaissance (éparpillées dans la règle originale. Bonjour la clarté!).
poifpoif dit:(éparpillées dans la règle originale. Bonjour la clarté!).Timo n'a pas pris la peine de réécrire entièrement les règles après les nombreuses modif...
Résultat, c'est fouillis, avec des bouts obsolètes !