datarule dit:Merci beaucoup.
J'ai un anglais plus technique que grammatical, du coup je comprend bien les cartes mais j'ai du mal à cerner le personnage : c'est un gars de chez wizards ou c'est un fan ? Parceque pour le coup ces cartes ont l'air bien réel, tant au niveau du design que des capas !
Est-ce qu'ils expliquent s'il a testé ou non ?
Quoiqu'il en soit, merci pour les liens Jonas.
je ne crois pas qu'il travaille chez Wizard "I believe a lot of folks who bought Dungeon Command also probably own one or all of the D&D Adventure games (Castle Ravenloft, Wrath of Ashardalon, Legend of Drizzt). Wizards did a fantastic thing by making the Dungeon Command minis usable in the adventure games but seeing what a great skirmish game it turned out to be, I thought it would be cool if the reverse was also true.
This thread will track the progress of my custom Dungeon Command creature cards for all (non-Huge) minis from the adventure games. Obviously these are only for gamers who do not mind a bit of DIY printing, etc."
Un autre joueur lui a transmis la matrice des cartes " Thanks to user (Stick Up Man) who provided me a template but I was insufficently skilled to use it. That prompted me to again impose on the Great Maker, GeckoTH who very kindly bestowed on me a template suited to my primitive methods."
A l'heure actuelle aucun PDF n'est encore en place mais on peut espérer qu'il y travaille ...
Voici un lien pour faire ses propres cartes mais je n'ai pas trouvé le lien de GeckoTH ( qui lui a réussi a produire une matrice idéale ... ) ... ture-cards[EDIT] :
liste de matrices de divers jeux ( D&D system, Lord of the Ring, Zombicide ... )proposées par GeckoTH rien pour DC ... -templatesEt ici Stick Up Man explique comment il a pu obtenir une matrice de base et comment il a pu créer sa carte ... ... s-merisiel"I just made it as I was going. Saved it as a PSD so kinda got my own template now.
I used fonts that already exist in photoshop, so not a perfect match but works good enough."
"I dont know how to do that. How do you have a layer be blank and still exist? I'm self taught with Photoshop, 3dmax and After effects, and Photoshop is my worst one.
Did you follow my instructions? Its REALLY east to change that document.
Tell me exactly what you can't do? I will explain it in more detail.
Down the left side of PS(photoshop) there are several tools to click on, including one that looks like a cpital T. Select this tool. This is the text tool, and allows you to create text layers by clicking and typing.
On the right side, down at the bottom, it shows all the layers of the document, and allows you to see which ones are on top of which ones. You can click and drag these layers to new positions in the column. Select the layer you want to change so that it is highlighted.
Use the text tool to highlight the text of the chosen layer. This means you must right click and drag through the type you want to change. If you do not have the tool close enough to the correct type, it will create a new text layer instead. You will see this layer highlighted in the layer display(it is now the chosen layer) and it will be called "new layer". Right click on this layer and select delete layer. Then go back and get the text tool exactly on the text you want to change and try again with right click drag. Remember to re-select the layer for the type you are changing.
After the type is highlighted, just type what you want it to say and it will change.
If you ever want to adjust a layers position in the document, after selecting the layer in the layer display, hold down control and left click drag, and the layer will move with your mouse. This is helpful to line things up after you make a line longer etc.
To add a picture, simply import pic into PS, then drag and drop onto the document. Then use control left click drag to position it where you want. To place it under the right layer, so it becomes part of the card correctly, just click on the layer for the pic(it creates this layer when you drag and drop) and left click drag down through the(or up) layers until it is in the right place.
Right click on the pic and choose free transform to change the size of a pic. Hold down shift and use one of the corners of the pic in order to keep it at the right scale. Hit enter when you done to leave transform mode.
To change the color of any text(for adding attributes) while the text is selected, just choose a new color from the pallet on the right side. You can highlight only part of a line and change the color of only the highlighted text. So if you make the line say: STR DEX INT, then just highlight the INT part and select blue and only the INT will change to blue, for example.
Each layer in the layer display, has a small eyeball on it. Clicking this eyball turns the layer on and off."
Et un autre joueur a proposé ceci :"Try using a free piece of software called GIMP (stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program) to open PSD files. Also try Inkscape, also free, for vectored drawing. Between the two you can create pretty much any digital imagery you want. All for Free "
Peut on espérer que face à cette initiative WoTC édite une version DC des cartes de Ravenloft et consorts ? ...