je me retrouve en possesion de deux jeux anglais des editions A CO-OPERATIVE GAME tm 'family pastimes RR 4 perth,Ontario (Canada)K7H 3C6 ???
IL y a t’il qq’un pour m’eclairer .Mon site internet ne fonctionnant pas tres bien
ET moi ,je suis un peu leger quand je me retrouve en Grande Bretane avec des questions techniques .Merci ,Myriam
Hop : http://www.familypastimes.com/
Merci Google
Family Pastimes games are the inventions of Jim Deacove. Jim started making co-operative games for his own family, and was encouraged by friends to make more.
The Deacove family was and is no different from others. Sharing toys, helping mom and dad and being kind to others are values taught in all homes. To find games which help reinforce such sharing attitudes, however, is very difficult. Thus, Jim and Ruth felt the need to create some.
The “hobby” became a small business in their home 31 years ago (1972). Slow but steady growth in sales required moving the business into a cottage. With the addition of new games and greater interest by the public, a switch occurred. The family moved into the cottage and the business occupied the two stories of the old farm house. A new workshop was built in 1984 to replace the old farm house, destroyed by a terrible fire in October 1983.
Offset presses, silkscreening equipment, table saws, various other woodworking tools and an assortment of old and new machines provide the technology. The Deacoves, some local people and an eager bunch of students each summer provide the labor. The format is kept simple but attractive. The games are made in small quantities, as a labor of love.
Merci : RODY mais je suis aussi c… qu’avant .
En gros qu’est ce que cela veut dire ton explication Anglaise ?Est ce des jeux enfantin sont vendables!!!
Je sais que j’ai un jeu ou il faut aider des familles à effectuer le plus possible des choses qu’ils ont à faire et à rentrer à la maison avant que les rues ne soient bloquées par la neige et le verglas .
L’autre :Je suis une équipe d’archéologues et vous cherchez en parcourant temples et cavernes à retrouver des vestiges anciens , tt en évitant les dangers qui vs empecheront de réunir ces trésors.(du Tikal pour enfants)
Que ferait tu de mes découvertes, moi qui joue à SP ,Tigre & eup;et compagnie