Zombie Killer dit:davy dit:mydvycts
Du coup tu as vraiment changé ta signature d'opinion !

Zombie Killer dit:davy dit:mydvycts
Du coup tu as vraiment changé ta signature d'opinion !
J’ai fait une seconde partie hier soir, et nous avons réussi à gagner, mais de justesse ! Les persos sont assez différents les uns des autres, mais bien customisables grâce aux équipements donc je n’ai jamais eu l’impression de ne servir à rien malgré des faiblesses apparentes sur mon personnage (un vieux sorcier qui n’avance que d’une seule case)
Pour un Coop c’est gérable en solo ou c’est trop lourd?
Zombie Killer dit:Pour un Coop c'est gérable en solo ou c'est trop lourd?
Pitpipo dit:Zombie Killer dit:Pour un Coop c'est gérable en solo ou c'est trop lourd?
Non très gérable, quand tu joues solo tu contrôles deux héros, donc tu utilises les cartes d'arrivée des monstres pour deux joueurs. J'essayerai peut être demain de me faire une partie solo tranquilou, en tout cas à quatre, en découvrant le jeu, la partie a du durer une heure et demie max.
davy dit:
tu peux nous en dire un peu plus sur ta partie le ressenti niveau gameplay en coop,tu le vois jouer a partir de quel age ?
et tu vas tester le mode VS?
est ce que pour Sandy ce debut de campagne lui convient et ce qu'il attendait ou il revoit les objectifs a la baisse?
tenté par le jeu mais freiné par l’absence de vf, je surveille néanmoins le ks
un nouveau stretch goal a ete atteint a 95k temper et smaugler débloqués en heros
prochain stretch goal a 100k soit assez vite : nouvelle tuile de salles et un addon de créatures (modifié cyclope au lieu des orcs zombis)
de nombreux stretch goal ont été ajouté
source : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/18 … ts/1190742
Stretch Goals Heat Up
We have now unlocked Temper, a minotaur hero for the Order, along with Smolder the Fireborn, a hero for the Unchained. Both of these new heroes are somewhat fire-based, though Temper delivers damage with hammers and going berserk when wounded, while Smolder is more of a magician than a hand-to-hand fighter, relying on powerful magic items. These heroes are included in each appropriate pledge, and of course all Hero pledges include both.
To clarify the status of heroes, we have also listed their MSRP. Please be clear that you our backers who pledge at the Minion level or higher never pay anything for the stretch goal heroes – they’ll just come with your pledge. Eventually we will create Hero Expansions for the retail market, and people in stores will be able to acquire them at a price.
New Rules
The rules are finally more final – if you checked out the rules last week, we have a newer, better version to look at. As before, this is still a draft, not the final ready-to-print rules!
Temper, an Order hero Temper, an Order hero
Gameplay Video
Our prototype gameplay video is coming soon. Watch for it.
Tundra, preview of an Order hero not yet unlocked Tundra, preview of an Order hero not yet unlocked
New Goals Announced!
At $100,000, as mentioned before, we are adding new map tiles, including the Acid Bath to all game boxes. If you are at the Hero Pledge you will get 2 Acid baths, plus more tiles, giving you even more flexibility in fortress construction.
Also at $100,000 we are unlocking our first add-on pack – the Critter Pack. To buy it, add $25 to your pledge (It will eventually have an MSRP of $30+). It includes four new enemies –2 Cyclops figures & 4 Goblin Sapper figures as enemies for the Order PLUS 4 Dwarf Grenadiers & 4 Gnome Tinkerer figures as enemies for the Unchained. Also includes new minion stat cards and new army cards for these minions to shuffle into your decks.
Now we are happy to announce that at $110,000 we will able to release two new heroes - the ghostly Ancestor for the Order, and Stinkeye, a cyclops hero, for the Unchained. These will be free Kickstarter bonuses, but will eventually be offered at a price retail.
We also have new upcoming stretch goals for $115,000, $120,000, and of courses $125,000 is still intact. Check out our main page for more details.
Sandy’s Design Corner
A backer asked how we are handling different numbers of players. If you play co-operative games, you know this isn’t always done perfectly. He noted that each Army in Orcs Must Die! The Boardgame has 3 Orc cards and 3 Critter cards (of course, each Army in the Unchained edition has 3 Soldier cards & 3 Ally cards instead). He wonders how this works with fewer players.
So I thought, as I’d explained it to him, I’d explain it to all. Each Army is always the same number of cards. However, each card comes with three blocs of text - for different numbers of players. For example, I just randomly drew two cards from my decks just now and they are pictured below:
Two random Army cards Two random Army cards
The average number of creatures is carefully scaled so that the 3 player game has 75% as many enemies as the 4 player game, and the 2 player game has 50% of the enemies. (The two cards above don’t follow this precise scaling, but as you draw multiple cards, they draw near to the mean.) Other features in the game also scale with the number of players. For example, the number of skulls required to upgrade your war camp scales with players.
So in our tests, 2, 3, and 4 players all seem to win (and lose) about the same percentage of the time.
au cas ou je cherche un pledger pour cthuluh wars vf dans le puy de dome pour m’y greffer ayant raté le ks (venu sur ks avec la vague conan)
J’ai refait une partie hier, on a testé des règles alternatives sur certains points, le jeu tourne vraiment bien mais on est en permanence sur le fil du rasoir. Il y a une part de hasard mais on arrive à le contrôler (principalement à travers l’équipement et les pièges, qui eux apportent des dégats fixes).
Pitpipo dit:J'ai refait une partie hier, on a testé des règles alternatives sur certains points, le jeu tourne vraiment bien mais on est en permanence sur le fil du rasoir. Il y a une part de hasard mais on arrive à le contrôler (principalement à travers l'équipement et les pièges, qui eux apportent des dégats fixes).
palier des 100k atteint !
3 nouvelles salles pour les pack order et unchained (2*3 pour le pack hero)
source : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/18 … ts/1192243
We have unlocked the new map tiles. This consists of three more map tiles added to all game boxes. It includes the Acid Bath tile, plus two more tiles. The extra tiles can be used to construct larger maps, and the Acid Bath in particular adds some interesting possibilities – it is harmful to the enemy monsters, but is also dangerous to your own heroes! You get the new “Splash” action which lets you try to injure an enemy with the acid. The game already has the “Push” action for use in the Lava Lake room, and this action also works in the Acid Bath. If you are at the Hero pledge, you’ll end up with 6 more tiles, and you’ll have two Acid Baths to play with.
Critter Pack!
We are also unlocking the new Critter Pack Add-On. It contains two Cyclops figures & four Goblin Sapper figures as enemies for the Order plus it has four Dwarf Grenadiers & four Gnome Tinkerer figures as enemies for the Unchained. It of course contains new Minion description cards and Army cards to shuffle into your decks so these monsters can join the fray easily.
To get the Critter Pack Add-On, just add $25 to your pledge either now or when the pledge manager launches after the campaign ends. Our estimated cost to purchase this add-on is a minimum of $30 at retail, so this is a good time to pick it up. You do NOT need to add any additional shipping costs for the Critter Pack.
This is a test troll figure. THIS IS ONLY A TEST! This is a test troll figure. THIS IS ONLY A TEST!
Please be aware that this test troll figure we put together is only a test - he is not yet posed, and he doesn’t have his weapon. The final figure (which we are posing even as I write this) is far more dynamic and exciting, but has the same level of detail and texture. You can easily see his crotch skull, for instance, and the patches on his pants.
Sandy’s Design Corner
All of my “Design Corners” are in response to comments or questions from you, the backers. Feel free to suggest more and I’ll keep doing these forever! This one is because a backer asked the sensible question, “Are the Order & Unchained minions identical except for their figures? Are the Unchained & Order item & trap cards the same? How different are the two games?”
The answer is, first, that the Order and Unchained minions have different stats, and are NOT identical, though they do share similarities. A human soldier has different vulnerabilities than an orc, for example. This is true for all the minions. A Lion, for example, is the Order’s ecological answer to the Gnoll, but it has different vulnerability, a different attack a different speed, and it changes differently over time. But it still fills the same niche.
The two sides have some overlap with their traps & items – about 25% are the same (both teams have access to the Quarter Pounder, for instance). The rest of their cards are highly different. In general Unchained items & traps tend to be more powerful, but one-use in nature – like grenades and bombs. Order items & traps are less powerful, but keep working over time.
même si le départ a été difficile, ils ont bien ajusté les paliers des stretch goal (5-10k) afin d’en débloquer régulièrement et sans doute la majorité de ceux programmer à la base.
le système de jeu permet de jouer en mode full coop tower defense et en mode moba plus rare avec les 2 boites, le jeu est à surveiller
grande importance des retours de pit sur ses parties chez sandy afin de nous permettre de mieux apprehender le jeu et espérer une version vf même si vu le nombre de pledger cela semble compromis
au final que le jeu fasse 200k ou 500k si le jeu plait et si le contenu est correct pour le prix (stretch goal ressérré) l’important est qu’il trouve son public et que celui ci en tire de nombreuses heures de fun
Il y a de nouveaux Stretch Goals, avec un peu de chance on va pouvoir jouer avec nos monstres de Cthulhu Wars à Orc Must Die !
Pitpipo dit:Il y a de nouveaux Stretch Goals, avec un peu de chance on va pouvoir jouer avec nos monstres de Cthulhu Wars à Orc Must Die !
crashover1d dit:Pitpipo dit:Il y a de nouveaux Stretch Goals, avec un peu de chance on va pouvoir jouer avec nos monstres de Cthulhu Wars à Orc Must Die !
Ahah lol plutôt bien vu, en plus sur un palier à double SG pour que ce soit un vrais bonus et pas une frustration, c'est bien c'est bien !
(Et ça peut être marrant dans l'absolu lol)
davy dit:donc il faut acheter CW pour que OMD soit "encore" mieux? si c'est pas du cross-selling ca je n'y connais rien![]()
ou bien c'est pour attiré les CWarrien sur OMDet faire decoller la campange
crashover1d dit:davy dit:donc il faut acheter CW pour que OMD soit "encore" mieux? si c'est pas du cross-selling ca je n'y connais rien![]()
ou bien c'est pour attiré les CWarrien sur OMDet faire decoller la campange
Je ne l'ai pas et pourtant je trouve ça sympa, quand c'est un bonus c'est bon à prendre !
Ca aurais été un SG seul j'aurais trouvé ça innaproprié, là il est en plus d'un vrais SG sur le même palier, pas de débat possible.
Pareil avec Conan / Blood Rage, c'est du bonus ceux que ça intéressent en profitent, les autres ne perdent rien ...
En tout cas j’ai adoré mes trois parties d’OMD
Es tu vraiment objectif? (sans mauvais esprit de ma part) tu étais dans un environnement ludique ou il était difficile de ne pas apprécier les jeux de SP…
Sur OMD, as tu eu des infos sur le ressenti de l’équipe de SP sur cette campagne qui “ronronne” et n’évolue guère? Ont-ils pour projet de relancer, de quelques manières que ce soit la campagne?
Le projet m’intéresse beaucoup mais là c’est clair que le financement est très important et le fait de participer au développement du jeu n’est pas très incitatif…c’est dommage, un truc comme ca ca aurait du “péter la baraque”!
Quand je vous les campagnes de CW, notamment la 1ere qui était vraiment intéressante niveau dynamisme et SG et quand on voit celle là, c’est tout un monde!
Garcimorus dit:Es tu vraiment objectif? (sans mauvais esprit de ma part) tu étais dans un environnement ludique ou il était difficile de ne pas apprécier les jeux de SP...![]()
Sur OMD, as tu eu des infos sur le ressenti de l'équipe de SP sur cette campagne qui "ronronne" et n'évolue guère? Ont-ils pour projet de relancer, de quelques manières que ce soit la campagne?
Le projet m'intéresse beaucoup mais là c'est clair que le financement est très important et le fait de participer au développement du jeu n'est pas très incitatif...c'est dommage, un truc comme ca ca aurait du "péter la baraque"!
Quand je vous les campagnes de CW, notamment la 1ere qui était vraiment intéressante niveau dynamisme et SG et quand on voit celle là, c'est tout un monde!
palier des 110k atteint 2 nouveaux heros ancestor et stinkeye
source : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/18 … ts/1194448
'm going to talk about the new heroes you have unlocked! At the end of the file are some of the cards that will be in the game!
The Ancestor (Order)
The Ancestor looks like a creeptastic undead, but he is a noble founder of the Order nonetheless. He is relatively low in health, and easy to strike, but he gains health by killing his enemies (or wounding them, in the case of enemy heroes). As a result, his health is constantly fluctuating.
He has to time his Super for the right moment to get the best result out of it. While it drops his health to 1 briefly, he gets to add a LOT of damage to his attack, which heals him right away.
His weapon upgrades are amazingly flexible – giving him a choice of different specialty dice for each upgrade, so he can craft each individual attack to kill the most possible enemies, which of course then also heals him!
Stinkeye (Unchained)
Stinkeye, as befits his nature as a huge monster, has decent health, and quite excellent resistance to damage. It can be hard to beat him down. His special ability is used to mimic his ability in the online game to plant totems. Basically he can “plant” 1 skull in a tile per turn. Later, when he is in the same tile with one or more planted skulls, he can add 1 attack die per skull, after which he has to discard only one of the skulls. So he can use this to either discard a single skull for 1 die, or he can plan ahead, laying down dice multiple turns in a row to get a better deal. For example, if he spends 3 turns planting skulls, then when he finally attacks, he’ll add 3 dice, but only discard one skull. Then he can attack again next turn, for 2 bonus dice, discarding another, and so forth. In effect, by planning ahead, he got 2 bonus dice per skull.
His Super is fantastically good, because it lets him get The Perfect Roll, in which every die is absolutely what he needs. If he can combine this with his skull “totems” he can really wreak disaster on the enemy. His weapons wield arcane damage, which is not always useful, but his other abilities mean he has the potential to be deadly in any situation.
The Story of the Heroes
So far we have unlocked four new Order heroes, and four new Unchained heroes. That’s a total of 16 heroes between the two games, and we have more on the way! I want to explain how these fit into the game’s retail future. All new heroes, including those yet to be unlocked, will be included absolutely free in their respective pledges. If you are a Order Minion backer, you get the four core Order heroes, plus the four new unlocked Order heroes for no extra charge (plus new Order heroes as they unlock). If you made a Hero pledge, you get ALL the unlocked heroes.
Eventually, we expect this game to make its way to the retail shelves. When it does, these extra heroes are going to be included in one or two Hero Pack expansions, which will go for some yet-to-be-determined price - basically $7.50 per hero included. But you, as a backer, are getting them for free, as our thanks for your support.
New rules on the way
A new, more complete, version of the rules will be up soon. Please be aware it has not undergone final editing nor illustration yet, but it does have (for instance) diagrams of the maps, and an improved turn sequence.
New game playthrough on the way
A new game playthrough, using the finalized new rules (and our prototype) is going up soon. Watch for it!
Kobold King’s ultimate weapon upgrade. Does decent damage and makes him the fastest guy in the game!
Kobold King’s ultimate weapon upgrade. Does decent damage and makes him the fastest guy in the game!
Sorceress’s ultimate weapon. In addition to its normal damage dice, it gives her a free Wild result!
Sorceress’s ultimate weapon. In addition to its normal damage dice, it gives her a free Wild result!
The L’il Alchemy Kit - turns ALL of your results into Swords, and can be used AFTER you roll! It is a one-use item, but that single use typically more than pays for itself.
The L’il Alchemy Kit - turns ALL of your results into Swords, and can be used AFTER you roll! It is a one-use item, but that single use typically more than pays for itself.
The Half-Pounder, probably the best of the 2nd Onslaught traps. Delivers 2 Wilds to any enemy in its room, which will kill most minions and remains useful even up into the 3rd Onslaught.
The Half-Pounder, probably the best of the 2nd Onslaught traps. Delivers 2 Wilds to any enemy in its room, which will kill most minions and remains useful even up into the 3rd Onslaught.
prochain palier 115k
Il est tres fun à jouer l’Ancetre (même si j’ai perdu cette partie la)