[KS - Financé - Terminé] - Dwarves in Trouble

tranber19 dit :je viens de recevoir la boite de base mais aucune trace des extensions pour jouer jusqu'à 7

Oui c'est ce qu'ils ont dit. Pas de cartes d'extensions, elles sont pas finies.

A la vache, ils ont fait quoi pendant 1 an et demi ?

Ils se sont offert des vacances avec l’argent des backers. 

Un mélange entre “pas très doués” et “pas de bol”…
perso j’attends le jeu, la figurine, et les pièces…

Toujours rien reçu non plus !

Pit0780 dit :perso j'attends le jeu, la figurine, et les pièces...

C'est pour la semaine prochaine.

J’ai reçu le jeu et la statuette !

Toujours rien reçu… :frowning:
(je suis dans le 92)

Nouvelle actu pour le jeu, enfin, façon de parler.

Pour ceux qui n’ont pas reçu leur jeu, faut leur écrire : kicstarter@hexspot.pl (ou kickstarter@hexspot.pl, je ne sais pas d’où vient leur faute, de leur news ou vraiment de leur email).

Les cartes sont imprimées, reste “plus” qu’à les découper (donc pas bougé depuis la dernière news de janvier)
Les sacs et les tokens de pièces en plus sont ok et attendent le reste (prêts depuis loooongtemps).
Les pièces métals ne sont toujours pas en leurs possession. Ca sent le roussi.

Toujours rien de neuf concernant les cartes des extensions et des SG, ainsi que des pièces métal.

- les pièces sont en allemagne, et aucune nouvelle de leur empaquetage. Ils leur auraient dit “ok fin mars”…
- les sacs en tissu sont en cours de transport, et devraient arriver lundi
- une partie des cartes est ok, l’autre sera ok fin mars.

Ils ont vraiment dû s’entourer de bras cassés, et sont nuls pour faire pression ou prendre les renseignements. 
On ne m’y reprendra plus avec Hex !

J’ai bien reçu mes deux boîtes de jeux (1 de chaque couverture).
Le courrier dans le colis précise que les pièces en métal arriveront très prochainement, ainsi que les cartes des extensions.
Le matériel est impeccable.

Nouvelle actu super intéressante :

We don’t have any new informations about expansions and coins.

Et ça fini sur :

"We are working on second edition of Dwarves in Trouble for retail and we would like to correct the game rules and other problems you have found in our game. "

J’aime bien ce message d’un backer :

127 Days Ago - “expansions are in printing right now. We will post photos soon of ready cards, expansions etc.”
You never posted photos. What is it called again when someone says they’ll do something but then never does it?
123 Days Ago - “Addons, expansions are almost ready (they are waiting to be cut from paper sheets). Paper coins/tokens are ready waiting for cards.”
114 Days Ago - “addons are waiting for cutting, coins are being repacked.”
Still waiting huh?
110 Days Agp - “@Keith Dickens yes we gonna stat posting comments every day with progress of addons, coins and shipping.”
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This is hilarious!!! You really screwed the pooch on that one! Why did you even bother typing this out?
101 Days Ago - “Addons/ Expansions/ Coins: All cards are already printed, waiting to be cut. Cloth bags, coin tokens are already waiting in our warehouse. We are working on getting metal coins as fast as it
Ok, post a photo of them. Right now! 27 days ago you said you would. Stop lying to us!
100 Days Ago - “All cards are already printed, waiting to be cut.”
100 Days Ago - “We estimate that by the end of March we will send all expansions/coins to you.”
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This is hilarious!!! You really screwed the pooch on that one! Why did you even bother typing this out?
88 Days Ago - "@Jeroen van Bogaert addons/expansions will be shipped by the end of march. "
LOL! Still funny!!!
774 Days Ago - “Cards / Expansions. Part of cards is ready waiting in Manufacture warehouse. Second part will be ready at the end of march (cut from paper sheets.). They will arrive on pallets in one
Waiting to be cut for 53 days huh? Yeah, no! That’s a total lie.
74 Days Ago - “cloth bags are in transport right now. they should arrive on Monday.”
BUSTED!!! 26 days prior you said the cloth bags are in your warehouse. Lies lies and more lies. Stop lying to us Hex!!!
74 Days Ago - “paper tokens for expansions are Ready waiting in warehouse.”
Ok, post a photo of them. Right now! 53 days ago you said you would. Stop lying to us!
74 Days Ago - “Metal coins are in Germany. We don’t have actually status of packaging. We got only info that they will be ready at the end of march.”
52 Days Ago - “@Michael Baxter, coins are on finish line. They will be send to poland, (this time they should not be blocked by customs office).”
So…NOT the end of March. Not really shocked.
52 Days Ago - “@Toshifumi Yamashita yes, soon we will send second shipment with addons, expansions and stretch goals.”
I don’t think you know what the word “soon” means.
48 Days Ago - “@Michael Baxter coins are in transit to Poland, this time we wont have problems with customs.”
Uh huh…sure! You tell people you will ship everything out soon a week before the coins even got on the water? That’s just WRONG!
37 Days Ago - “Metal coins are in customs warehouse and they will be passed soon, most of addons are ready, the same cardboard tokens and bags.”
So they’ve been in customs for over a month now. Do you really wonder why people don’t believe anything you say?
36 Days Ago - “With expansions we will use trusted and RESPECTABLE logistic partner to avoid this problems.”
Oh yeah? Who??? Since you plan to ship “soon” then they would already have to be lined up so tell us who they are. Oh, let me guess, you signed a contract saying you can’t say who they are?
29 Days Ago - “@Wessel Peeters we will post update this week. (on Friday coins were in customs warehouse, we have send all papers and now they have time to reply and pass coins).”
So 26 days prior you gave them papers and…STILL IN CUSTOMS!
10 Days Ago - Expansions, addons are still “in progress” that means we are waiting for info from factory to pick them up.
120 days since they’ve been printed and they are STILL waiting to be finished. Hex, no one believes this garbage. No one does business like this. Not even horrible printers.
10 Days Ago - “Coins, something moved we got reply from customs office, (they asked for some papers), now they need just to proceed with realising coins from their warehouse.”
But you gave them ALL PAPERWORK 19 days prior. So, guess that was FALSE!
Bonus Quote- “I spend almost one year preparing for this campaign, searching for shipping partners, costs, possible problems etc”
Wow, that’s just sad. You could have easily spent 2 weeks asking people that actually knew WTH they were doing.

On en vient à penser que les pièces et les cartes additionnelles n’ont jamais existé…

Réponse des agacements des joueurs :

 first coins were blocked because of problems with CE certification as a Toy (from 12 years old). Coins were repacked and this time send with documentation as collectible item, we have send all papers and we just need to wait for customs agent to check everything and just pass the transport.
Addons were printed second time because of misprint (layout of card / graphics was moved 3mm and cards were cut in wrong way). It was fault of graphic from manufacture and thats why they have to print second time all addons (cards were printed, 2/3 of them are cut but still we don’t have info about rest of them). We are calling manufacture every week, but still we don’t have exact time. According to agreement they have deadline till the end of June. Production, coins, customs are already paid. We just need to get our stuff and send it.

Bon, j’ai demandé un remboursement des éléments non reçus de mon pledge. J’espère que ça sera fait rapidement…

Vous étiez prévenus.

Il y a “in trouble” dans le nom du jeu.

J’ai eu mon remboursement, fin de l’histoire pour moi !


Pit0780 dit :J'ai eu mon remboursement, fin de l'histoire pour moi !


J'ai aussi demandé un remboursement depuis presque 2 mois, j'attends encore.
Il t'ont envoyé un mail de confirmation pour le remboursement ? As-tu eu des frais où as-tu été remboursé de toute la somme ?

J’ai pas mal gueulé, j’ai envoyé un mail a leur contact (Wojciech Filarski), et j’ai été remboursé le lendemain (j’ai eu la confirmation Paypal). 
J’avais reçu le jeu de base et la figurine Nain, j’avais donc demandé le remboursement du reste, soit 41 dollars.
J’ai reçu un paiement de 35 euros.

Là je sais pas si je garde le jeu, si je le vends, ou si je le brûle.

A peine croyable, mais vrai, je viens de recevoir une demande de vérification de mon adresse de livraison pour envoi des articles manquant…broken heart

J’avoue avoir fait mon deuil, depuis longtemps, d’avoir un jour l’ensemble de ce qu’on m’avait promis mais finalement, l’espoir renait.