J’ai encore une presentation a faire en angalis
Donc si vous pouvez m’aider a corriger ça, ca serait cool
C’est avec un powerpoint à l’appui.
Slide1 (le nom du jeu)
Hello everybody, good afternoon.
I’m goinng to talk about Go, the oldest game known today.
Slide2 (History)
The game of Go originated in China.
No one knows when the first game was played but some legends trace the origin of go to Chinese Emperor Yao (Approximatly two thousand and three hundred before christ).
It reached to japan at the seventh century then to Europe at the end of the nineteenth century.
Slide3 (General features)
It’s a game for 2 players at least five years old.
It lasts ten minutes to many hours.
It rules are not complex.
It have a very high strategic level.
And there is no chance in this game.
Slide 4(une image du plateau)
The board is a grid of nineteen horizontal and vertical lines.
Slide5(les pionts)
The two players have an unlimited number stones of one color(black or white).
Slide6(objectif et actions possible)
To win the game , you have to gain more point than your opponent.
Points are earned by taking control of territories and by capturing stones.
On each turn , a player can play one stone on an free intersection.
Instead,he can also pass if he estimate not have interesting play to do.
If the two players he gahave passed, tme is finished.
Slide7(dessin pour montrer les libertés).
Stone have many liberties.
This stone have four liberties and this one three.
Slide 8(dessin pour la capture).
To capture this units of black stones.The white players have to take off all the liberties of the black unit.
In this case ,white have just to played here to capture the unit.
Slide9(dessin pour le comptage de fin)
At the end of the game , players earned one point for each free intersection in theirs territories and one point per capture.
In tis example , white players haves thirteen points for his territories against seventeen for black.
Slide 10(Données numeriques)
The different possible games for Go are estimated at ten googol five hundred and fifty seven against less tahn ten googol fifty for chess.
Slide 11(le go et les ordinateurs ) suis dans une formation informatique
Altough Computers are recently beat the best chess player yet, for Go , they are not good.
There are many reasons.
-The goban is very large
-The game becomes progressively more complex because a stone arrived on the goban each turn.
-There is a very high degree of pattern recognition.
-It’s difficult to detect ko position.
-A material advantage is of a little importance.
That’s why reseachers consider Go as a better measure of computer capacity than chess.
To conclued I think it’s not for nothing that Go is the most played game of the world.
thanks for your attention and if you have any questions fell free to ask.
Voila merci d’avance
cham dit:J'ai encore une presentation a faire en angalis![]()
Donc si vous pouvez m'aider a corriger ça, ca serait cool
C'est avec un powerpoint à l'appui.
Slide1 (le nom du jeu)
Hello everybody, good afternoon.
I'm going to talk about Go, the oldest game known today.
Slide2 (History)
The game of Go originated in China.
No one knows when the first game was played but some legends trace the origin of go to Chinese Emperor Yao (Approximatly two thousand and three hundred years (mais on écrit 2300AD before christ).
It reached Japan during the 7th Century then Europe at the end of the 19th Century.
Slide3 (General features)
It's a game for 2 players at least five years old.
It lasts ten minutes to many hours.
Its rules are not complex. (are simple)
It has a very high strategic level.
And there is no chance in this game. (no randomness)
Slide 4(une image du plateau)
The board is a grid of nineteen horizontal and vertical lines. (19x19 lines grid)
Slide5(les pions)
The two players have an unlimited number stones of one color(black or white). are considered/supposed to have an unlimited supply OF stones of one of two colours : black or white
Slide6(objectif et actions possible)
To win the game , you have to gain more points than your opponent.
Points are earned by taking control of territories and by capturing stones.
On each turn , a player can play one stone on an free intersection.
Instead, he can also pass if he estimates having no interesting move to play.
If the two players have passed, the game is finished.
Slide7(dessin pour montrer les libertés).
Stone have many liberties.
This stone have four liberties and this one three.
Slide 8(dessin pour la capture).
To capture this unit of black stones the white player has to remove/cut off all the liberties of the black unit.
In this case ,white has just to play here to capture the unit.
Slide9(dessin pour le comptage de fin)
At the end of the game, players earn one point for each free intersection in their territories and one point per capture.
In this example , white player has thirteen points for his territories against seventeen for black.
Slide 10(Données numériques)
The different possible games for Go are estimated at ten googol five hundred and fifty seven against less than ten googol fifty for chess.
Slide 11(le go et les ordinateurs ) suis dans une formation informatique
Although computers have recently beaten the best chess players yet, for Go , they are not good enough.
There are many reasons.
-The goban is very large
-The game becomes progressively more complex because a stone arrived on the goban each turn : it's a n-p complex problem.
-There is a very high degree of pattern recognition.
-It's difficult to detect ko position.
-A material advantage is of a little importance.
That's why reseachers consider Go as a better measure of computer capacity than chess.
To conclude I think it's not for nothing that Go is the most played game of the world.
Thanks for your attention and if you have any questions fell free to ask.
Voila merci d'avance
Heh beh, y'a encore un peu de taf. C'est quoi un "googol" ?
Si c'est un gogol, c'est 70! (plus ou moins 10^100) mais malgré cela les chiffres donnés ne font pas vraiment sens. Ecris les en nombre, ce sera plus parlant pour le péquin moyen. Si possible sous une forme en puissance de 10.
googol c’est “puissance” en math. (j’ai trouvé ça dans un dico francais-angalis sur le web).
cham dit:merci
googol c'est "puissance" en math. (j'ai trouvé ça dans un dico francais-angalis sur le web).
Mouais, ton dico déconne un peu. Ecris en chiffres, si tu veux que ta prez soit compréhensible.
Comme je le dis après l'édit, le googol, c'est 10 puissance 100 mais c'est une unité pas super utilisée dont j'avais oublié complètement l'existence.
oki et comment on dit 10 puissance quelquechose ?
cham dit:oki et comment on dit 10 puissance quelquechose ?
10^xxxx tout simplement. Les anglais écrivent rarement les chiffres de manière littéraire.
Ou ten exponent xxxx, m'enfin, c'est rare.
Tu trouveras rarement "twenty three" dans la littérature. Tu trouveras "23". Sauf pour nineteenth, twentieth etc.
et a l’oral ?
C’est un truc orale mon truc j 'ai oublié de le dire
Je pense avoir vu quelques fautes, sous réserve que mon anglais n’est pas parfait non plus.
J’éditerai mon message au fur et à mesure si je trouve d’autres coquilles, donc si jamais tu veux le re-regarder de temps en temps, sait-on jamais.
cham dit:J’ai encore une presentation a faire en anglais![]()
Donc si vous pouvez m’aider a corriger ça, ca serait cool
C’est avec un powerpoint à l’appui.
Slide1 (le nom du jeu)
Hello everybody, good afternoon.
I’m goinng to talk about Go, the oldest game known today.
Slide2 (History)
The game of Go originated in China.
No one knows when the first game was played but some legends trace the origin of go to Chinese Emperor Yao (Approximatly two thousand and three hundred before christ).
It reached to japan at the seventh century then to Europe at the end of the nineteenth century.
Slide3 (General features)
It’s a game for 2 players at least five years old.
It lasts ten minutes to many hours.
ItS rules are not complex.
It have a very high strategic level.
And there is no hazard (ça me semble plus correct, “luck” à la limite) in this game.
Slide 4(une image du plateau)
The board is a grid of nineteen horizontal and vertical lines.
Slide5(les piont (oups !)s)
The two players have an unlimited number of stones (black or white).
Slide6(objectif et actions possibles)
To win the game , you have to gain more points than your opponent.
Points are earned by taking control of territories and by capturing stones.
On each turn , a player can play one stone on an (lettre en trop) free intersection.
Instead, he can also passes if he estimates not have interesting play to do.
If the two players he gahave (??? à supprimer) passed (le présent me semble suffire), the game stop.
Slide7(dessin pour montrer les libertés).
Stones have many liberties Je n’en sais mais es-tu certain que le terme “liberté” est équivalent en anglais en ce qui concerne le jeu de go ?.
This stone have four liberties and this one three.
Slide 8(dessin pour la capture).
To capture this units (c’est pas singulier là ?) of black stones. The white players (là aussi non ?) has (du coup la conjugaison change) to take off all the liberties of the black unit.
In this case, white has just to played (infinitif après le “to”) here to capture the unit.
Slide9(dessin pour le comptage de fin)
At the end of the game, players earned one point for each free intersection in theirs (en trop) territories and one point per capture.
In this example, white players (singulier ?) has (si singulier, si plurier “have” et non pas “haves”) thirteen points for his territories against seventeen for black.
Slide 10(Données numeriques)
The different possible games (je mettrais plutôt “developments” ou quelque chose dans cette idée… “games” me fait trop penser au jeu et pas assez la notion de possibilités) for Go are estimated at ten googol five hundred and fifty seven against less than (une inversion de lettres) ten googol fifty for chess.
Slide 11(le go et les ordinateurs ) suis dans une formation informatique
Altough (les informaticiens et leur culte des machines !)==> computers have (je ne suis pas sûr de la conjugaison) recently beaten the best chess player yet (je dirais que c’est en trop ça), at Go, they are bad.
There are many reasons :
-The goban is very large
-The game becomes progressively more complex because a stone arrives on the goban each turn.
-There is a very high degree of pattern recognition.
-It’s difficult to detect KO position.
-A material advantage is of a little importance.
That’s why reseachers consider Go as a better measure of computer capacity than C (si tu ne mets la majuscule que pour le Go, les joueurs d’Echecs vont se vexer !) hess.
In conclusion, I think that Go is the most played game of the world because of this reasons : although it has very simple rules, it’s an incredibly complex and rich game.
Thanks for your attention, and if you have any questions, feel (étourderie ? clavier ?) free to ask.
J’espère n’avoir pas mis de bêtises. Bonne présentation !

P.S. : Pour le googol je pensais que parlais de la grandeur et pas de la puissance… Greuh a raison, écris en chiffre ça évitera ce genre de confusion (pour ceux qui savent ce qu’est un googol).
cool merci.
Pour les libertés j’ai trouvé un article en angalis sur wikipedia ou il parle bien de “liberty”.
Sinon oui quelques fautes de frappes, j’ai l’habitude qu’un compilateur me dises ou j’ai mal tapé
Arthas Anté dit:And there is no hazard (ça me semble plus correct, "luck" à la limite) in this game.
Attention, "hazard" est un faux ami qui signifie risque, danger

Luck me semble le mieux adapté.
Utilise “no random factor”, “no randomness”.
Le hasard dans les jeux se dit “at random”.
Pour la puissance, si c’est à l’oral, tu peux dire “at the power of”.
Je te conseille de faire le ratio des deux puissances et de donner la différence, ça te fera toujours ça de gagné. Finalement, ne parle pas de problème n-p complexe a moins de savoir ce que c’est (et l’expliquer en angliche, bonne lecture : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complexity … s_P_and_NP ).
Effectivement, dans le jeu de go, on parle bien d’une “Liberty” et de “liberties”. Cf. Go Weekly.
EDIT : je tiens quand à même à appuyer le fait que l’intérêt des informaticiens pour le go est surtout pour l’avancée dans la résolution de problèmes np complexes difficiles, car il a l’avantage d’être compréhensible par un humain, et testable assez facilement.
Oliv dit:Arthas Anté dit:And there is no hazard (ça me semble plus correct, "luck" à la limite) in this game.
Attention, "hazard" est un faux ami qui signifie risque, danger
Luck me semble le mieux adapté.
Ha ,! J'avais pourtant vérifié sur un dico français/anglais en ligne.... il m'avait tellement bien aidé jusqu'à présent.... Voilà que je risque de le bouder...
encore merci a tous
Pour le probleme n-p complexe (j’ai etudié ça y a pas lgt en cours), ma prof d’anglais risque de pas comprendre ce que c’est et moi je prefere pas expliquer des trucs comme ça en anglais .
Elle prefere qu’on rentre pas trop dans les details en info et en math parcequ’elle n’est pas trés callé dans ces sciences.