[Galaxy Defenders]
Gremlin Project est un nouvel editeur italien qui va lancer une campagne sur KS le 16 avril pour son premier jeu.
Il s’agit de Galaxy Defenders,un jeu co op ou les heros luttent contre une invasion alien,une sorte de zombicide a la sauce x-com,apparement avec des figurines notamment.
Les aliens sont gérés par une IA differente selon les races.
quelques cartes:
exemple d’IA:
une feuille de perso:
quelques infos sur le BGG:
“This system grants a different A.I. for each alien species, in addition to simulating the chaos of battle because the agents will not know in advance which alien will be activated during the next alien turn. In order to save our planet from the incoming aliens, no matter which one is doing what, the players may choose up to five agents:
-----• Marine: Coming from U.S. Special Forces, the Marine is an excellent soldier who can manage different combat situations, especially against multiple enemies; he has an average movement ability and firepower.
-----• Hulk: The Hulk was a successful mercenary and now is one of the best GD agents; although slow on the battlefield, he enjoys an extraordinary resistance to damage and has a high firepower.
-----• Infiltrator: A deadly woman who can perform stealth actions, and a lethal weapon who hides in the shadows, she has fast movement and good short-range combat ability.
-----• Sniper: A silent sharpshooter, expert in camouflage and ranged combat; the sniper has excellent long-range firepower.
-----• Biotech: The Biotech is the most technologically adept agent in service. He can use nano-technology to heal wounds or to control war drones. He also likes old-fashioned style; in fact he has always his faithful shotgun for close encounters!”
Hum je ne sais quoi penser entre mon envie de te détester et mon adoration pour tes moubourages
moubourrage + hypnotoad…
Ouais bien ce jeu m’intéresse .J’attend avec impatience d’avoir plus de nouvelle sur ce jeu. Merci pour l’info!
bien vu Hadoken
J’ai lu sur boardgamegeek que des figurines promos seront offertes au participants du kickstarter. Mais j’imagine qu’on s’en doutait un peu…
J’espère que ces figurines seront de nouveaux personnages jouables et de nouvelles races aliens.
Sa a lair vraiment sympathique tout Sa
podezob70 dit:Sa a lair vraiment sympathique tout Sa :p

Voici le message d’un employé travaillant sur le jeu Galaxie Defenders sur boardgamegeek: Hi,
Thank you so much for the kind words!
We are working hard to finalise the game in the best way, please ignore any text or graphic error, most of the material is coming from the Beta version.
Replying to some questions… I can anticipate that the game style takes the feeling and essence of any Sci-Fi product of the 80s and 90s period …
… starting from U.F.O. VideoGame, Aliens, Predator, MiB movies and so on.
So, if you like these atmospheres probably you will love this game too!
We have called many great artists for GD, such:
Raffaele Stumpo [miniatures sculpt]
Mario Barbati of 0OneGames [Modular Map Design]
Fernando Peniche [Great Artwork]
Matrioskart Studio [Graphics]
Ares Games and Roberto Di Meglio [Publisher]
and many more!
The project itself is almost done, we are continuing with the play testing in order to guarantee an intense story campaign with multiple paths and most important, we are trying to create very different game styles for each mission: Fighting, Rescue, Discovery, Investigate, Protect, Resist and why not Revenge!
The combat system is quite deeper than Heroscape,with different dice rolls, attack and defensive skills and powers.
Each mission will use up to 4 BIG large map Tiles [that can be combined also in different ways] for creating the battlefield and last but not least, in order to survive and bring back home the skin, the GD Squad must use a good strategy on the field…remembering the role, the powers and the equipment of each agent involved; we have got inspiration from the latest MMORPGs about the “Roles style”.
That’s all friends! I cannot spoiler anymore
But in a few moments new images should appears under the image section and on Facebook.
Starting from now the “GD Universe” section on the GD website is also opened !!!
We are planning to post an update with new Info and Photos every Friday from here to the Kickstarter date…
April 16th 2013…
Be There or be Square!
Agent S.
Tous le monde qui aime ce qu’il voit de ce jeu allez mettre un ‘‘J’aime’’ sur leur Facebook. Ils demandent d’avoir 200 mentions j’aime d’ici la fin de la semaine…Pourquoi? Probablement d’autre surprises sur le jeu…
Le lien facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GalaxyDefendersBoardGame
Allez c’est facile on est déja à 160 mentions ‘‘J’aime’’
bon sang,
tout cela me fait penser à Starship Troo…
si c’est seulement moitié bon…
… le jeu ressemble beaucoup à la photo. D’ailleurs plusieurs mise à jour sur le Facebook concernant le jeu,aller voir régulièrement! ILS nous manquent seulement 40 mentions ‘‘j’aime’’ sur facebook pour d’autre spoilers.
Donc à priori il y aura bien des figurines…
Moué. Pour une fois, pas convaincu du tout Mr Hado!
Enfin nul doute que ce jeu trouvera son public.
D’ailleurs comment on fait pour poster l’image directement?
Tu héberges sur un site genre casimages et tu copies colle le lien “image direct forum”.
Les figurines sont incroyables! Une comparaison avec les autres miniatures des autres jeux.
Merci shambhala
Leur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GalaxyDefendersBoardGame