[KS - financé] Shadows over Brimstone

Rémi dit:
Hadoken_ dit:il faut un compte google pour zoomer sur les photos !

Je n'ai pas de compte google et je peux zoomer.

il a changé les droits d'accès manifestement.
Moi aussi je peux maintenant.

Bon sinon un type a fait un résumé du tour,je copie colle ici (en anglais toujours),tiré de la démo:
Gameplay Summary
1. Start of Turn:
...a.The Leader (player with lantern) rolls to “Hold Back The Darkness”.
...b.2d6 roll, needing to roll equal to or higher than a value, which is determined by the Party position on the Depth Track. Starts at 7+, goes to 9+, although it can be made higher with certain Darkness cards.
...c.The Party token starts on the top of the Depth Track (16/Mine Entrance), while the Darkness Token starts at 0 (Darkness Start).
...d.Each time the party reveals a new map tile, whether in the Mines or in another World, the party token is advanced one space closer to zero.
...e.If the roll fails, the Darkness token is moved one space up on the Depth Track (towards space 16/Mine entrance).
...f.The heroes automatically lose if the Darkness Token reaches the top of the Depth Track (16/Mine Entrance)
...g.There are three types of spaces on the Depth Track, which only matter for the Darkness token.
......i.Normal spaces – They have no additional effect
......ii.‘Blood’ spaces – They cause a Darkness card to get drawn and executed
......iii.‘Growing Dread’ spaces – They cause a ‘Growing Dread’ card to be drawn and placed to the side. (see ‘Growing Dread’ below)
...h.‘Growing Dread’ cards affect the final objective location, typically increasing its difficulty. These cards remain face-down until the party encounters the final objective. At that time, ALL Growing Dread cards are revealed and their effects resolved. If a ‘Growing Dread’ card is forced to be drawn while the heroes are still fighting the final encounter, the ‘Growing Dread’ card’s effects are immediately resolved when drawn.
2. Turn Order:
Starting the the highest initiative, heroes (and monsters) get Activated in initiative order.
...a.Monsters win initiative ties.
...b.All monsters of a type will activate, before a second type gets activated. For example, if there are two types of monsters with the same initiative, say a Hellbat and a Bogbat, one type is chosen and ALL figures of that type activate before any figures of the other type get activated.
...c.If two (or more) heroes have the same initiative, the heroes may decide the order that the heroes get activated. This may change from turn to turn, as the heroes desire.

3. Monster Activation
...a. Monster Placement – Unless in Ambush (see AMBUSH below), monsters are placed as far as possible, on the tile, from the heroes. The are placed in a checkerboard pattern, placing closer to the heroes. If the monsters fill up the entire tile, return to the farther point and fill in the remaining spaces. Monster Types are placed in order, from lowest initiative to higher initiative.
...b. AMBUSH – Monsters in Ambush ignore the standard placement rules. Monster figures get placed adjacent to heroes as evenly as possible. Roll to determine which heroes when there is an uneven number.
......i.Ex: There are 4 heroes (Preacher, Indian Scout, Rancher, and Lawman), and there are 6 monsters in Ambush. One monster will be placed adjacent to each hero, with 2 ‘extra’ monsters. A roll is made to see which of the 4 heroes the first ‘extra’ monster gets placed adjacent to, say the Rancher in this example. Then, another roll is made to which which of the remaining 3 heroes the remaining ‘extra’ monster will be placed adjacent to (Preacher, Indian Scout, or Lawman). The last monster does not get placed adjacent to the Rancher, because that would not follow the rule for even distribution of monsters.
......ii.Note: When I say ‘adjacent’, I mean ‘is attacking’ as well. A monster in Ambush may have its model physically placed next to another hero (that it is not attacking), as long as it is obvious which hero it is attacking.
...c. Monster Movement
...... i.Monsters cannot move through other models, unless they have an ability (like Flight) that lets them do so.
......ii.Monsters move in order from closest to a hero to farthest from a hero. If there is a tie, the heroes may choose which moves first.
......iii.Monsters attempt to attack as evenly as possible. They attack the closest hero that is not already being attacked by a monster of the same TYPE, as long as that hero is in range. If all heroes are being attacked, then the monster will attack the closest, while obeying the rule for even distribution.
.........1.An important point to note is that monsters are evenly distributed by TYPE, not by model. As such, when a new type is moving, it ‘ignores’ monsters of other types for the purposes of determining which hero it will target (unless there is no open space for the monster to move to, for example).
......iv.If there are two heroes within the same range and the same even distribution of monsters (ie. Not attacked or being attacked by the same number of monsters) then randomly determine which hero the monster attacks.
......v.Monsters always move as far as possible to attack the targeted hero. In essence, they will always attempt to get “behind” the hero model, if possible.
...d. Monster Attacks
......i.Monsters roll a number of dice to hit a hero based on their Combat value. They also have a “to-hit” value on their sheet/card (i.e. 3+, 4+, 5+, etc).
......ii.The targeted hero then rolls a number of Defense dice equal to the number of hits rolled against them. Heroes have a Defense value (i.e. 3+, 4+, 5+, etc). Each successful Defense rolls cancels a hit. Each uncanceled hit deals a number of Wounds to a hero equal to the Damage value of the monster (we saw values ranging from 1 to 4).
......iii.Some monsters have special abilities, which typically get triggered when the monster’s to-hit roll is a ‘6’. (See Strangler sheet image for an example)

3. Hero Activation
...a.If a hero starts their activation 2 or more map tiles from the party leader (i.e. the Hero with the Lantern), they suffer Horror hits. (I don’t recall how many they take.)
...b.A Hero may choose 2 hands worth of weapons/items to be equipped.
...c. Hero Movement
......i.Heroes cannot move through other models, unless they have an item or ability that allows them to do so (for example, the Saloon Girl’s Dodge ability)
......ii.Heroes roll 1d6 for their movement.
.........1.If a hero rolls a 1 for movement (or 1 or 2 for the Bandido), they immediately acquire a Grit token.
......iii.A hero may then spend 1 Grit to roll an additional d6 for movement (1’s rolled on this die do not supply a Grit)
......iv.A hero’s movement stops when they reach the edge/doorway of a map tile that is unexplored.
......v.At the End of a hero’s movement, if the hero is on the edge of a doorway/gate that is unexplored, draw and reveal a card from the appropriate Map deck (Mines or determined Other World).
.........1.The tile is placed as indicated on the card (there is an arrow on the card that indicates which connector connects with the tile the hero is on). Then, unless otherwise indicated on the map card, place an Exploration token on the tile. (‘Corridor’ tiles typically have mpa cards that say to not place an Exploration token, for example)
.........2.The current hero may NOT continue moving. Subsequent heroes, however, MAY now move onto the newly revealed tile.
......vi.At the end of their movement, a hero MAY attempt to scavenge a tile, IF:
.........1.The tile has not already been successfully scavenged
.........2.There are no monsters on the tile (i.e. the heroes are not ‘in combat’)
.........3.The tile has already been Explored (i.e. does not have an Exploration token on it)
.........4.This hero’s model has ended its movement on the tile in question
.........5.This hero did not just reveal a map tile
......vii. To Scavenge, the hero’s player rolls 3d6. For each ‘6’ rolled, the player may draw a Scavenge card. If at least one ‘6’ is rolled, place a token on the map tile, and it may no longer be scavenged.
.........1.The Scavenge deck is 1/3 Good cards (general drawing a gear or loot card), 1/3 bad cards, and 1/3 Nothing is found.
.........2.The Scavenge deck is shuffled, then a card is drawn for each ‘6’ rolled. Each card is resolved, and then the card(s) is/are placed back in the Scavenge card deck to be shuffled and drawn again the next time a successful scavenge occurs.
.........3.Even if only ‘Nothing is Found’ card(s) are drawn, the tile is considered scavenged and cannot be scavenged again.
...d. Hero Attacks
......i.A hero determines which equipped weapon (or unarmed fists) they are going to attack with (i.e. Melee or Ranged).
......ii.Melee attack use the hero’s Combat value (possibly modified by the weapon/item they are using), and roll that number of dice to hit.
......iii.Ranged attacks use the equipped weapon(s) ‘Shots’ value for the number of dice to roll (possibly modified by other cards/effects).
......iv.The hero roll their determined number of dice, looking for a value equal to or better than their ‘to-hit’ value indicated on their character card (There are separate values for melee & ranged).
......v.Note that a to-hit roll of ‘6’ is a critical hit (see below)
......vi.Once the number of successful hits have been determined, the hero’s player then assigns the first hit to an enemy model in range. The exception to this (and all hero hit allocation), is that all hits must be applied to enemies adjacent to the hero (even if they aren’t currently attacking the hero). Note” The player may choose to resolve any hit as the first hit (i.e. they may freely choose either a normal hit or a critical hit as the first hit they are resolving). Models, both friendly and enemy) do not block hits. Range and Obstacles (such as walls) are the only other limiting factors for which monster the hero may assign the hit to.
.........1.The hero then rolls the appropriate damage die for the weapon (almost always 1d6), adding any modifiers (usually from the equipped weapon, but sometimes other cards).
.........2.The monster’s Defense value is then subtracted from the total damage (excepting Critial hits, see below).
.........3.Any damage remaining after Defense is applied to the monster’s Wounds.
.........4.A roll of a ‘6’ is a Critical Hit. Critical hits ignore a monster’s Defense value, and simply cause Wounds. The exception to this, are monsters with the Tough trait.
......vii.Once the hero has resolved the effects of the first hit, they then select another hit and resolve that hit in the same manner as above.
.........1.Note again that hits must be assigned to monsters still adjacent to the hero before they may be assigned to monsters farther away.
.........2.The hero may select as the target a monster previously hit (but not killed), although they are not required to (unless it is the only monster adjacent to the hero).
......viii.The hero player continues resolving hits one at a time, until there are no more unresolved hits.

Once all Heroes and Monsters have acted, check for any “end of Turn” effects.
End of Turn Effects
...• Unrevealed Exploration tokens
......oIf there are any unrevealed exploration tokens, flip them over and resolve their effects.
......oThe top of the token will display 1 or more symbols indicating exits, either doorways or portals. Roll a die and consult the map card to determine where the exit(s) is/are located. Cap the remaining edges.
......oThe token will display any additional effects in the middle, such as Attack, Encounter, Encounter x2, etc.
.........Attack - draw an appropriate Threat Card (see below)
.........Encounter/Encounter x2 – Draw a number of Encounter cards and resolve them in order.
......oAt the very bottom of the token, some cards will have an exclamation mark “!” symbol. This indicates it is a clue token, and gets the party closer to their final objective. If it is the last clue required by the scenario, it means this tile is the final objective. Remove all doorways/portals and cap all other exits.
......oThreat cards: There are four Threat Decks
.........Low (1-2 players)
.........Medium (3-4 players)
.........High (5-6 players)
.........Epic (special)
......oDraw a Threat Card appropriate to the number of heroes in the game. Note that some Threat cards (especially higher ones, such as High and Epic) will cause additional threat cards from lower threat decks to be drawn. For example, a High Threat Deck card might spawn 1 specific Boss monster and then say to draw two Low Threat cards.
......oMonsters are placed by Type, from lowest initiative to highest. Finish placing one type before starting to place the models of the next type.
......oEpic Threat cards seem to be, as far as I know, only drawn as the encounter at the final objective.
After that, play returns to the Start of Turn with the party leader rolling for “Holding Back the Darkness”, as discussed above.

Les photos donnent vraiment envie, et mine de rien ca a l’air d’être fin prêt tout ca :D . J’aime particulièrement les design des feuilles de persos, on capte tout du premier coup d’oeil
Au niveau des règles ca n’a pas l’air d’être trop touffu et les différentes phases seront intégrées assez vite.
Par contre va y avoir du taf de traduction pour les cartes :mrgreen:
Le seul truc qui me déçoit un peu c’est que le jeu ne semble pas vraiment adapté à plus de 4 joueurs.
D’une part à cause du système de déplacement, obligeant d’abord a rester groupé si on veut pas finir dans les ténebres et n’autorisant pas les gentils “à se traverser” sauf règle spéciale( vais jouer un garçon de Saloon ^^)
D’autre part à cause du combo “taille des tuiles” / cartes menaces : la seule carte vue pour le moment fait qd même apparaitre jusque 3 monstres a socle moyen pour 4 joueurs. A 6 il risque de ne plus y avoir de place très vite.
Ce qui m’amène à ma légère déception perso, au final le jeu semble pluq être un “hack and slash” (façon gautlet ou plus récement borderlands) multijoueurs que le Arkham au Far West que je m’étais imaginé.
Maintenant je sent qd meme que ca va être (bourrin mais) épique et j’ai hâte de l’avoir

bah c’est un D&D system très amélioré en somme :)

Un petit lien vers de nouvelles photos : http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1152610/seattle-demo-452014-images-long-image-heavy
On y voit notamment le guardian, massif comme prévu :)
Édit : Voila ça doit être bon

Ton lien n’a pas fonctionné il me semble.

Oh damn, c’est bon tout ça, ça sent le dungeon crawler ultime de la mort qui sent le poisson faisandé, je n’en peux littéralement plus, j’ai hâte, je sens que ce jeu peut détrôner Zombicide dans mon groupe de joueur, pour autant que les parties ne durent pas des plombes.
Comme ça a déjà été dit, il me semble que ça va coincer avec tout ces protagoniste sur des si petites tuiles,
mais c’est dans des mines alors ça semble logique.
Quand quand quand? :pouicboulet:

Je comprend mieux le prix des grosses fig comme le Guardian, punaise il est HUUUUGE :shock:

Je vais finir par me faire cryogéniser quelque mois, je suis totalement incapable d’avoir de la patience pour ce jeu. Ou un lavage de cerveau sélectif. J’espère que vous gérez mieux que moi. :pouicboulet:

Wutang dit:Je comprend mieux le prix des grosses fig comme le Guardian, punaise il est HUUUUGE :shock:

Imagine Be'lial, le kraken et le grand ancien :shock: :shock: :shock: Si les proportions des dessins sont gardées, ce qui semble le cas avec le harbringer et le guardian, ils vont être monstrueux dans tout les sens du terme.
Par contre va falloir prévoir une vitrine, parce que ca va etre dur de ranger dans des boites, et le prix des mousses risque de faire mal ^^

Il a une bien belle tronche ce gardien c’est clair. Je serais très agréablement surpris si c’était bien envoyé en aout mais je n’y crois pas trop.

L’illustration définitive de l’une des boites est révélée:

Voici une petite gallerie avec une ou 2 figs non vues + quelques figs peintes
Jolies non?

Je suppose que vous avez vu l’update, c’est “marrant” ils continuent à ne pas répondre aux questions sur la tenue du délai pour la livraison de la boite de base (et je ne parle même pas des SGs vu qu’ils n’ont toujours pas mis le pledge manager en ligne). Vu ce qu’ils nous montrent en ce moment ça parait quand même impossible cette livraison en aout.

oui oh maintenant, comme bcp de KS…
regarde kingdom death…

Avec les proportions qu’a pris le jeu lors de la campagne participative, et au vu de l’avancée d’alors, pas étonnant. Personnellement, j’attend juste que ça arrive un jour, faut surtout pas qu’ils bâclent pour livrer pas-trop-en-retard. Une fois les boîtes de base sorties, je pense qu’il y aura bien de quoi faire et j’espère que le reste va s’étaler en plus qu’une seule autre livraison, je serais même pour du compte goutte, histoire de faire durer le plaisir de l’attente. Mais comme je l’attend celui-là, à chaque info ou photo dévoilée, c’est que des bonnes surprises. :)

J’ai l’impression que pour ceux qui suivent plusieurs projets en même temps, on s’est un peu tous fait le décalage du planning des sorties des autres jeux , au fur et à mesure des reports des jeux qui devaient arriver plus tôt. (je sais pas si c’est très clair mon charabia :mrgreen:)
Bref il est clair qu’une sortie pour cet été semble peu réaliste mais ce jeu donne toujours grave envie.

le PM n’est toujours pas sorti ? :shock:

Non toujours pas de PM hélas.

je table sur une livraison du jeu en décembre!
qui dit mieux?

mieux :mrgreen: