[Aramini Circus]
Voici LE jeu de cartes qui manquait à ta ludo !

Pas de quoi chanter la traviata ? n’empêche que Rahdo, Geek Dad et Vicking undead semblent reconnaitre que ce jeu de cartes à du potentiel, et pas qu’un peu ! ( cf reviews sur la page du KS).
Le Pitch / gameplay:
In Yardmaster, 2-4 players compete to build trains comprised of railcars of different goods and values. However, players are restricted in connecting railcars of only the same value or good type, so if you grab a railcar you can’t use, it needs to wait in your sorting yard until it can legitimately hook up to your train.
Players start with three cargo cards in hand, and three railcar cards are laid out on the table. Each player has one exchange token in one of the four colors, and whoever is to the right of the start player has a Yardmaster token. On a turn, a player takes two actions, repeating an action if desired; whoever holds the Yardmaster token takes a third action on her turn, then passes this token to the right. Players can:
Draw a cargo card from the deck or (in most cases) from the top of the discard pile.
Buy a railcar by discarding 1-4 cargo cards of the same color as the railcar, with the number determined by that railcar’s value.
Swap your exchange token for another one; you can discard two cargo cards matching the color of your token to represent one cargo card of the proper color when buying a railcar.
Eight cargo cards provide bonus actions during play, such as drawing extra cargo cards or paying less cargo to purchase a railcar. The player to reach 16-18 points first wins.
A noter que c’est 18 dollars ( soit environ 13 €) / copie pour 4 copies avec fdp inclus en europe, et que la version print and play est dispo.
Alors, qui se joint ? hum ?
Edition: Jeu financé, y a plus qu’à débloquer les jolis tokens en bois d’arbre