[Article] Refroidir la planète

Moi je ne t'en veux pas parce que tu es breton :D et j'aime bien l'armorique ; d'autant que tu sais ce que signifie la pollution des nappes phréatiques (ce sont les plus polluées de france :cry: )
Tu n'es pas agriculteur j'espère ? :wink:

Puisque ceux qui lisent ce thread se sentent concernés par l'environnement, je vous invite à visiter le site de manicore. C'est un scientifique (sérieux) qui s'est spécialisé avec le temps dans l'écologie. Il a écrit deux bouquins (que je n'ai pas lu) sur le changement climatique.
C'est intéressant justement parce qu'il parle de cet ordre de grandeur dans ce qu'il faut faire pour sauver la planète et qu'il l'explique bien mieux que moi. Il ne met pas sur le même plan les petits gestes quotidiens (attention, c'est bien aussi de faire attention au quotidien, hein !) et les gros pollueurs que sont les transports, l'agriculture, l'industrie. Si on veut vraiment modifier le climat, il faut une réponse énergique de l'état pour réglementer ces secteurs.
C'est là où son site pèche un peu, comment transformer cette conscience écologique qu'on porte en nous en acte concret du politique. Comment se faire entendre, quoi. Là, je n'ai pas de réponse et je n'ai pas trop lu sur le sujet. Si qq1 a des références, je suis preneur.

Concernant l'article du monde, je suis opposé à toute manipulation du climat. C'est jouer à l'apprenti sorcier (on est loin de comprendre comment fonctionne le climat) et c'est dire une fois de plus : ne vous inquietez pas, la science aura la réponse. Non, arrêtons la fuite en avant. La réponse vient d'abord d'une économie d'énergie.

Des produits chimiques tels que les pesticides, les PCBs et les retardateurs de flamme bromés ont été retrouvés dans les aliments consommés partout en Europe – aussi bien dans les produits laitiers que dans le poisson ou la viande – selon un rapport que publie le WWF

Ce nouveau rapport, intitulé « Chaîne de Contamination : le Maillon Alimentaire » montre que les aliments constituent un élément crucial dans la chaîne de contamination qui commence par la fabrication des produits chimiques et se termine avec leur apparition indésirable dans notre sang, accompagnée du risque potentiel de développer des maladies graves. Le rapport atteste que ces substances nocives sont également présentes chez les animaux sauvages et dans l’environnement...

A lire PLANETE ATTITUDE qui reprend les exemples que j'ai cité et bcp d'autres (je l'achète ce we) www.wwf.fr à lire sans modération

Moi je dirai que 90% des gens sont comme grolapinos. On leurs dénonce un truc, et il le gobe sans aucun esprit critique.
Après que je me méfie de certains scientifique en mal de sensation est une chose, ce que je fais dans ma vie en est une autre. Moi je n'ai pas de voiture par exemple. Mon indice de pollution doit être très inférieur à la moyenne de tric trac.

grolapinos dit:Et le problème, legrand, c'est que 90% des gens de la planète sont comme krka .

ogotaii dit: Le changement climatique ne fait plus de doute malheureusement.

Et si, il fait doute !
Les XX derniers siècles ont montré de nombreux chzngement climatique. Les colonies vikings du Groenland (terre verte), ont disparu suite à un refroidissement du climat, pas du à la polution, mais probablement à des cycles solaires.

Krka dit:
ogotaii dit: Le changement climatique ne fait plus de doute malheureusement.

Et si, il fait doute !
Les XX derniers siècles ont montré de nombreux chzngement climatique. Les colonies vikings du Groenland (terre verte), ont disparu suite à un refroidissement du climat, pas du à la polution, mais probablement à des cycles solaires.

Krka, s'il te plait, ne nous ressort pas la stratégie de comm' des compagnies pétrolières. Ton attitude me déprime terriblement. Je te conseille justement de faire preuve d'esprit critique toi aussi.

Les variations climatiques dûes au cycles naturels (solaires, axes de rotation de la terre, etc.), n'ont rien à voir avec les perturbations majeures -et surtout rapides- qui sont à l'origine de catastrophes écologiques : astéroides/volcanisme intense et -en ce moment- industrialisation. L'adaptation de la biosphère aux perturbations est un processus permanent mais très lent, ce qui explique les conséquences graves causées par les modifications rapides.

Mais de toutes façon, ce n'est pas grave car de toute façons notre environnement est irrémediablement pollué par une saloperie extremement toxique dûe à la photosynthèse : le dioxygène. Ben oui, l'O2 c'est toxique.



--fab' (n.b : je suis un scientifique et Allègre est un gros con)

Refroidir la Terre ? Ils sont pas malins les chercheurs ! :?


Si tous les habitants de la planète ouvraient leur frigo en même temps, il ne faudrait qu'une demi journée pour niquer le réchauffement...

... et encore, je parle pas des congélos !

:pouicboulet: Novateur, je sais... de rien !

:arrow: :arrow:

Je ne cherche pas à défendre les pétroliers, et aux contraires, je suis favorable à l'augmentation des taxes sur l'essence, car la voiture pollue mon environnement immédiat.
Par contre, on ne m'a pas encore démontré quelle modifiait le climat.

Krka dit:Je ne cherche pas à défendre les pétroliers, et aux contraires, je suis favorable à l'augmentation des taxes sur l'essence, car la voiture pollue mon environnement immédiat.
Par contre, on ne m'a pas encore démontré quelle modifiait le climat.

Ben documente toi. Tiens par exemple cité en lien donné plus haut par ubik lyric:

"[...]Claude Allègre prétend que «la cause de cette modification climatique (recente, ndlr) est inconnue. Est-ce l'homme ? Est-ce la nature ?». L'ancien ministre n'a sûrement pas le temps de lire les milliers de pages présentant les analyses et les mesures de ses collègues dont la synthèse, réalisée par le Groupe intergouvernemental d'experts sur l'évolution du climat, affirme qu'il est impossible d'expliquer l'évolution climatique depuis cinquante ans sans tenir compte de l'augmentation de l'effet de serre provoquée par les émissions anthropiques. Cette conclusion est certes récente - elle apparaît pour la première fois dans le rapport paru en 2001 - mais solide et prudente, émise après une critique soigneuse des alternatives.[...]"

La page wiki sur le GIEC : ici.

Leur site est en rade mais tu vas trouver des documents issus de leur synthèse .

Bonne lecture !

(Attention ça déprime)


Claude Allègre, c'est pas le type qui dit un truc et son contraire en fonction de ce qui peut l'aider à se mettre en avant ?

C'est un peu ce qui ressort de cet article (surtout des derniers paragraphes).


Leurs résultats se basent sur des modèles climatiques.
Or, si on peut démontrer qu'un modèle est faux, il est impossible de démontrer qu'un modèle est vrai. Au mieux, les mesures que l'on peut faire donnent des résultats similaires aux modèles. Avec un nombre limité de mesures (et ce même avec un nombre très important de mesures), il est toujours possible de faire un modèle qui recouvre toute les mesures. De là à dire que la prochaine marchera avec le modèle, il y a un pas qu'on ne peut sérieusement franchir.

La climatologie n'est pas une science où les expériences sont reproductible (Poper dirait que ce n'est pas de la science, mais je n'irai pas jusque là). Je reste donc prudent.

Jer dit:Claude Allègre, c'est pas le type qui dit un truc et son contraire en fonction de ce qui peut l'aider à se mettre en avant ?

Non, Claude Allègre est un scientifque de premier plan, qui a ouvert des domaines en géologie. Ce gars là, c'est du lourd.
Voici une bibliographie succiente du bonhomme trouvé sur wiki

Le défi du monde avec Denis Jeambar, Fayard, (Avril 2006)
Dictionnaire amoureux de la science (2005).
Géologie isotopique, Belin, 2005,
Quand on sait tout, on ne prévoit rien, Fayard, 2004,
Un peu de science pour tout le monde, Fayard 2003,
Galilée, Plon, 2002,
Changer de politique, changer la politique, Editions de l'Aube, 2002,
Histoires de Terre, Fayard, 2001,
Les Audaces de la vérité (entretiens avec Laurent Jauffrin), Robert Laffont, 2001,
Vive l'École libre ! Fayard, 2000,
Toute vérité est bonne à dire, avec Laurent Joffrin, Robert Laffont, 2000,
Dieu face à la science, Fayard, 1997,
Questions de France, Fayard, 1996,
La défaite de Platon, Fayard, 1995,
L'âge des savoirs, Gallimard, 1993,
Ecologie des villes, écologie des champs, Fayard, 1993,
Introduction à une histoire naturelle, Fayard, 1992,
Economiser la planète, Fayard, 1990,
Douze clés pour la géologie (entretiens avec Emile Noël, Belin, 1987,
De la pierre à l'étoile, Fayard, 1985
Les Fureurs de la Terre, Odile Jacob, 1987,
L'Ecume de la Terre, Fayard, 1983,
Introduction à la géochimie (en coll. avecG. Michard), PUF, 1973.

Article du monde cité par Jer :
"Certes, Claude Allègre n'est pas climatologue, certes il exprime un point de vue ultraminoritaire, certes il fait une interprétation erronée des travaux qu'il cite... Mais il est, au moment de la publication, ministrable en cas de retour de Lionel Jospin à l'Elysée. Prudence, donc. Jusqu'à l'annonce du retrait de l'ancien premier ministre de la course à l'investiture socialiste pour la présidentielle de 2007."

Si c'est vrai, ces chercheurs n'ont aucune intégrité et leurs critiques ne valent rien.

Cet article est partie pris.

Toujours sur la page cité par Ubik (site du Laboratoire de Glaciologie Géophysique de l'Environnement, CNRS/Université de Lyon) :

Nous avons pris connaissance de l'article intitulé "Claude Allègre, scientifiquement incorrect" que S. Foucart a publié dans Le Monde .
Nous sommes d'accord avec la plupart des points de vue que S. Foucart rapporte nous concernant mais nous sommes très étonnés par deux commentaires:
1: " Certes, Claude Allègre n'est pas climatologue, certes il exprime un point de vue ultraminoritaire, certes il fait une interprétation erronée des travaux qu'il cite...Mais il est, au moment de la publication, ministrable en cas de retour de Lionel Jospin à l'Elysée. Prudence, donc. Jusqu'à l'annonce du retrait de l'ancien premier ministre de la course à l'investiture socialiste pour la présidentielle de 2007. La décision de Lionel Jospin, annoncée officiellement le 29 septembre, semble délier les langues et susciter les initiatives. Le 1er octobre, plus d'une semaine après la publication de la chronique décriée, le LGGE met en ligne sur son site Internet un texte assassin de Sylvestre Huet, journaliste scientifique à Libération, qui démonte implacablement et en termes peu amènes les arguments de M. Allègre." (S. Foucart)
Notre temps de réaction n'est aucunement lié au calendrier politique. Il est du au simple fait que nous avons pris le temps de la discussion entre nous avant de publier une réponse.

Sous presse

Pour info, ce ne sont pas des rigolos : voici la liste de leurs publications scientifiques :

A. J. Aristarain, R. J. Delmas and M. Stievenard, Ice-core study of the link between sea-salt aerosol, sea-ice cover and climate in the Antarctic Peninsula area. Climatic Change, sous presse.

R. J. Delmas, J. Beer, H. A. Synal, R. Muscheler, J.-R. Petit and M. Pourchet, Bomb-test 36Cl measurements in Vostok snow (Antarctica) and the use of 36Cl as a dating tool for deep ice cores. Tellus B, sous presse.

P. Gabrielli, A. Varga, C. Barbante, C. F. Boutron, G. Cozzi, V. Gaspari, F. Planchon, W. Cairns, S. Hong, C. Ferrari and G. Capodaglio, Determination of IR and Pt down to the sub-femtogram per gram level in polar ice by ICP-SFMS using preconcentration and a desolvation system. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., sous presse.

W. Greuell and C. Genthon, Modeling land ice surface mass balance. Mass balance of the cryosphere : observations and modelling of contemporary and future changes, sous presse.

S. Hong, C. Barbante, C. F. Boutron, P. Gabrielli, V. Gaspari, P. Cescon, L. G. Thompson, C. Ferrari, B. Francou and L. M. Bourgoin, Atmospheric heavy metals in tropical South America during the past 22,000 years recorded in a high altitude ice core from Sajama, Bolivia. Journal Environmental Monitoring, sous presse.

J. M. Martinez-Esnaola, M. Montagnat, P. Duval and J. G. Sevilano, Geometrically necessary dislocations in a c-axis oriented cylindrical bar of basal-slipping hexagonal crystals deformed in torsion. Scripta Materialia, sous presse.

E. Poutou, G. Krinner, C. Genthon and N. Noblet-Ducoudré, Impact of soil freezing on future climate change. Climate Dynamics, sous presse.

D. Raynaud, M. F. Loutre, C. Ritz, J. Chappellaz, J.-M. Barnola, J. Jouzel, V. Y. Lipenkov, J.-R. Petit and F. Vimeux, The Vostok record in the context of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11, CO2 forcing and stability of East Antarctica. AGU Monograph, sous presse.


B. Alexander, J. Savarino, K. J. Kreutz and M. H. Thiemens, Impact of preindustrial biomass-burning emissions on the oxidation pathways of tropospheric sulfur and nitrogen. Journal of Geophysical Research, 10.1029/2003JD004218), 109, D08303 1 à 8, 2004.

T. Blunier, J. Schwander, J. Chappellaz, F. Parrenin and J.-M. Barnola, What was the surface temperature in central Antarctica during the last glacial maximum ? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 10.1016/S0012-821X), 218, 379-388, 2004.

C. F. Boutron, K. J. R. Rosman, C. Barbante, M. A. Bolshov, F. C. Adams, S. Hong and C. Ferrari, L'archivage des activités humaines par les neiges et glaces polaires : le cas du plomb. Comptes-Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Geoscience, 336, 847-867, 2004.

A. L. Butterworth, O. Abalain, J. Chappellaz and M. A. Sephton, Combined element (H and C) stable isotope ratios of methane in carbonaceous chondrites. Mont. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 347, 807-812, 2004.

M. de Angelis, J.-R. Petit, J. Savarino, R. Souchez and M. H. Thiemens, Contributions of an ancient evaporitic-type reservoir to subglacial Lake Vostok chemistry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 222, 751-765, 2004.

B. Delmonte, I. Basile-Doelsch, J.-R. Petit, W. Maggi, M. Revel-Rolland, A. Michard, E. Jagoutz and F. E. Grousset, Comparing the Epica and Vostok dust records duriing the last 220,000 years : stratigraphical correlation and provenance in glacial periods. Earth Science Reviews, 66, 63-87, 2004.

c. m. EPICA, Eight glacial cyles from an Antarctic ice core. Nature, 429, (6992) 623-628, 2004.

C. Ferrari, A. Dommergue, C. F. Boutron, P. Jitaru and F. C. Adams, Profiles of mercury in the snow pack at Station Nord, Greenland shortly after polar sunrise. Geophysical Research Letters, 10.1029//2003GL018961), 31, 1->4L03401, 2004.

C. Ferrari, A. Dommergue, C. F. Boutron, H. Skov, M. Goodsite and B. Jensen, Nightime production of elemental gaseous mercury in interstitial air of snow at Station Nord, Greenland. Atmospheric Environment, 38, 2727-2735, 2004.

J. Flückiger, T. Blunier, B. Stauffer, J. Chappellaz, R. Spahni, K. Kawamura, J. Schwander, T. Stocker and D. Dahl-Jensen, N2O and CH4 variations during the last glacial epoch : insight into gloabal processes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 10.1029/2003GB002122), 18, GB1020 1 à 14, 2004.

H. Gallée, W. Moufouma-Okia, P. Bechtold, O. Brasseur, I. Dupays, P. Marbaix, C. Messager, R. Ramel and T. Lebel, A high-resolution simulation of a West African rainy season using a regional climate model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 10.1029/2003JD004020), 109, D05108 1 of 13, 2004.

W. Greuell and C. Genthon, Modelling land-ice surface mass balance. Mass Balance of the Cryosphere, (J. L. Bamber and A. J. Payne, 117-168, 2004.

S. Hong, C. Barbante, C. F. Boutron, P. Gabrielli, V. Gaspari, P. Cescon, L. G. Thompson, C. Ferrari, B. Francou and L. Maurice-Bourgoin, Atmospheric heavy metals in tropical Sourh America during the past 22 000 years recorded in a high altitude ice core from Sajama, Bolivia. J Environ. Monit., 6, 322-326, 2004.

G. Krinner, J. Mangerud, M. Jakobsson, M. Crucifix, C. Ritz and J. I. Svendsen, Enhanced ice sheet growth in Eurasia owing to adjacent ice-dammed lakes. Nature, (427) 429-432, 2004.

A. Landais, N. Caillon, J. Severinghaus, J.-M. Barnola, C. Goujon, J. Jouzel and V. Masson-Delmotte, Analyse isotopique de l'air piégé dans la glace pour quantifier les variations de température. Comptes-Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Geoscience, 336, 963-970, 2004.

L. Legagneux, A.-S. Taillandier and F. Dominé, Grain growth theories and the isothermal evolution of the specific surface area of snow. Journal of Applied Physics, 95, (11) 6175-6184, 2004.

M. Legrand, S. Preunkert, B. Jourdain and B. Aumont, Year-round records of gas and particulate formic and acetic acids in the boundary layer at Dumont d'Urville, coastal Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research, 10.1029/2003JD003786), 109, (D06313) 1-11, 2004.

J. Mangerud, V. Astakhov, M. Henriksen, C. Hjort, M. Jakobsson, J. P. Lunkka, H. Alexanderson, G. Clark, G. Krinner, P. Möller, A. Murray, O. Nikolskaya, M. Saarnisto and J. I. Svendsen, Ice-dammed lakes and the rerouting of the drainage of Northern Eurasia during the last 120000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews, 23, 1313-1332, 2004.

D. Raynaud and C. Lorius, Climat et atmosphère : la mémoire des glaces. Comptes-Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Geoscience , 336, 647-656, 2004.

K. B. Rodgers, S. Charbit, M. Kageyama, G. Philippon, G. Ramstein, C. Ritz, J. H. Yin, G. Lohmann, S. J. Lorenz and M. Khodri, Sensitivity of Northern Hemispheric continental ice sheets to tropical SST during deglaciation. Geophysical Research Letters, 10.1029/2003GL018375), 31, (2) L0206 1 - 4, 2004.

M. Schwikowski, C. Barbante, T. Doering, H. W. Gaeggeler, C. F. Boutron, U. Schotterer, L. Tobler, K. Van de Velde, C. Ferrari, G. Cozzi, K. J. R. Rosman and P. Cescon, Post-17thCentury Changes of European Lead Emissions Recorded in High-Altitude Alpine Snow and Ice. Environmental Science and Technology, 38, (4) 957-963, 2004.

D. Six, M. Fily, S. Alvain, P. Henry and J.-P. Benoist, Surface characterisation of the Dome Concordia area (Antarctica) as a potential satellite calibration site, using Spot 4/Vegetation instrument. Remote Sensing of Environment, 89, 83-94, 2004.

R. Udisti, S. Becagli, E. Castellano, B. Delmonte, J. Jouzel, J.-R. Petit, J. Schwander, B. Stenni and E. W. Wolff, Stratigraphic correlations between the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Dome C and Vostok ice cores showing the relative variations of snow accumulation over the past 45 kyr. Journal of Geophysical Research, 10.1029/2003JD004180), 109, (D8) D08101 1->10, 2004.

C. Vincent, G. Kappenberger, F. Valla, A. Bauder, M. Funk and E. Le Meur, Ice ablation as evidence of climate change in the Alps over the 20 th century. Journal of Geophysical Research, 10:1029/2003DJ003857), 109, (D10104) 1-9, 2004.


B. Alexander, M. H. Thiemens, J. Farquhar, A. J. Kaufman, J. Savarino and R. J. Delmas, East Antarctic ice core sulfur isotope measurements over a complete glacial-interglacial cycle. Journal of Geophysical Research, 10.1029/2003JD003513), 108, (D24) 2003.

C. Barbante, C. F. Boutron, C. Morel, C. Ferrari, J.-L. Jaffrezo, G. Cozzi, V. Gaspari and P. Cescon, Seasonal variations of heavy metals in central Greenland snow deposited from 1991 to 1995. J. Env. Monit., 5, 328-335, 2003.

H. J. Beine, F. Dominé, A. Ianniello, M. Nardino, I. Allegrini, K. Teinila and R. Hillamo, Fluxes of nitrates between snow surfaces and the atmosphere in the European high Arctic. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 3, 335-346, 2003.

A. Cabanes, L. Legagneux and F. Dominé, Rate of Evolution of the Specific Area of Surface Snow Layers. Environmental Science and Technology, 34, (4) 661-666, 2003.

N. Caillon, J. Jouzel, J. P. Severinghaus, J. Chappellaz and T. Blunier, A novel method to study the phase relationship between Antarctic and Greenland climate. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1029/2003GL017838), 30, (17) CLM 4 - 1->4 - 4, 2003.

N. Caillon, J. P. Severinghaus, J. Jouzel, J.-M. Barnola, J. Kang and V. Y. Lipenkov, Timing of Atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic Temperature Changes across Termination III. Science, 299, (5613) 1728-1731, 2003.

A. Correia, R. Freydier, R. J. Delmas, J. C. Simoes, J. D. Taupin, B. Dupré and P. Artaxo, Trace elements in South America aerosol during 20th century inferred from a Nevado Illimani ice core, Eastern Bolivian Andes (6350 m asl). Atmos. Chem. Phys., 3, 1337-1352, 2003.

M. A. De Angelis, J. C. Simoes, H. Bonnaveira, J. D. Taupin and R. J. Delmas, Volcanic eruptions recorded in the Illimani icce core (Bolivia) : 1918-98 and Tambora periods. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 3, 1725-1741, 2003.

R. J. Delmas, P. Wagnon, K. Goto-Azuma, K. Kamiyama and O. Watanabe, Evidence for the loss of snow-deposited MSA to the interstitial gaseous phase in central Antarctic firn. Tellus B, 55, 71-79, 2003.

F. Dominé, T. Lauzier, A. Cabanes, L. Legagneux, W. Kuhs, F., K. Techmer and T. Heinrichs, Snow metamorphism as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. Microscopy Research and Technique, 62, 33-48, 2003.

A. Dommergue, C. Ferrari and C. F. Boutron, First investigation of an original device dedicated to the determination of gaseous mercury in interstitial air in snow. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 375, 106-111, 2003.

A. Dommergue, C. Ferrari, P.-A. Gauchard, C. F. Boutron, L. Poissant, M. Pilote, P. Jitaru and F. C. Adams, The fate of mercury species in a sub-arctic snowpack during snowmelt. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2003GL017308), 30, (12) 23 -1->23 - 4, 2003.

A. Dommergue, C. Ferrari, L. Poissant, P.-A. Gauchard and C. F. Boutron, Diurnal cycles of gaseous mercury within the snowpack at Kuujjuarapik/whapmagoostui, Québec, Canada. Environmental Science and Technology, 37, 3289-3297, 2003.

M. Fily, A. Royer, K. Goïta and C. Prigent, A simple retrieval method for land surface temperature and fraction of water surface determination from satellite microwave brightness temperatures in sub-arctic areas. Remote Sensing of Environment, 85, 328-338, 2003.

B. Francou, M. Vuille, P. Wagnon, J. Mendoza and J.-E. Sicart, Tropical climate change recorded by a glacier in the central Andes during the last decades of the twentieth century : Chacaltaya, Bolivia, 16°S. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2002JD002959), 108, (D5) ACL 1 - 1->1 - 12, 2003.

C. Genthon and E. Cosme, Intermittent signature of ENSO in west-Antarctic precipitation. Geophysical Research Letters, 10.1029/2003GL018280), 30, (21) CLM 1 - 1->1 - 4, 2003.

C. Genthon, G. Krinner and M. Sacchettini, Interannual Antarctic tropospheric circulation and precipitation variability. Climate Dynamics, 2003.

I. Goodwin, M. de Angelis, M. Pook and N. W. Young, Snow accumulation variability in Wilkes Land, East Antarctica, and the relationship to atmospheric ridging in the 130°-170°E region since 1930. Journal of Geophysical Research, 10.1029/2002JD002995), 108, (D21) ACL 6 - 1->6 -16, 2003.

C. Goujon, J.-M. Barnola and C. Ritz, Modeling the densification of polar firn including heat diffusion : application to close-off characteristics and gas isotopic fractionation for Antarctica and Greenland sites. Journal of Geophysical Research, 10.1029/2002JD003319), 108, (D24) ACL 10 -1->10 - 18, 2003.

G. E. Hoffmann, E. Ramirez, J. D. Taupin, B. Francou, P. Ribstein, R. J. Delmas, Y. Duclos, H. Dürr, R. Gallaire, J. C. Simoes, U. Schotterer, M. Stievenard and M. Werner, Coherent isotope history of Andean ice cores over the last century. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2002GL014870), 30, (4) 28 -1-> 28 - 4, 2003.

S. Hong, Y. Kim, C. F. Boutron, C. Ferrari, J.-R. Petit, C. Barbante, K. J. R. Rosman and V. Y. Lipenkov, Climate-related variations in lead concentrations and sources in Vostok Antarctic ice from 65,000 to 240,000 years BP. Geophysical Research Letters, 10.1029/2003GL018411), 30, (22) ASC 3 - 1->3 - 5, 2003.

S. Knüsel, P. Ginot, U. Schotterer, M. Schwikowski, H. W. Gäggeler, B. Francou, J.-R. Petit, J. C. Simoes and J. D. Taupin, Dating of two nearby ice cores from the Illimani, Bolivia. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2001JD002028), 108, (D6) ACH 3 - 1->3 - 11, 2003.

G. Krinner, Impact of lakes and wetlands on boreal climate. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2002JD002597), 108, (D16) ACL 10 - 1->10 - 18, 2003.

G. Krinner and C. Genthon, Tropospheric transport of continental tracers towards Antarctica under varying climatic conditions. Tellus, 55 B, 54-70, 2003.

G. Krinner and M. Werner, Impact of precipitation seasonality changes on isotopic signals in polar ice cores : A multi-model analysis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 10.10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00550-8), 216, (4) 525-538, 2003.

A. Landais, J. Chappellaz, M. Delmotte, J. Jouzel, T. Blunier, C. Bourg, N. Caillon, S. Cherrier, B. Malaizé, V. Masson-Delmotte, D. Raynaud, J. Schwander and J. P. Steffensen, A tentative reconstruction of the last interglacial and glacial inception in Greenland based on new gas measurements in the Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP) ice core. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:101029/2002JD003147), 108, (D18) ACL 2 - 1->2 -10, 2003.

E. Le Meur and C. Vincent, A two-dimensional shallow ice-flow model of Glacier de Saint-Sorlin, France. Journal of Glaciology, 49, (167) 527-538, 2003.

F. Lefebre, H. Gallée, J.-P. van Ypersele and W. Greuell, Modeling of snow and ice melt at ETH Camp (West Greenland) : A study of surface albedo. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2001JD001160), 108, (D8) ACL 1 -1->1 -16, 2003.

L. Legagneux, T. Lauzier, F. Dominé, W. F. Kuhs, T. Heinrichs and K. Techmer, Rate of decay of specific surface area of snow during isothermal experiments and morphological changes studied by scanning electron microscopy. Canadian Journal of Physics, 81, 459-468, 2003.

M. Legrand, S. Preunkert, D. Wagenbach, H. Cachier and H. Puxbaum, A historical record of formate and acetate froma high-elevation Alpine glacier : implications for their natural versus antropogenic budgets at the European scale. Journal of Geophysical Research, 10.1029/2003JD003594), 108, (D24) ACH 20 - 1->20 - 15, 2003.

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M.-A. Mélières, M. Pourchet, P. Charles-Dominique and P. Gaucher, Mercury in canopy leaves of French Guiana in remote areas. The Science of the Total Environment, 311, 261-267, 2003.

M.-A. Mélières, M. Pourchet and S. Richard, Surface air concentration and deposition of lead-210 in French Guiana : two years of continuous monitoring. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 22, (3) 261-269, 2003.

M.-A. Mélières, M. Pourchet, L. Spadini and L. Charlet, The large impact of gold-mining in total-Hg content in sedimentof the dam lake of Petit Saut (French Guiana). J. Phys. IV France, 107, 863-865, 2003.

M. Montagnat, P. Duval, P. Bastie and B. Hamelin, Strain gradients and geometrically necessary dislocations in deformed ice single crystals. Scripta Materialia, 49, 411-415, 2003.

M. Montagnat, P. Duval, P. Bastie, B. Hamelin and V. Y. Lipenkov, Lattice distortion in ice crystals from the Vostok core (Antarctica) revealed by hard X-ray diffraction ; implication in the deformation of ice at low stresses. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 214, 369-378, 2003.

F. Nicot, O. Gagliardini and B. Boutillier, Modelling of a snowpack in interaction with a flexible structure using a coupled Lagrangien-discrete approach. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical methods in Geomechanics, 27, 259-274, 2003.

S. Perrier, P. Sassin and F. Dominé, Diffusion and solubility of HCHO in ice : preliminary results. Canadian Journal of Physics, 81, 319-324, 2003.

J.-F. Pinglot, R. Vaikmae, K. Kamiyama, M. Igarashi, D. Fritzsche, F. Wilhelms, R. Koerner, L. Henderson, E. Isaksson, J.-G. Winther, R. S. W. van de Wal, M. Fournier, P. Bouisset and H. A. J. Meijer, Ice cores from Arctic sub-polar glaciers : chronology and post-depositional processes deduced from radioactivity measurement. Journal of Glaciology, 49, (164) 149-158, 2003.

F. Planchon, K. Van de Velde, K. J. R. Rosman, E. W. Wolff, C. Ferrari and C. F. Boutron, One-hundred fifty-year record of lead isotopes in Antarctic snow from Coats Land. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67, (4) 693-708, 2003.

M. Pourchet, O. Magand, M. Frezzotti, A. A. Ekaykin and J.-G. Winther, Radionuclides deposition over Antarctica. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 68, (2) 137-158, 2003.

S. Preunkert, D. Wagenbach and M. Legrand, A seasonally resolved alpine ice core record of nitrate : comparison with anthropogenic inventories and estimation of preindustrial emissions of NO in Europe. Journal of Geophysical Research, 10.1029/2003JD003475), 108, (D21) ACH 9 - 1->9 - 10, 2003.

D. Raynaud, T. Blunier, Y. Ono and R. J. Delmas, The Late Quaternary History of Atmospheric Trace Gases and Aerosols : Interactions Between Climate and Biogeochemical Cycles. Paleoclimate, Global Change and the Future, (K. D. Alverson, R. S. Bradley and T. F. Pedersen, Past Global Changes, 13-31, 2003.

D. Raynaud, M. F. Loutre, C. Ritz, J. Chappellaz, J.-M. Barnola, J. Jouzel, V. Y. Lipenkov, J.-R. Petit and F. Vimeux, Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11 in the Vostok Ice Core : CO2 Forcing and Stability of East Antarctica. Earth's Climate and Orbital Eccentricity, (A. W. Droxler, R. Z. Poore and L. H. Burckle, 27-40, 2003.

J. Savarino, S. Bekki, J. Cole-Dai and M. H. Thiemens, Evidence from sulfate mass independent oxygen isotopic compositions of dramatic changes in atmospheric oxidation following massive volcanic eruptions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 10.1029/2003JD003737), 108, (D21) ACH 7 - 1->7 - 6, 2003.

J. Savarino, A. Romero, J. Cole-Dai, S. Bekki and M. H. Thiemens, UV induced mass-independent sulfur isotope fractionation in stratospheric volcanic sulfate. Geophysical Research Letters, 10.1029/2003GL018134), 30, (21) ASC 11 - 1->11 - 4, 2003.

U. Schotterer, O. Grosjean, W. Stichler, P. Ginot, C. Kull, H. Bonnaveira, B. Francou, H. W. Gäggeler, R. Gallaire, G. E. Hoffmann, B. Pouyaud, E. Ramirez, M. Schwikowski and J. D. Taupin, Glaciers and Climate in the Andes between the Aquator and 30°S : what is recorded under extreme environmental conditions ? Climatic Change, 59, 157-175, 2003.

K. Sellegri, P. Laj, R. Dupuy, M. Legrand, S. Preunkert and J. P. Putaud, Size-dependent scavenging efficiencies of multicomponent atmospheric aerosols in clouds. Journal of Geophysical Research, 10.1029/2002JD002749), 108, (D11) AAC 3 -1->3 - 15, 2003.

K. Sellegri, P. Laj, F. Peron, R. Dupuy, M. Legrand, S. Preunkert, J. P. Putaud, H. Cachier and G. Ghermandi, Mass balance of free troposheric aerosol at the Puy de Dôme (France) in winter. Journal of Geophysical Research, 10.1029/2002JD002747), 108, (D11) AAC 2 - 1->2 -17, 2003.

R. Souchez, J.-R. Petit, J. Jouzel, M. de Angelis and J.-L. Tison, Reassessing Lake Vostok's behaviour from existing and new ice core data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 217, 163-170, 2003.

R. Spahni, J. Schwander, J. Flückiger, B. Stauffer, J. Chappellaz and D. Raynaud, The attenuation of fast atmospheric CH4 variations recorded in polar ice cores. Geophysical Research Letters, doi : 10.1029/2003GL017093), 30, (11) 25 - 1->25 - 4, 2003.

O. Torinesi, M. Fily and C. Genthon, Variability abd Trends of the Summer Melt Period of Antarctic Ice Margins since 1980 from Microwave Sensors. Journal of Climate, 16, (7) 1047-1060, 2003.

P. Wagnon, J.-E. Sicart, E. Berthier and J.-P. Chazarin, Wintertime high altitude surface energy balance of a Bolivian glacier, Illimani, 6340 m above sea-level. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2002JD002088), 108, (D6) ACL 4 -1-> 4 -14, 2003.

J. Weiss and D. Marsan, Three-Dimensional Mapping of Dislocation Avalanches : Clustering and Space/Time Coupling. Science, 299, (5604) 89-92, 2003.

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I. Xueref and F. Dominé, FTIR spectroscopic studies of the simultaneous condensation of HCL and H2O at 190 K - Atmospheric applications. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 3, 1779-1789, 2003.


B. Alexander, J. Savarino, N. I. Barkov, R. J. Delmas and M. H. Thiemens, Climate driven changes in the oxydation pathways of atmospheric sulfur. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1029/2002GL014879), 29, (14) 30 -1->30 - 4, 2002.

A. J. Aristarain and R. J. Delmas, Snow chemistry measurements on James Ross Island (Antarctic Peninsula) showing sea-salt aerosol modifications. Atmospheric Environment, 36, (4) 765-772, 2002.

L. Augustin, B. Delmonte, G. Krinner, E. Lefebvre, A. Manouvrier and G. Teste, Extending the ice core record beyond half a million years. EOS, 83, (45) 509, 2002.

C. Barbante, C. F. Boutron, A.-L. Moreau, C. Ferrari, K. Van de Velde, G. Cozzi, C. Turetta and P. Cescon, Seasonal variations in nickel and vanadium in Mont Blanc snow and ice dated from the 1960s and 1990s. J. Env. Monit., 4, 960-966, 2002.

H. J. Beine, R. E. Honrath, F. Dominé, W. R. Simpson and J. D. Fuentes, NOx during background and ozone depletion periods at Alert : fluxes above the snow surface. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, (D21) 2002.

H. J. Beine, R. E. Honrath, F. Dominé, X. Zhou and W. R. Simpson, Snow-pile and chamber experiments during the polar sunrise experiment "ALERT 2000" : exploration of nitrogen chemistry. Atmospheric Environment, 36, (S1) 2707-2719, 2002.

H. Boudries, J. W. Bottenheim, C. Guimbaud, A. M. Grannas, P. B. Shepson, S. Houdier, S. Perrier and F. Dominé, Distribution and trends of oxygenated hydrocarbons in the high Arctic derived from measurements in the atmospheric boundary layer and interstitial snow air during the ALERT 2000 field campaign. Atmospheric Environment, 36, (S1) 2573-2583, 2002.

G. R. Burton, V. I. Morgan, C. F. Boutron and K. J. R. Rosman, High-sensitivity measurements of strontium isotopes in polar ice. Analytica Chimica Acta, 469, 225-233, 2002.

A. Cabanes, L. Legagneux and F. Dominé, Evolution of the specific surface area and of crystal morphology of Arctic fresh snow during the ALERT 2000 campaign. Atmospheric Environment, 36, (S1) 2767-2777, 2002.

S. Charbit, C. Ritz and G. Ramstein, Simulations of Northern Hemisphere ice-sheet retreat : sensitivity to physical mechanisms involved during the Last Deglaciation. Quaternary Science Reviews, 21, (1/3) 243-265, 2002.

E. Cosme, C. Genthon, P. Martinerie, O. Boucher and M. Pham, The sulfur cycle at high-southern latitudes in the LMD-ZT General Circulation Model. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2002JD002149), 107, (D23) ACH 7-1->7 -19, 2002.

S. de la Chapelle and P. Duval, Recrystallization in a hot deformed Al-Mg-Si alloy : the effect of fine precipitates. Textures and Microstructures, 35, (2) 55-70, 2002.

N. de Noblet-Ducoudré, E. Poutou, J. Chappellaz, M. Coe and G. Krinner, Indirect relationship between surface water budget and wetland extent. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1029/2001GL013929), 29, (4) 5 -1->5 -4, 2002.

B. Delmonte, J.-R. Petit and W. Maggi, LGM-Holocene changes and Holocene millennial-scale oscillations of dust particles in the EPICA Dome C ice core, East Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 35, 306-312, 2002.

F. Dominé, A. Cabanes and L. Legagneux, Structure, microphysics, and surface area of the Arctic snowpack near ALERT 2000 campaign. Atmospheric Environment, 36, (S1) 2753-2765, 2002.

F. Dominé and L. Rey-Hanot, Adsorption isotherms of acetone on ice between 193 and 213 K. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1029/2002GL015078), 29, (18) 20 -1->20 -4, 2002.

F. Dominé and P. B. Shepson, Air-Snow Interactions and Atmospheric Chemistry. Science, 297, (5586) 1506-1510, 2002.

A. Dommergue, C. Ferrari, P. A. Gauchard, L. Poissant and C. F. Boutron, Diurnal cycles of interstitial gaseous mercury inside a sub-arctic snow-pack prior to and during snowmelt events. Journal de Physique IV, 107, 389-392, 2002.

A. Dommergue, C. Ferrari, F. Planchon and C. F. Boutron, Influence of anthropogenic sources on total gaseous mercury variability in Grenoble suburban air (France). The Science of the Total Environment,, 297, 203-213, 2002.

E. Drab, A. Gaudichet, J.-L. Jaffrezo and J. L. Colin, Mineral particles content in recent snow at Summit (Greenland). Atmospheric Environment, 36, (34) 5365-5384, 2002.

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A. A. Ekaikin, V. Y. Lipenkov, N. I. Barkov, J.-R. Petit and V. Masson-Delmotte, Spatial and temporal variability in isotope composition of recent snow in the vicinity of Vostok station, Antarctica : implications for ice-core record interpretation. Annals of Glaciology, 35, 181-186, 2002.

C. Ferrari, A. Dommergue, A. Veysseyre, F. Planchon and C. F. Boutron, Mercury speciation in the French seasonal snow cover. The Science of the Total Environment, 287, 61-69, 2002.

J. Flückiger, E. Monnin, B. Stauffer, J. Schwander, T. Stocker, J. Chappellaz, D. Raynaud and J.-M. Barnola, High-resolution Holocene N2O ice core record and its relationship with CH4 and CO2. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 16, (1) 10.29/2001GB001417, 2002, 2002.

D. Fritzsche, F. Wilhelms, L. M. Savatyugin, J.-F. Pinglot, H. Meyer, H. W. Hubberten and H. Miller, A new deep ice core from Akademii Nauk ice cap, Severnaya Zemlya, Eurasian Arctic : first results. Annals of Glaciology, 35, 25-28, 2002.

O. Gagliardini and J. Meyssonnier, Lateral boundary conditions for a local anisotropic ice-flow model. Annals of Glaciology, 35, 503-509, 2002.

M. Gay, M. Fily, C. Genthon, M. Frezzotti, H. Oerter and J. G. Winther, Snow grain-size measurements in Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 48, (163) 527-535, 2002.

C. Genthon, G. Krinner and E. Cosme, Free and Laterally Nudged Antarctic Climate od an Atmospheric General Circulation Model. Monthly Weather Review, 130, (6) 1601-1616, 2002.

A. M. Grannas, P. B. Shepson, C. Guimbaud, M. Albert, W. Simpson, F. Dominé, H. Boudries, J. W. Bottenheim, H. J. Beine, R. Honrath and X. Zhou, A Study of Carbonyl Compounds and Photochemistry in the Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Atmospheric Environment, 36, (S1) 2733-2742, 2002.

C. Guimbaud, A. M. Grannas, P. B. Shepson, J. D. Fuentes, H. Boudries, J. W. Bottenheim, F. Dominé, S. Houdier, S. Perrier, T. B. Biesenthal and B. G. Splawn, Snowpack in processing acetaldehyde and acetone in the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer. Atmospheric Environment, 36, (S1) 2743-2752, 2002.

S. Houdier, S. Perrier, F. Dominé, A. Cabanes, L. Legagneux, A. M. Grannas, C. Guimbaud, P. B. Shepson, H. Boudries and J. W. Bottenheim, Acetaldehyde and acetone in the Arctic snowpack during the ALERT2000 filed campaign. Snowpack composition, incorporation processes and atmospheric impact. Atmospheric Environment, 36, (S1) 2609-2618, 2002.

B. Jourdain and M. Legrand, Year-round records of bulk and size-segregated aerosol composition and HCL and HNO3 levels in the Dumont d'Urville (coastal Antarctica) atmosphere : Implications for sea-salt aerosol fractionation in the winter and summer. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2002JD002471), 107, (D22) ACH 20 -1->20 -13, 2002.

S. Knusel, P. Ginot, U. Schotterer, M. Schwikowski, H. W. Gäggeler, B. Francou, J.-R. Petit, J. C. Simoes and J. D. Taupin, Dating of two nearby ice cores from the Illimani, Bolivia. Journal of Geophysical Research, 10.1029/2001JD002028), 107, ACH X - 1->X - 11, 2002.

C. C. W. Lee, J. Savarino, H. Cachier and M. H. Thiemens, Sulfur (32S, 33S, 34S, 36S) and oxygen (16O, 17O, 18O) isotopic ratios of primary sulfate produced from combustion processes. Tellus, 54B, 193-200, 2002.

L. Legagneux, A. Cabanes and F. Dominé, Measurement of the specific surface area of 176 snow samples using methane adsorption at 77K. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2001JD001016), 107, (D17) ACH 5 -1->5 -15, 2002.

M. Legrand, S. Preunkert, D. Wagenbach and H. Fischer, Seasonally resolved Alpine and Greenland ice core records of anthropogenic HCl emissions over the 20th century. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2001JD001165), 107, (D12) ACH 4 -1->4 -14, 2002.

G. C. Littot, R. Mulvaney, R. Röthlisberger, R. Udisti, E. W. Wolff, E. Castellano, M. de Angelis, E. Hansson, S. Sommer and J. P. Steffensen, Comparison of analytical methods used for measuring major ions in the EPICA Dome C (Antarctica) ice core. Annals of Glaciology, 35, 299-305, 2002.

P. Mansuy, J. Meyssonnier and A. Philip, Localization of deformation in polycrystalline ice : experiments and numerical simulations with a simple grain model. Computational Material Science, 25, 142-150, 2002.

G. Michalski, J. Savarino, J. K. Böhlke and M. Thiemens, Determination of the total oxygen isotopic composition of nitrate and the calibration of a Delat17 nitrate reference material. Analytical Chemistry, 24, 4989-4993, 2002.

V. I. Morgan, M. Delmotte, T. v. Ommen, J. Jouzel, J. Chappellaz, S. Woon, V. Masson-Delmotte and D. Raynaud, Relative Timing of Deglacial Climate Events in Antarctica and Greenland. Science, 297, (5588) 1862-1864, 2002.

A. Pälli, J. Kohler, E. Isaksson, J. C. Moore, J.-F. Pinglot, V. A. Pohjola and H. Samuelsson, Spatial and temporal variability of snow accumulation using ground-penetrating radar and ice cores on a Svalbard glacier. Journal of Glaciology, 48, (162) 417-424, 2002.

N. Patris, R. J. Delmas, M. Legrand, M. de Angelis, F. A. Ferron, M. Stiévenard and J. Jouzel, First sulfur isotope measurements in central Greenland ice cores along the preindustrial and industrial periods. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2001JD000672), 107, (D11) ACH 6 -1->6-13, 2002.

S. Perrier, S. Houdier, F. Dominé, A. Cabanes, L. Legagneux, A. L. Sumner and P. B. Shepson, Formaldehyde in Arctic Snow. Incorporation into Ice Particles and Evolution in the Snowpack. Atmospheric Environment, 36, (S1) 2695-2705, 2002.

F. Planchon, C. F. Boutron, C. Barbante, G. Cozzi, V. Gaspari, E. W. Wolff, C. Ferrari and P. Cescon, Changes in heavy metals in Antarctic snow from Coats Land since the mid-19th to the late-20th century. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 200, 207-222, 2002.

F. Planchon, C. F. Boutron, C. Barbante, G. Cozzi, V. Gaspari, E. W. Wolff, C. Ferrari and P. Cescon, Short-term variations in the occurrence of heavy metals in Antarctic snow from Coats Land since the 1920s. The Science of the Total Environment, 300, 129-142, 2002.

L. Poissant, A. Dommergue and C. Ferrari, Mercury as a global pollutant. Journal de Physique IV, 12, 143-160, 2002.

S. Preunkert, D. Wagenbach and M. Legrand, Improvement and characterization of an automatic aerosol sampler for remote (glacier) sites. Atmospheric Environment, 36, (7) 1221-1232, 2002.

D. Raynaud, T. Blunier, Y. Ono and R. J. Delmas, The late quaternary history of atmospheric trace gases and aerosols : interactions between climate and biogeochemical cycles. in Paleoclimate, Global Change and the Future, (K. D. Alverson, R. S. Bradley and T. F. Pedersen, 13-35, 2002.

V. Ricard, J.-L. Jaffrezo, V. M. Kerminen, R. Hillamo, S. Sillanpaa, S. Ruellan, C. Liousse and H. Cachier, Two years of continuous aerosol measurements in northern Finland. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2001JD000952), 107, (D11) ACH 10 -1->10 -17, 2002.

V. Ricard, J.-L. Jaffrezo, V. M. Kerminen, R. Hillamo, K. Teinilä and W. Maenhaut, Size distributions and modal parameters of aerosol constituents in northern Finland during the European Arctic Aerosol Study. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2001JD001130), 107, (D14) AAC 4-1->4 -17, 2002.

K. Sellegri, P. Laj, R. Dupuy, M. Legrand, S. Preunkert and J. P. Putaud, Size-dependent scavenging efficiencies of multicomponent atmosoheric aerosols in clouds. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2002JD002749), 108, (D11) AAC 3 - 1->3 - 15, 2002.

K. Sellegri, P. Laj, F. Peron, R. Dupuy, M. Legrand, S. Preunkert, J. P. Putaud, H. Cachier and G. Ghermandi, Mass balance of free tropospheric aerosol at the Puy de Dôme (France) in winter. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2002JD002747), 108, (D11) AAC 2 - 1->2 - 17, 2002.

J. C. Simoes, J.-R. Petit, R. Souchez, V. Y. Lipenkov, M. de Angelis, L. Liu, J. Jouzel and P. Duval, Evidence of glacial flour in the deepest 89 m of the Vostok ice core. Annals of Glaciology, 35, 340-346, 2002.

R. Souchez, P. Jean-Baptiste, J.-R. Petit, V. Y. Lipenkov and J. Jouzel, What is the deepest part of the Vostok ice core telling us ? Earth Science Reviews, 60, 131-146, 2002.

R. Souchez, J.-R. Petit, J. Jouzel, J. C. Simoes, M. de Angelis, N. I. Barkov, M. Stievenard, F. Vimeux, S. Sleewaegen and R. Lorrain, Highly deformed basal ice in the Vostok core, Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1029/2001GL014192), 29, (7) 40 -1->40 -4, 2002.

B. Stauffer, J. Flückiger, E. Monnin, J. Schwander, J.-M. Barnola and J. Chappellaz, Atmospheric CO2, CH4 and N2O records over the past 60 000 years based on the comparison of different polar ice cores. Annals of Glaciology, 35, 202-208, 2002.

A. L. Sumner, P. B. Shepson, A. M. Grannas, J. W. Bottenheim, K. G. Anlauf, D. Worthy, W. H. Schreder, F. Dominé, S. Houdier and S. Perrier, Atmospheric chemistry of formaldehyde in the arctic troposphere at polar sunrise and influence of the snowpack. Atmospheric Environment, 36, (S1) 2553-2562, 2002.

O. Torinesi, A. Letreguilly and F. Valla, A century reconstruction of the mass balance of Glacier de Sarennes, French Alps. Journal of Glaciology, 48, (160) 142-148, 2002.

P. Vallelonga, K. Van de Velde, J.-P. Candelone, C. Ly, K. J. R. Rosman, C. F. Boutron, V. I. Morgan and D. J. Mackey, Recent advances in measurement of Pb isotopes in polar ice and snow at sub-picogram per gram concentrations using thermal ionisation mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 453, 1-12, 2002.

P. Vallelonga, K. Van de Velde, J.-P. Candelone, V. I. Morgan, C. F. Boutron and K. J. R. Rosman, The lead pollution history of Law Dome, Antarctica, from isotopic measurements on ice cores : 1500 AD to 1989 AD. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 204, (1-2) 291-306, 2002.

R. S. W. van de Wal, R. Mulvaney, E. Isaksson, J. C. Moore, J.-F. Pinglot, V. A. Pohjola and M. P. A. Thomassen, Reconstruction of the historical temperature trend from measurements in a medium-length borehole on the Lomonosovfonna plateau, Svalbard. Annals of Glaciology, 35, 371-378, 2002.

C. Vincent, Influence of climate change over the 20th century on four franch glacier mass balances. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2001JD000832), 107, (D19) ACL 4 -1->4 -12, 2002.


C. Barbante, K. Van de Velde, G. Capodaglio, P. Cescon, F. Planchon, S. Hong, C. Ferrari and C. F. Boutron, Post-World War II Uranium Changes in Dated Mont Blanc Ice and Snow. Environmental Science and Technology, 35, (20) 4026-4030, 2001.

C. Barbante, A. Veysseyre, C. Ferrari, K. Van de Velde, C. Morel, G. Capodaglio, P. Cescon, G. Scarponi and C. F. Boutron, Greenland Snow Evidence of Large Scale Atmospheric Contamination for Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium. Environmental Science and Technology, 35, 835-839, 2001.

L. A. Barrie, Y. Yi, U. Lohmann, W. R. Leaitch, P. S. Kasibhatla, G. J. Roelofs, J. Wilson, F. McGovern, C. Benkovitz, M.-A. Mélières, K. Law, J. Prospero, M. A. Kritz, D. J. Bergmann, C. Bridgeman, M. Chin, J. Christensen, R. Easter, J. Feichter, A. Jeuken, E. Kjellstrom, D. Koch and P. J. Rasch, A comparison of large scale atmospheric sulphate aerosol models (COSAM) : overview and highlights. Tellus, 53B, 2001.

I. Basile, J.-R. Petit, S. Touron, F. E. Grousset and N. I. Barkov, Volcanic layers in Antarctic (Vostok) ice-cores : source identification and atmospheric implications. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, (D23) 31915-31931, 2001.

M. Bräunlich, O. Abbalin, T. Marik, P. Jöckel, C. A. M. Brenninkmeijer, J. Chappellaz, J.-M. Barnola, R. Mulvaney and W. T. Sturges, Changes in the global atmospheric methane budget over the last decades inferred from 13C and D isotopic analysis of Antarctic firn air. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, (D17) 20465-20481, 2001.

N. Caillon, J. P. Severinghaus, J.-M. Barnola, J. Chappellaz, J. Jouzel and F. Parrenin, Estimation of temperature change and of gas age - ice age difference, 108kyr BP, at Vostok, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, (D23) 31893-31902, 2001.

M. Carmen-Miguel, A. Vespignani, S. Zapperi, J. Weiss and J.-R. Grasso, Intermittent dislocation flow in viscoplastic deformation. Nature, 410, 667-671, 2001.

F. Dominé, A. Cabanes, A.-M. Taillandier and L. Legagneux, Specific Surface Area of Snow Samples Determined by CH4 Adsorption at 77 K and Estimated by Optical Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy. Environmental Science and Technology, 35, 771-780, 2001.

F. Dominé and I. Xueref, Evaluation of Depth Profiling Using Laser Resonant Desorption as a Method to Measure Diffusion Coefficients in Ice. Analytical Chemistry, 73, (17) 4348-4353, 2001.

A. A. Ekaikin, V. Y. Lipenkov, N. I. Barkov, J.-R. Petit and V. Masson, Isotopic.... Data of Glaciological studies, (90) 69-79, 2001.

C. Ferrari, T. Clotteau, L. G. Thompson, C. Barbante, G. Cozzi, P. Cescon, S. Hong, L. Maurice-Bourgoin, B. Francou and C. F. Boutron, Heavy metals in ancient tropical ice : initial results. Atmospheric Environment, 35, 5809-5815, 2001.

O. Gagliardini, M. Arminjon and D. Imbault, An inhomogeneous variational model applied to predict the behaviour of isotropic polycrystalline ice. Archives of Mechanics, 53, (1) 3-21, 2001.

C. Genthon, M. Fily and E. Martin, Numerical simulations of Greenland snowpack and comparison with passive microwave spectral signatures. Annals of Glaciology, 32, 109-115, 2001.

C. Genthon and G. Krinner, Antarctic surface mass balance and systematic biases in GCMs. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, (D18) 20653-20664, 2001.

P. Jean-Baptiste, J.-R. Petit, V. Y. Lipenkov, D. Raynaud and N. I. Barkov, Constraints on hydrothermal processes and water exchange in Lake Vostok from helium isotopes. Nature, 411, (6836) 460-462, 2001.

B. Jourdain and M. Legrand, Seasonal variations of atmospheric dimethylsulfide, dimethylsulfoxide, sulfur dioxide, methansulfonate, and non-sea-salt sulfate aerosols at Dumont d'Urville (coastal Antarctica) (December 1998 to July 1999). Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, (D13) 14391-14408, 2001.

V. M. Kotlyakov, C. Lorius, J. Palais and D. Raynaud, Introduction to special section : Vostok. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, (D23) 31833-31835, 2001.

G. Krinner, E. Poutou and C. Genthon, Thermal impact of soil freezing on the Siberian climate. 6th Conference on polar meteorology and oceanography, American Meteorological Society, 326-328, 2001.

M. Legrand, J. Sciare, B. Jourdain and C. Genthon, Subdaily variations of atmospheric dimethylsulfide, dimethylsulfoxide, methanesulfonate, and non-sea-salt sulfate aerosols in the atmospheric boundary layer at Dumont d'Urville (coastal Antarctica) during summer. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, (D13) 14409-14422, 2001.

C. Lorius, Presentation. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Tome 333, 761-763, 2001.

C. Lorius, Energies et climat : quels enseignements pour le futur ? Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Tome 333, 841-843, 2001.

P. Mansuy, A. Philip and J. Meyssonnier, Localization of deformation in polycrystaline ice. Processes, Microstructures and Mechanical Properties, (E. Aeby-Gautier, M. Claverl and F. Dunne, 11 (Pr4), 267-274, 2001.

E. Monnin, A. Indermühle, A. Dallenbach, J. Flückiger, B. Stauffer, T. Stocker, D. Raynaud and J.-M. Barnola, Atmospheric CO2 Concentration over the Last Glacial Termination. Science, 291, (5501) 112-114, 2001.

M. Montagnat, P. Duval, P. Bastie, B. Hamelin, O. Brissaud, M. de Angelis, J.-R. Petit and V. Y. Lipenkov, High cristalline quality of large single crystals of subglacial ice above Lake Vostok (Antarctica) revealed by hard X-ray diffraction. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences (Série II a), 333, (8) 419-425, 2001.

F. Parrenin, J. Jouzel, C. Waelbroeck, C. Ritz and J.-M. Barnola, Dating the Vostok ice core by an inverse method. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, (D23) 31837-31851, 2001.

L. Pepin, D. Raynaud, J.-M. Barnola and M. F. Loutre, Hemispheric roles of climate forcings during glacial-interglacial transitions, as decuced from the Vostok record and LLN-2D model experiments. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, (D23) 31885-31892, 2001.

J.-F. Pinglot, J. O. Hagen, K. Melvold, T. Eiken and C. Vincent, A mean accumulation pattern derived from radioactive layers and radar soundings on the Austfonna ice cap, Nordaustlander, Svalbard. Journal of Glaciology, 47, (159) 555-566, 2001.

F. Planchon, C. F. Boutron, C. Barbante, E. W. Wolff, G. Cozzi, V. Gaspari, C. Ferrari and P. Cescon, Ultrasensitive determination of heavy metals at the sub-picogram per gram level in ultraclean Antarctic snow samples by inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, (450) 193-205, 2001.

S. Preunkert, M. Legrand and D. Wagenbach, Causes of enhanced fluoride levels in Alpine ice cores over the last 75 years : Implications for the atmospheric fluoride budget. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, (D12) 12619-12632, 2001.

S. Preunkert, M. Legrand and D. Wagenbach, Sulfate trends in a Col du Dôme (French Alps) ice core : A record of anthropogenic sulfate levels in the European midtroposphere over the twentieth century. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, (D23) 31991-32004, 2001.

E. Ramirez, B. Francou, P. Ribstein, M. Descloitres, R. Guérin, J. Mendoza, R. Gallaire, B. Pouyaud and E. Jordan, Small glaciers disappearing in the tropical Andes : a case-study in Bolivia : Glaciar Chacaltaya (16°S). Journal of Glaciology, 47, (157) 187-194, 2001.

D. Raynaud, 420,000 Years of Climatic Change ; the Reference record Obtained from the VOSTOK Antarctic Ice Core. Nova Acta Leopoldina, 88, (331) 17-20, 2001.

C. Ritz, V. Rommelaere and C. Dumas, Modeling the evolution of Antarctic ice sheet over the last 420,000 years : implications for altitude changes in the Vostok region. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, (D23) 31943-31964, 2001.

J. Schwander, J. Jouzel, C. U. Hammer, J.-R. Petit, R. Udisti and E. W. Wolff, A tentative chronology for the EPICA Dome Concordia ice core. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, (22) 4243-4246, 2001.

J.-E. Sicart, P. Ribstein, P. Wagnon and D. Brunstein, Clear-sky albedo measurements on a sloping glacier surface : a case study in the Bolivian Andes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, (D23) 31729-31738, 2001.

M. J. Siegert, C. J. Ellis-Evans, M. Tranter, C. Mayer, J.-R. Petit, A. N. Salamatin and J. C. Priscu, Physical, chemical and biological processes in Lake Vostok and other Antarctic subglacial lakes. Nature, 414, (6864) 603-609, 2001.

D. Six, A. Letreguilly and L. Reynaud, Greenland ice-sheet mass balance distribution : a variance analysis of existing field data. Journal of Glaciology, 47, (158) 441-451, 2001.

D. Six, L. Reynaud and A. Letreguilly, Les glaciers alpins et scandinaves, témoins de l'oscillation du climat de l'Atlantique Nord. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, 333, (11) 693-698, 2001.

W. T. Sturges, H. P. McIntre, S. A. Penkett, J. Chappellaz, J.-M. Barnola, R. Mulvaney, E. Atlas and V. Stroud, Methyl bromide, other brominated methanes, and methyl iodide in polar firn air. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, (D2) 1595-1606, 2001.

W. T. Sturges, S. A. Penkett, J.-M. Barnola, J. Chappellaz, E. Atlas and V. Stroud, A long-term record of carbonyl sulfide (COS) in two hemispheres from firn air measurements. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, (21) 4095-4098, 2001.

A. Veysseyre, A. Bollhöfer, F., K. J. R. Rosman, C. Ferrari and C. F. Boutron, Tracing the Origin of Pollution in French Alpine Snow and Aerosols Using Lead Isotopic Ratios. Environmental Science and Technology, 35, (22) 4463-4469, 2001.

A. Veysseyre, K. Moutard, C. Ferrari, K. Van de Velde, C. Barbante, G. Cozzi, G. Capodaglio and C. F. Boutron, Heavy metals in fresh snow collected at different altitudes in the Chamonix and Maurienne valleys, French Alps : initial results. Atmospheric Environment, 35, (2) 415-425, 2001.

F. Vimeux, V. Masson, G. Delaygue, J. Jouzel, J.-R. Petit and M. Stievenard, A 420,000 year deuterium excess record from East Antarctica : Information on past changes in the origin of precipitation at Vostok. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, (D23) 31863-31873, 2001.

F. Vimeux, V. Masson, J. Jouzel, J.-R. Petit, E. J. Steig, M. Stievenard, R. Vaikmae and J. W. C. White, Holocene hydrological cycle changes in the Southern Hemisphere documented in East Antarctic deuterium excess records. Climate Dynamics, 17, (7) 503-513, 2001.

P. Wagnon, P. Ribstein, B. Francou and J.-E. Sicart, Anomalous heat and mass budget of Glaciar Zongo, Bolivia, during the 1997/98 El Nino year. Journal of Glaciology, 47, (156) 21-28, 2001.

J. Weiss, Fracture and fragmentation of ice : a fractal analysis of scale invariance. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 68, (17-18) 1975-2012, 2001.

J. Weiss, Scale invariance of fracture surfaces in ice. IUTAM Symposium on scaling laws in ice mechanics, (J. Dempsey, 217-226, 2001.

J. Weiss, Self-affinity fracture surfaces and implications on a possible size effect on fracture energy. International Journal of Fracture, 109, 365-381, 2001.

J. Weiss, M. Carmen-Miguel, A. Vespignani, S. Zapperi and J.-R. Grasso, Complexity in dislocation dynamics : model. Materials Science and Engineering : A, A309-310, 324-327, 2001.

J. Weiss, J.-R. Grasso, M. C. Miguel, A. Vespignani and S. Zapperi, Complexity in dislocation dynamics : experiments. Materials Science and Engineering : A, 309-310, 360-364, 2001.


L. Arnaud, J.-M. Barnola and P. Duval, Physical modeling of the densification of snow/firn and ice in the upper part of polar ice sheets. in Physics of Ice Core Records, (T. Hondoh, Ed.), 2000.

L. Arnaud, J. Weiss, M. Gay and P. Duval, Shallow-ice microstructure at Dome Concordia, Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 30, 8-12, 2000.

N. Bonnefoy, O. Brissaud, B. Schmitt, S. Douté, M. Fily, W. Grundy and P. Rabou, Experimental study of planetary surface materials BRDF. Remote Sensing Reviews, 19, 59-74, 2000.

J. Chappellaz, D. Raynaud, T. Blunier and B. Stauffer, The ice core record of atmospheric methane. in Atmospheric methane, (M. A. K. Khalil, Ed.), 9-24, 2000.

A. Dällenbach, T. Blunier, J. Flückiger, B. Stauffer, J. Chappellaz and D. Raynaud, Changes in the atmospheric CH4 gradient between Greenland and Antarctica during the Last Glacial and the transition of the Holocene. Geophysical Research Letters, 27, (7) 1005-1008, 2000.

F. Dominé, L. Chaix and L. Hanot, Reanalysis and New Measurements of N² and CH4 Adsorption on Ice and Snow. Journal of Colloïd and Interface Science, 227, 104-110, 2000.

P. Duval, Deformation and dynamic recrystallization of ice in polar ice sheets. in Physics of Ice Core Records, (T. Hondoh, Ed.), 103-113, 2000.

P. Duval, L. Arnaud, O. Brissaud, M. Montagnat and S. de La Chapelle, Deformation and recrystallization processes of ice from polar ice sheets. Annals of Glaciology, 30, 83-87, 2000.

A. Fabre, J.-M. Barnola, L. Arnaud and J. Chappellaz, Determination of gas diffusivity in polar firn : comparison between experimental measurements and inverse modeling. Geophysical Research Letters, 27, (4) 557-560, 2000.

C. Ferrari, S. Hong, K. Van de Velde, C. F. Boutron, S. N. Rudniev, M. A. Bolshov, W. Chisholm and K. J. R. Rosman, Natural and anthropogenic bismuth in Central Greenland. Atmospheric Environment, 34, (6) 941-948, 2000.

C. Ferrari, A.-L. Moreau and C. F. Boutron, Clean conditions for the determination of ultra-low levels of mercury in ice and snow samples. Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 366, 433-437, 2000.

A. M. Fridlind, M. Z. Jacobson, V. M. Kerminen, R. Hillamo, V. Ricard and J.-L. Jaffrezo, Analysis of gas-aerosol partitioning in the Arctic : Comparison of size-resolved equilibrium model results with field data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, (D15) 19891-19904, 2000.

O. Gagliardini and J. Meyssonnier, Simulation of anisoptropic ice flow and fabric evolution along the GRIP-GISP2 flow line (Central Greenland). Annals of Glaciology, 30, 217-223, 2000.

P. Holmlund, K. Gjerde, N. S. Gundestrup, M. Hansson, E. Isaksson, L. Karlof, M. Nyman, R. Pettersson, J.-F. Pinglot, C. H. Reijmer, M. Stenberg, M. P. A. Thomassen, R. S. W. van de Wal, C. van der Veen, F. Wilhelms and J.-G. Winther, Spatial gradients in snow layering and 10 m temperatures at two EPICA-Dronning Maud Land (Antarctica) pre-site-survey drill sites. Annals of Glaciology, 30, 13-19, 2000.

S. Houdier, S. Perrier, E. Defrancq and M. Legrand, A new fluorescent probe for sensitive detection of carbonyl compounds : sensitivity improvement and application to environmental water samples. Analytica Chimica Acta, 412, 221-233, 2000.

L. Karlof, J.-G. Winther, E. Isaksson, J. Kohler, J.-F. Pinglot, F. Wilhelms, M. Hansson, P. Holmlund, M. Nyman, R. Pettersson, M. Stenberg, M. P. A. Thomassen, C. van der Veen and R. S. W. van de Wal, A 1500 year record of accumulation at Amundsenisen westrn Droning Maud Land, Antarctica, derived from electrical and radioactive measurements on a 120 m ice core. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, (D10) 12741-12483, 2000.

G. Krinner, D. Raynaud, C. Doutriaux and H. Dang, Simulations of the last glacial maximum ice sheet surface climate : Implications for the interpretation of ice core air content. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, (D2) 2059-2070, 2000.

P. Mansuy, A. Philip and J. Meyssonnier, Identification of strain heterogenities arising during deformation of ice. Annals of Glaciology, 30, 121-126, 2000.

P. Masclet, V. Hoyau, J.-L. Jaffrezo and H. Cachier, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon deposition on the ice sheet of Greenland. Part I : superficial snow. Atmospheric Environment, 34, (19) 3195-3207, 2000.

V. Masson, F. Vimeux, J. Jouzel, V. I. Morgan, M. Delmotte, P. Ciais, C. U. Hammer, S. J. Johnsen, V. Y. Lipenkov, E. Mosley-Thompson, J.-R. Petit, T. Staffelbach, E. J. Steig, M. Stievenard and R. Vaikmae, Holocene Climate Variability in Antarctica Based on 11 Ice-Core Isotopic Records. Quaternary Research, 54, 348-358, 2000.

J. Meyssonnier, P. Duval, O. Gagliardini and A. Philip, Constitutive modelling and flow simulation of anisotropic polar ice. Continuum Mechanics and Applications in Geophysics and the Environment, 250-275, 2000.

J. Meyssonnier and A. Philip, Comparison of finite-element and homogenization methods for modelling the viscoplastic behaviour of a S2 columnar ice polycrystal. Annals of Glaciology, 30, 115-120, 2000.

M. Montagnat and P. Duval, Relation between deformed grain orientations, nucleation and texture development in ice. 21st Riso International Symposium on Materials Science: Recrystallization - Fundamental Aspects and Relations to Deformation Microstructure, (N. Hansen, X. Huang, D. J. Jenssen, L. Labeyrie, E. M. Lauridsen, T. Leffers, J. M. Pacyna, W. Pantleon, T. J. Sabin and J. A. Wert, 459-465, 2000.

M. Montagnat and P. Duval, Rate controlling processes in the creep of polar ice ; influence of grain boundary migration associated with recrystallization. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 183, 179-186, 2000.

N. Patris, R. J. Delmas and J. Jouzel, Isotopic signatures of sulfur in shallow Antarctic ice cores. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, (D6) 7071-7078, 2000.

T. Payne, P. Huybrechts, A. Abe-Ouchi, R. Calov, J. L. Fastook, R. Greve, S. J. Marshall, I. Marsiat, C. Ritz, L. Tarasov and M. P. A. Thomassen, Results from the EISMINT model intercomparison : the effects of thermomechanical coupling. Journal of Glaciology, 46, (153) 227-237, 2000.

M. Pourchet, P. Richon and J. C. Sabroux, Lead-210 and Radon-222 anomalies in the Mont Blanc snow, French Alps. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 48, (3) 349-358, 2000.

S. Preunkert, D. Wagenbach, M. Legrand and C. Vincent, Col du Dome (Mont Blanc Massif, French Alps) suitability for ice core studies in relation with past atmospheric chemistry over Europe. Tellus, 52B, (3) 993-1012, 2000.

P. J. Rasch, J. Feichter, K. Law, N. Mahowald, J. E. Penner, M. Bender, C. Benkovitz, C. Genthon, C. Gionnakopoulos, P. S. Kasibhatla, D. Koch, H. Levy, L. Labeyrie, H. Levy, T. Maki, M. J. Prather, D. L. Roberts, G. J. Roelofs, D. Stevenson, D. Z. Stockwell, S. Taguchi, M. A. Kritz, M. B. Chipperfield, M. E. Bailey, D. Baldocchi, P. McMurry, L. A. Barrie, Y. J. Balkanski, L. Chaix, R. Chatfield, L. Keck, E. Kjellstrom, M. Lawrence, H. N. Lee, E. Le Meur, H. N. Lee, J. Lelieveld, K. J. Noone, J. Seinfeld, W. Seboldt, J. Seinfeld, G. Stenchikov, S. Schwartz, C. Walcek and D. Williamson, A comparison of scavenging and deposition processes in global models : results from the WCRP Cambridge Workshop of 1995. Tellus B, 52, 1025-1056, 2000.

D. Raynaud, J.-M. Barnola, J. Chappellaz, T. Blunier, A. Indermuhle and B. Stauffer, The ice record of greenhouse gases : a view in the context of future changes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 19, 9-17, 2000.

K. J. R. Rosman, C. Ly and K. Van de Velde, A two century record of lead isotopes in high altitude Alpine snow and ice. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 176, (3/4) 413-424, 2000.

R. Souchez, J.-R. Petit, J.-L. Tison, J. Jouzel and V. Verbecke, Ice formation in subglacial Lake Vostok, Central Antarctica. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 181, 529-538, 2000.

K. Van de Velde, C. Barbante, G. Cozzi, I. Moret, T. Bellomi, C. Ferrari and C. F. Boutron, Changes in the occurence of silver, gold, platinum, palladium and rhodium in Mont Blanc ice and snow since the 18th century. Atmospheric Environment, 34, (19) 3117-3127, 2000.

K. Van de Velde, C. F. Boutron, C. Ferrari, A.-L. Moreau, R. J. Delmas, C. Barbante, T. Bellomi and G. Capodaglio, A two hundred years record of atmospheric Cadmium, Copper and Zinc concentrations in high altitude snow and ice from the French-Italian Alps. Geophysical Research Letters, 27, (2) 249-252, 2000.

C. Vincent, M. Vallon, L. Reynaud and E. Le Meur, Dynamic behaviour analysis of glacier de Saint-Sorlin, France, from 40 years of observations, 1957-97. Journal of Glaciology, 46, (154) 499-506, 2000.

D. Voisin, M. Legrand and N. Chaumerliac, Scavenging of acidic gases (HCOOH, CH3COOH, HNO3, HCl, and SO2) and ammonia in mixed liqui-solid water clouds at the Puy de Dome mountain (France). Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, (D5) 6817-6835, 2000.

J. Weiss, F. Lahaie and J.-R. Grasso, Statistical analysis of dislocation dynamics during viscoplastic deformation from acoustic emission. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, (B1) 433-442, 2000.

J. Weiss and E. M. Schulson, Grain boundary sliding and crack nucleation in ice. Philosophical Magazine A, 80, (2) 279-300, 2000.


A. Armengaud and F. Hourdin, The Use of Finite-Volume Methods for Atmospheric Advection of Trace Species. Part I.: Test of various Formulations in a General Circulation Model. Monthly Weather Review, 127, (5) 822-837, 1999.

C. Barbante, G. Cozzi, G. Capodaglio, K. Van de Velde, C. Ferrari, C. F. Boutron and C. Paolo, Trace element determination in alpine snow and ice by double focusing inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with microconcentric nebulization. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 14, 1433-1438, 1999.

C. Barbante, G. Cozzi, G. Capodaglio, K. Van de Velde, C. Ferrari, A. Veysseyre, C. F. Boutron, G. Scarponi and C. Paolo, Determination of Rh, Pd and Pt in Polar and Alpine Snow and Ice by Double-Focusing ICPMS with Microconcentric nebulization. Analytical Chemistry, 71, 4125-4133, 1999.

J.-M. Barnola, Status of the atmospheric CO2 reconstruction from ice cores analyses. Tellus, 51B, (Special Issue) 151-155, 1999.

V. Barthès, J. P. Pozzi, Vibert-Charbonnel, J. Thibal and M.-A. Mélières, High-resolution chronostratigraphy from downhole susceptibility logging tuned by paleoclimatic orbital frequencies. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 165, 97-116, 1999.

T. Blunier, T. Stocker, J. Chappellaz and D. Raynaud, Phase lag of antarctic and Greenland temperature in the Last Glacial and link between CO2 variations and Heintich events. Reconstructing Ocean History : A window into the Future, (M. Abrantes, 1999.

M. Cohen, M. J. Barlow, R. J. Sylvester, X. W. Liu, P. Cox, T. Lim, B. Schmitt and A. K. Speck, Water, ice, silicate and PAH emission features in the ISO spectrum of the carbon-rich planetary nebula CPD-56°8032. Astrophys. J. Lett., 513, L135-L138, 1999.

A. Coustenis, B. Schmitt, R. K. Khanna and F. Trotta, Plausible condensates in Titan's stratosphere from Voyager infrared spectra. Planetary & Space Science, 47, 1305-1329, 1999.

S. de La Chapelle, H. Milsch, O. Castelnau and P. Duval, Compressive creep of ice containing a liquid intergranular phase : rate-controlling processes in the dislocation creep regime. Geophysical Research Letters, 26, (2) 251-254, 1999.

M. Delmotte, D. Raynaud, V. I. Morgan and J. Jouzel, Climatic and glaciological information inferred from air-content measurements of a Law Dome (East Antarctica) ice core. Journal of Glaciology, 45, (150) 255-263, 1999.

E. Desvoivres, J. Klinger, A.-C. Levasseur-Regourd, J. Lecacheux, L. Jorda, A. Enzian, F. Colas, E. Frappa and P. Laques, Comet C/1996 B2 Hyakutake : observations, interpretation and modelling of the dynamics of fragments of cometary nuclei. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 303, 826-834, 1999.

S. Douté, B. Schmitt, E. Quirico, T. C. Owen, D. P. Cruikshank, C. de Bergh, T. R. Geballe and T. L. Roush, Evidence for Methane Segregation at the Surface of Pluto. Icarus, 142, (2) 421-444, 1999.

C. Ferrari, S. Hong and C. F. Boutron, Ice Archives of Atmospheric Pollution from Mining and Smelting Activities during Antiquity. Metals in Antiquity, (S. M. M. Young, A. M. Pollard, P. Budd and R. A. Ixer, Eds), 211-217, 1999.

M. Fily, J.-P. Dedieu and Y. Durand, Comparison between the Results of a Snow Metamorphism Model and Remote Sensing Derived Snow Parameters in the Alps. Remote Sensing of Environment, 68, 254-263, 1999.

J. Flückiger, A. Dallenbach, T. Blunier, B. Stauffer, T. Stocker, D. Raynaud and J.-M. Barnola, Variations in Atmospheric N2 O Concentration During Abrupt Climatic Changes. Science, 285, (5425) 227-230, 1999.

G. Furdada, M. Pourchet and J. M. Vilaplana, Study of Johnsons Glacier (Livingston Island, Antarctica) by means of shallow ice cores and their tephra and by analysis of 137Cs content. Acta Geologica Hispanica, 34, (4) 391-401, 1999.

O. Gagliardini and J. Meyssonnier, Plane flow of an ice sheet exhibiting strain-induced anisotropy. 6th Int. Symp. on Thermal Engineering and Sciences for Cold Regions, (K. Hutter, Y. Wang and H. Beer, Eds), Advances in Cold Region Thermal Engineering and Sciences, Technological, Environmental and Climatological Impact, 171-182, 1999.

O. Gagliardini and J. Meyssonnier, Analytical derivations for the behavior and fabric evolution of a linear orthotropic ice polycrystal. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, (B8) 17797-17809, 1999.

M. Gay and J. Weiss, Automatic reconstruction of polycrystalline ice microstructure from image analysis : application to the EPICA ice core at Dome Concordia, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 45, (151) 547-554, 1999.

W. M. Grundy, M. W. Buie, J. A. Stansberry, J. R. Spencer and B. Schmitt, Near-infrared spectra of icy outer solar system surfaces : remote determination of H2O ice temperatures. Icarus, 142, (2) 536-549, 1999.

L. Hanot and F. Dominé, Evolution of the Surface Area of a Snow Layer. Environmental Science and Technology, 33, 4250-4255, 1999.

M. Heisterkamp, K. Van de Velde, C. Ferrari, C. F. Boutron and F. C. Adams, Present Century Record of Organolead Pollution in High Altitude Alpine Snow. Environmental Science and Technology, 33, (24) 4416-4421, 1999.

S. Houdier, M. Legrand, D. Boturyn, S. Croze, E. Defrancq and J. Lhomme, A new fluorescent probe for sensitive detection of carbonyl compounds. Analytica Chimica Acta, 382, 253-263, 1999.

T. Ikeda, H. Fukazawa, S. Mae, L. Pépin, P. Duval, B. Champagnon, V. Y. Lipenkov and T. Hondoh, Extreme fractionation of gases caused by formation of clathrate hydrates in Vostok Antarctic ice. Geophysical Research Letters, 26, (1) 91-94, 1999.

E. Isaksson, M. R. van den Broeke, J.-G. Winther, L. Karlof, J.-F. Pinglot and N. S. Gundestrup, Accumulation and proxy-temperature variability in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, determined from shallow firn cores. Annals of Glaciology, 29, 17-22, 1999.

J. Jouzel and C. Lorius, Evolution du climat : du passé récent vers le futur. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, 328, 229-239, 1999.

J. Jouzel, J.-R. Petit, R. Souchez, N. I. Barkov, V. Y. Lipenkov, D. Raynaud, M. Stievenard, N. I. Vassiliev, V. Verbecke and F. Vimeux, More than 200 maters of lake Vostok, Antarctica. Science, 286, (5447) 2138-2141, 1999.

G. Krinner and C. Genthon, Altitude dependence of the ice sheet surface climate. Geophysical Research Letters, 26, (15) 2227-2230, 1999.

M. Legrand and D. Wagenbach, Impact of the Cerro Hudson and Pinatubo volcanic eruptions on the Antarctic air and snow chemistry. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, (D1) 1581-1596, 1999.

M. Legrand, E. W. Wolff and D. Wagenbach, Antarctic aerosol and snowfall chemistry : implication for deep Antarctic ice-core chemistry. Annals of Glaciology, 29, 66-72, 1999.

B. Malaizé, D. Paillard, J. Jouzel and D. Raynaud, The Dole effect over the last two glacial-interglacial cycles. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, (D12) 14199-14208, 1999.

P. Man

fabericus dit:
Ben documente toi.
La page wiki sur le GIEC : ici.

Reprocher à quelqu'un de ne pas être documenté et citer comme sources Wikipedia où n'importe qui peut écrire n'importe quoi...Un peu paradoxal non? :wink:

Si l'article du monde est de parti pris, alors on peut tout aussi bien dire que tout ce qu'on dit à chaque instant est de parti pris.

C'est pas ça qui va nous dire quelle est la part exacte des activités humaines dans le réchauffement climatique.

Claude Allègre est sûrement un scientifique de premier plan. Ca ne le rend pas infaillible pour autant.

Bon, et mes commentaires sur les limites de la climatologie, vous ne réagissez pas ? :^: Allez un petit cigare pour augmenter l'effet de serre :lol:
(Non, je ne fume pas :modopouic: et fumer nuit à la santé du barman qui travaille)

Je propose de ne rien faire et d'attendre 20 ans en continuant sur notre modèle de développement actuel.
On verra alors où en est la planète.

Réchauffement ou pas, je ne suis pas certain qu'on vive mieux qu'aujourd'hui.

Comme disaient les inconnus,
pollution, je dis non, mais à la vie, je dis oui.
Et vous, vous faites quoi ?
Moi, j'ai chanté une chanson, c'est déjà pas mal. Je serais la pollution, j'aurais vachement peur en lisant vos commentaires :pouicsupercool: